Broken Bonds- Ep 9

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Okupion Tribe

The castaways are at camp the next day after Heath's elimination. Everyone is shocked besides Joy, Casey, and Bridget.

The next immunity challenge comes around, Casey barely beats out Rocco in a puzzle challenge winning immunity!

The majority agree on voting out Joy for real this time.

9th Tribal
Jeff: Alright so Joy, how did it feel to almost be voted out but then to get saved by an idol?
Joy: It was incredibly nerve wracking and after I saw Casey pull out that idol. I was the happiest woman in the world.
Jeff: Billie, like Joy said last tribal. There's two extra votes up for grabs to use for a big move. Did you consider that after hearing it?
Billie: No, I definitely did not. I am loyal to my alliance and my peers. I won't be swayed to any other deals or side.
Jeff: Casey, how does it feel to have immunity tonight knowing you're not in a good position in the tribe?
Casey: It feels amazing, Jeff. If I didn't beat Rocco in that puzzle, I would've definitely been going home. Everyone thinks I'm this huge strategical threat but literally no one likes me so I'm a huge goat to take to the finale. I just think that everyone should keep that in mind.
Jeff: Alright time to vote, Casey you're up.

Casey: I'm gonna be voting for Joy because it's the only thing I can do. I am so sorry it's come to this, I wish you luck in your life. (Joy)
Rocco: You need to go before you can get inside my head. (Joy)
Bridget: Bye Joy. You honestly were kind of just Casey's lapdog throughout the entire game. You never made a move for yourself and followed whatever Casey did, you deserve to go home. (Joy)
Lauren: If you hadn't voted out Emily in the 3rd Tribal Council, we'd be allies and going forward together. But no, you decided to follow that scrawny piece of crap Casey, and now you're going home for it. (Joy)

Jeff: If anyone has a hidden immunity and would like to use it now, would be the time to do so.
No one plays an idol.
I'll read the votes.
Jeff: First vote, Joy- 1 vote Joy.
Jeff: Joy- 2 votes Joy.
Jeff: Joy- 3 votes Joy.
Jeff: Ben- 1 vote Ben.
Jeff: Joy- 4 votes Joy.
Jeff: 10th person voted out of Survivor: Georgia and the 4th member of the jury, JOY. I need you to bring me your torch.

Jeff: Joy, the tribe has spoken.

Joy leaves, the castaways begin to pack their things and exit.
Jeff: Hold on guys, sit back down.
Jeff: Tonight is a surprise double Tribal Council!
Jeff: Casey, do you want to give up immunity?
Casey: Hell no!
Jeff: I'll give you guys some time to discuss because it's happening right now.

Bridget whispers to Ben.
Bridget: Who do you want out?
Ben: Either Lauren or Austin to keep Okupa numbers up.
Bridget: I'd say Austin, he's more of a threat for immunity challenges.
Billie, Lauren, and Rocco join in.
Billie: What do we want to do?
Bridget: Austin.
Lauren: What no, he's my best friend. I can't lose him.
Rocco: Trust us on this. You'll be safe even after Austin goes.
Bridget pulls Rocco and Lauren into a convo.
Bridget: We vote out Austin tonight. Then us three are smooth sailing to the finale. How does that sound?
Rocco: I like it, I trust you both enough.
Lauren: Mhm sure, I agree.
Casey asks Ben and Billie who's the vote, they tell him Austin. Ben tells Austin that the vote is on Lauren.
Jeff: Ok you guys ready to vote?
All: Yes.
Jeff: Alright, Rocco you're up.

Rocco: Voting for you because I need to have one less problem to worry about in immunity challenges. (Austin)
Bridget: Apologies, you were a great guy. Game wise, you have to go out though. (Austin)
Austin: Don't wanna vote for you but I guess I have to you. (Lauren)
Lauren: You have to go now. I'm so sorry that I have to write your name down. You were the most honest and genuine person in this game. (Austin)

Jeff: I'll read the votes.
Jeff: First vote, Lauren- 1 vote Lauren.
Jeff: Austin- 1 vote Austin.
Jeff: Austin- 2 votes Austin.
Jeff: Austin- 3 votes Austin.
Jeff: Austin- 4 votes Austin.
Jeff: The 11th person voted out of Survivor: Georgia and the 5th member of the jury, AUSTIN. I need you to bring me your torch.

Jeff: Austin, the tribe has spoken.

Joy's Goodbye Message: I played to the best of my ability and ultimately came up short but at least I made the jury.

Austin's Goodbye Message: Sucks I was blindsided, I just hope Lauren can get to the end.

Post Tribal Power Rankings- Okupion Tribe ⚪️
1. Rocco 🟠🟠⚪️
2. Bridget 🟠🟠⚪️
3. Ben 🟠🔵⚪️
4. Billie 🟠🟠⚪️
5. Lauren 🔵🔵⚪️
6. Casey 🔵🔵⚪️

Survivor S1: GeorgiaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