Okupa And Marion- Ep 1

18 1 0

Okupa Tribe

Marion Tribe

(The 16 players are coming in on two boats, they reach the island where the host, Jeff Probst is waiting.)
Jeff: What's up guys?!
(They all say "Whoo!")
Jeff: You guys ready to see your tribe buffs?!
All: Yeah!
(Jeff brings the basket of blue and orange buffs, distributing them among the survivors.)
Jeff: Alright guys before you reveal your color buffs, let's get to know some of you first, you what's your name?
(Jeff points at a muscular man with swooshed brown hair.)
???: I'm Austin.
Jeff: Tell us a little about yourself.
Austin: Well I'm a bodybuilder, I like shows like Love Island and Big Brother, and I'm from Dayton, Ohio.
Jeff: You what's your name?
(Jeff points at a hefty girl with ponytailed black hair.)
???: Billie.
Jeff: Tell us about yourself.
Billie: I work at the bank, I like fruit, and I'm from Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Jeff: Alright now reveal your buffs.
Everyone reveals, Joy, Austin, Gordon, Emily, Lauren, Casey, Harvey, and Aria get blue, the Marion Tribe while Vicki, Heath, Billie, Bridget, Rocco, Kayla, Ben, and Aaron get orange, the Okupa Tribe.
Jeff: Okupa and Marion, meet your new tribemates, and head to camp.
(Both the Okupa and Marion tribe make their way to camp. The Marion tribe get there and start talking about their tasks.)
Gordon: Alright tribe, let's get started on our duties!
Emily: We gotta do them sometime so why not now?
Joy: Sure what do we gotta do?
Casey: Shelter, fire, and probably fishing, there's 8 of us so maybe 3 people do shelter, 3 people do fishing, and 2 people make fire.
Lauren: I'm fine with making fire.
Emily: Me too, I'll help her.
Austin: I'll do the shelter.
Gordon: Need more strong guys to do the shelter so I'll do it and uh Harvey too.
Harvey: Sure.
Confessional Harvey: I don't like how Gordon just nominated me to help with the shelter, I'm fine with helping but I wish I would have had some say in it.
Casey: I guess that leaves me and sorry what's your name?
Joy: I'm Joy.
Casey: Me, Joy, and Aria are gonna fish then.
Gordon: Alright let's get started.
(Emily and Lauren being making the fire.)
Emily: Hey I'm Emily.
Lauren: I'm Lauren.
Emily: Nice to meet you.
Lauren: Same, now how are we gonna get this fire made?
Confessional Emily: Lauren's straight to the point, I like it.
Emily: I think I we could rub some sticks together and the fire will come.
Lauren: I guess so.
(Emily and Lauren find two sticks, rub them together for about 13 minutes and fire comes up!)
Lauren: Yes we did it!
Emily: Wow, I'm surprised how easy it was.
Lauren: You're pretty cool, you know that?
Emily: Thanks you're pretty cool too.
(Casey, Joy, and Aria are fishing.)
Aria: Woah look at all the pretty fishies!
Casey: Let's just hope we can catch enough for everyone.
Joy: Cheer up boy, I'm sure we'll get enough for everyone!
Aria: Yeah we're smart and strong enough!
Casey: Why didn't Gordon want me to help with the shelter then?
Joy: It's not because you're not strong, it's because he trusts you to get lots of fish for us!
Casey: Thanks Joy...
Confessional Casey: It's obvious Joy is lying to make me feel better but it's cool.
(The Marion tribe get all their tasks done before the first challenge. The Okupa tribe begin their tasks.)
Kayla: You guys wanna get started on everything?
Billie: Yes we should before the challenge.
Rocco: Sure, I'll go fishing.
Bridget: I'll come with you.
(Rocco and Bridget head off to the lake to fish.)
Confessional Rocco: I honestly wanted to go fishing alone but Bridget is really cute so I'll have someone to look at haha.
Confessional Bridget: Rocco looks pretty athletic so I went with him to try and make him my ally.
(The rest of the Okupa tribe continue to do their tasks. Ben, Billie, and Vicki build the shelter while Kayla, Aaron, and Heath make fire. Rocco and Bridget talk after catching 15 fish.)
Bridget: So what's your name?
Rocco: Rocco.
(That's all the athletic young man said.)
Bridget: You don't seem very social or talkative.
Rocco: Nah I'm more of an introvert.
Bridget: Well that's definitely not gonna come in handy in this game.
Rocco: I'll try to find a way around it.
Bridget: How about I help you come out of your shell?
Rocco: Sure I guess.
Bridget: Let's go get these fish back to the others.
(Rocco and Bridget return to camp with the large amount of fish.)
Kayla: They're back!
Ben: You guys caught so much fish, good job!
Bridget: It was all Rocco, he was like a warrior out there!
Rocco: Uh yeah I guess...
Confessional Rocco: I really appreciate Bridget trying to help me be more socially adapt, it's a nice gesture.
Aaron: Honestly we're gonna need to fuel up before the challenge so let's begin.
Heath: Good idea.
(The Okupa tribe stuff their faces with fish, the challenge comes around.)
Jeff: Come on in guys!
(The Okupa and Marion tribes enter the challenge field. The challenge is begin explained by Jeff which is kind of a soccer type challenge, each tribe will pick three people to play each round. The three players will try to score a goal in the opposing tribe's goal. To win the round, you only need to make one.)
(The Okupa tribe get reward of fire in the form of flint and immunity by winning the challenge. The Marion return to camp before their tribal council.)
Gordon: Alright listen up people, I was in the army 3 years ago so I have experienced with coming up short. We may have lost the battle today but we will retaliate and come back with a win for the next challenge.
Harvey: Thanks for the pep talk, Gordon.
Confessional Harvey: I honestly like Gordon but I don't think giving us a pep talk like that is gonna help anything.
Casey: Joy, can we talk for a quick second?
Joy: Sure Casey.
(Casey and Joy go to the waterwell to talk.)
Casey: So Joy I wanted to talk to you about the vote tonight.
Joy: You mean who am I thinking about voting?
Casey: Pretty much yeah, I'm thinking either Gordon or Aria.
Joy: Aw I love that sweet girl Aria...
Casey: So you're leaning more towards Gordon then?
Joy: Well I think we'd need him more for challenges.
Casey: Honestly I think Gordon's more important for the tribe.
Joy: Agreed.
(Casey, Joy, Austin, Emily, Lauren, and Harvey decide between Gordon and Aria.)
Austin: I think Aria should go.
Lauren: Gordon is much more useful for the tribe but he acts so much like a drill sergeant.
Harvey: Well he was in the army.
Emily: Yeah he says that enough for it to stick with you.
Casey: The smart decision here is keeping Gordon over Aria.
Joy: So Aria's going tonight?
Austin: I guess so.

