Felix sniffles but before he could speak he gets jumped scared by the sound of a gunshot not to far from them. He quickly ran to Minho to hide behind him.

"For a vampire yourself you get scared easily." Minho chuckled remembering countless of times the younger got scared. "It's okay though, I'll go investigate you stay here." He tried to ease the younger before detaching Felix off of him.

"No! Someone has a gun out there! I told you how my brother went missing. I was knocked to the floor then once I heard a gun shot he was gone." Felix had tears in his eyes.

"Don't worry, guns can't kill vampires. But if it makes you feel better then stay behind me." Minho had learned the hard way.

Felix nodded, holding onto Minho's shirt for dear life.

They slowly approached the scene, the two noticing a human with a rifle. The human had his aim down at a man who was held down to the floor by his foot.

The man despite being already shot continued to squirm in the humans grasp.

"Gah!" The man growled in agony from his head being stepped on.

"Cha—!." Minho quickly covered Felix's mouth, hiding behind the trees.

Felix got Minho's hand off his mouth.

"That's Chan! My big brother! Please he needs our help!" Felix tried to keep his voice down by whisper yelling.

"Something tells me we shouldn't interfere." Minho continues to keep an eye at the scene, sensing something about to happen.

Just as Minho expected he watched Felix's older brother grab all the strength he has and pushes the human off and his body slamming into a tree.

Chan got up from the ground, brushing himself off and cracking his neck.

"I dare you try to kill me. Look what had happened to all your friends who tried to kill me." Chan picks the man up off the ground and faces him towards the cloud of smoke in the sky.

The smoke of a burning building not to far from them.

"You're a monster who should belong in hell!" The man shouted as he raised his gun with the strength he had left.

"I guess I'll see you in hell then." Chan grabbed the gun before shots were fired and gave payback.

Chan shot the man twice, instantly the man died.

"Chan!!!" Felix came running to his older brother with tears streaming down his cheek and open arms.

"Felix?" Chan heard the familiar cries and turns around to see his little brother. "Felix!" Chan rushed to the little freckled boy, pulling him straight into his embrace.

"These past months I wouldn't stop looking for you! I knew you weren't dead!" Felix continued to cry in Chan's arms, tightening his grip.

"I was worried to what happened to you while I was captured. I'm so glad you're okay." Chan pulled away to get a good look at his brother's face, wiping his tears.

"Y—You're not okay, you were shot!" Felix cried even more.

"I'm okay, I promise." Chan tried to ease the boy who he was so grateful he was still alive. "How did you manage to get here either way?" Chan asked while he wiped more tears off his freckled cheeks.

"I met someone who seems to be around your age, he took care of me and everything. Minho! Come here and meet Chan!" Felix shouts out to the older, happy for the two to finally meet.

Minho heavily sighed as he watched the family reunion from a far.

He comes out from behind the trees and heads towards the two.

"Thank you. Thank you for keeping my brother safe. Is there anyway to repay you?" Chan who was older than Minho bowed in gratitude.

"Don't bother, I don't need anything in return. I'm just glad to see two brothers reunite again." Minho gave a sad smile. "I should get going now since my goal was achieved." He turned around and walked away, going to miss the little boy by his side.

"Chan? Can he live with us? He has no home, and he's very lonely." Felix looked up to his brother with pleading eyes, not wanting to say goodbye to the one who took care of him when his biological brother couldn't.

Chan looked at the man who took care of his brother then back at Felix.

He grabbed Felix's small hands and ran up to Minho, catching him off guard.

"You're not getting rid of me that easily." Felix giggled as he looked up at Minho who now smiled warmly.


A/n: I swear Minsung loud tho like wtf.

Double update!!!

Hope y'all stay safe and healthy and have a great day!!!

Gone Away || MinsungTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon