Panicked Idols In Play- Ep 3

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Okupa Tribe

Marion Tribe

After Vicki was voted out of the Okupa tribe, the tribe members get back to camp and Kayla begins to search for an idol with the clue she discovered at the last immunity challenge.

Ben: Welp guys I guess we got a little too confident.
Kayla: I don't wanna go to tribal again, uggghhh.

Ben, Bridget, and Rocco discuss the vote tonight.
Ben: So we're still set on Billie right?
Rocco: As for now, yes.
Bridget: Actually I think Kayla should go next, she's a good swimmer and all but I saw her searching for an idol earlier.
Rocco: Oh goodness.
Ben: You know we should bring Billie into our alliance and then vote out Kayla.
Bridget: What about Aaron and Heath, they're both somewhat competent and agile?
Rocco: Maybe bring in Aaron and Heath instead of Billie.
Ben: Great idea man, then we can get rid of Kayla while also getting rid of a potential idol.

Ben, Bridget, and Rocco approach Aaron and Heath to join their alliance.
Rocco: Hey guys, can we talk to you for a minute?
Heath: Um yeah sure.
Ben: Alright so I'm gonna get straight to it, we want to make an alliance.
Aaron: I'd be up for it.
Heath: Yeah same me too.
Bridget: Ok so the plan is to get rid of Kayla because I had seen her searching for an idol.
Aaron: How do you know she was looking for an idol?
Bridget: She was reading a piece of paper then she started looking under rocks and in trees, so I think it's pretty obvious.
Ben: Oh yeah then she's gotta go.
Bridget: Now all we've gotta do is convince Kayla that we're all still voting Billie so she won't play the idol if she even has it.
Bridget, Rocco, Ben discuss a final three alliance.
Bridget: Now that we're alone, I think us three would be a perfect final three.
Ben: I agree, you guys are both cool, Bridget with your killer style, and Rocco the silent assassin.
Rocco: I'd hardly say assassin, maybe hitman.
Bridget: So you both agree?
Rocco: Yeah.
Ben: Definitely.

Jeff: Okupa arrives back at tribal council.
Jeff: So Ben, what's the tribe dynamic as of right now for Okupa?
Ben: I think the dynamic is two people on the bottom and the tribe is deciding between the both of them.
Jeff: If I may ask, who are the two people on the bottom of the tribe?
Ben: Um I think it's best if I keep that information to myself and the people that already know.
Jeff: It is time to vote, Billie, you're up.

Billie: I believe it's you tonight, if it's not then I'll be blindsided, let's just hope you didn't find that idol. (Votes for Kayla)
Bridget: I'm voting for you because I believe you are the biggest threat to my personal game. (Votes for Kayla.)
Rocco: I'm doing this because I want my core alliance at the end. (Votes for Kayla.)

Jeff: If anyone has an hidden immunity idol and would like to play it, now would be the time to do so.
No one plays an idol.
Jeff: I'll read the votes.
Jeff: First vote, Kayla.- 1 vote Kayla
Jeff: Billie.- 1 vote Billie
Jeff: Kayla.- 2 votes Kayla
Jeff: Kayla.- 3 votes Kayla
Jeff: Third person voted out of Survivor: Georgia, KAYLA, I need you to bring me your torch.

Kayla's Goodbye Message: I can't believe my luck, the day that I found an idol clue is the day I get voted out. Someone must've knew and took charge and to that person, I salute them.

Post Tribal Power Rankings- Okupa Tribe 🟠
1. Bridget 🟠
2. Ben 🟠
3. Rocco 🟠
4. Billie 🟠
5. Aaron 🟠
6. Heath 🟠

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