Jeff: So Austin, how has the dynamic around camp been?
Austin: It's been a little wild because of Gordon.
Jeff: What exactly has Gordon done to make it wild around camp?
Austin: Honestly when we lost the challenge, he gave a pep talk that didn't help anything.
Gordon: I thought my pep talk was inspiring and encouraging, I'll try not to give them anymore.
Jeff: Alright Emily, do you think there is a clear target tonight?
Emily: Um yes, I do believe there is a clear target.
Jeff: Alright let's get to the vote, Casey you're up first.

Casey: No hard feelings but you don't benefit much to the tribe. (Votes for Aria.)
Lauren: Sorry girl, he'll be going next time. (Votes for Aria.)
Gordon: You gotta go, it's a game so don't take it personal. (Votes for Aria.)

Jeff: If anyone has a hidden immunity idol and would like to use it, now would be the time to do so.
No one plays an idol.
Jeff: I'll read the votes.
Jeff: First vote, Aria.- 1 vote Aria
Jeff: Second vote, Aria.- 2 votes Aria
Jeff: Third vote, Gordon.- 1 vote Gordon
Jeff: Fourth vote, Aria.- 3 votes Aria
Jeff: Fifth vote, Aria.- 4 votes Aria
Jeff: The first person voted out of Survivor Georgia, ARIA, please bring me your torch.

The tribes have been made, the shelter, fire and fish have been taken care of! Okupa beats Marion in the first reward and immunity challenge earning themself safety. Rocco and Bridget got more acquainted with each other, Emily and Lauren got closer, and Gordon gave a pep talk to his tribe! The Marion tribe went to their first tribal council and voted out Aria!

Post Tribal Power Rankings- Marion Tribe 🔵
1. Casey: In a very good position, no one brought up his name for tribal council.
2. Joy: Seems to be getting close to the #1 spot holder Casey.
3. Lauren: Great at making relationships, namely with Emily.
4. Emily: Voted for Aria so no reason to target her.
5. Harvey: Potential ally of Gordon which may put him on the outs.
6. Austin: Hasn't been noticeable too much yet.
7. Gordon: No one likes him right now. His "motivational" speeches only make things more annoying.

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