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noun ~ an open space in a forest

I had been lost in drunk land, happily coasting through the events of my evening. I was drinking, having fun with my friends and getting to know my mate. It was the perfect evening.

But something felt wrong. Something, someone, was watching and it caused the hairs on my neck to stand on end. I lifted my head from Phoenix's shoulder to look around, confused as to where the strange feeling came from. Nothing stood out to me, so I dropped my heavy head back onto my mate's neck and placed kisses on his skin. He grumbled in approval, stretching his neck so I could travel my lips higher.

I snuggled into him, enjoying the deep baritone of his voice as it lulled me to sleep. He had moved me to his front, carrying me into the house. I dully registered him placing me on the toilet for a few minutes before I was carried into bed, my shoes and trousers discarded somewhere in the room. Once I was settled down in the comfort of our sheets, I slipped away into sleep.

It all started peaceful, so content as I slept. I had been dreaming about my evening around the bonfire when I was startled away by someone calling my name. I had left the bonfire instead of staying, much to the displeasure of my mate. The eery feeling didn't leave me until I stepped foot within the trees. I looked back to see Phoenix watching me, and he understood my question easily. He nodded his head and I took the opportunity to shift into my fur and scratch at the itch deep within me.


I ran through the forest, the wind in my fur. The moon shone high in the sky, vibrant against the darkness of the night. I came to stop on the top of the hill Phoenix often brings me to watch the sun go down. I evened out my breathing, calming my heart as I watched the stars shine in the sky. The faint chirping of critters and rustling of leaves was soothing as the nocturnal animals divulged their hunt.

A louder snap of twigs caught my attention, the rustle of leaves showing signs of heavier paws. I froze, sniffing quietly to try and pinpoint what animal was coming. A low grumble left my lips when I found it to be a wolf and the intruder released one of their own. Dark brown almost black eyes blinked back at me, the silvering white fur a contrast of the night.

It was a male, tall and slender but I could feel its power lurking beneath its skin. It came to a stop, its head and chest stood through the bushes, its rear is still hidden. He cocked his head at me and I bared my teeth at him in return. I did not know this wolf.

He lowered into a sit, before slowly bowing his head, showing he was not a threat. I raised my head, observing him some more. He was not a rogue, that I was sure of, but he was not a pack wolf. He was...strange.

I raised onto all fours and slowly approached. I stopped a few feet away, my snout reaching to get as much of a smell of him as I could. His eyes seemed almost amused as he watched, waiting for me to scrutinise him. Not understanding his essence, I raised my head in curiosity. Celimene was unsure, but she told me to not attack.

He lowered his head slightly before tilting it in a gesture behind him. I nodded gently as he turned around and began to lead me into the forest. Our furs were a large contrast, his shone like a full moon, speckles of grey amongst the white. He was only slightly taller than me, similar in build. I followed him for a while, strolling amongst the wildlife that quietened as we passed. I was itching to know who he was, where we were going and whether to trust him or not.

I had to be patient.

Eventually, we came to a small stream and a strange sensation overcame me. My fur bristled, standing on edge as I stepped closer to the bank. I walked along its length until I could see through the trees, and when I did I froze in my footsteps. It was the clearing from my nightmares, the one where my mother died. I turned to look at the white wolf with questions but saw him already on the other side of the river.

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