9. Confidants

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"She's dating a cop!" Kol announced to his sister over the phone.

"Who? What?" Rebekah stepped into the bathroom of her hotel room, turning on the sink to avoid her brother's prying ears. "What are you going on about?"

"Elena." Rebekah rolled her eyes. Kol's fixation on Elena had surprised her. She thought it was fueled by his desperation for Bonnie but he hadn't stopped even though the two friends hadn't been seen together in months.

"I thought you said she was seeing a doctor?" Kol rolled his eyes at his sister.

"That guy is old news. Apparently, this cop she's seeing was her first boyfriend."

"Kol you need to let this go." Rebekah insisted.

"Like you've dropped your relentless goose chase for our brother."

"It's not the same and you know it."

"Y'know before Elijah went AWOL, you were much more fun." Kol groaned before hanging up on the blonde buzzkill he called sister. He flipped through the article on his phone about "Elena Gilbert's new muse".

"Could this be the inspiration for her next book?"

"Who is this mystery man?"

Kol scrolled through pictures of them on the street. A picture of them holding hands as they pushed through the paparazzi. Another showcased them much too close for comfort, tangled in each other's arms. A third was them standing together outside of what was presumably his giant mansion. They were standing close, faces inches apart with their arms around each other. It made him sick to his stomach.

He and his brothers were heartbroken and here she was being swept off her feet by some hero type. He hated her for the way she and her friends manipulated his family. He tossed his phone on his bed, tired of looking at the smiling face of the woman he hated.

"Kol!" He jumped at the sound of Camille's voice. He met her near the front door.

"What are you doing here?" He questioned, crossing his arms.

"Since Rebekah is on Klaus duty, it's my job to keep an eye on you."

"I don't need a babysitter."

"No, but you could use a friend. And a drink, on me. Come on."

"You realize I can afford to buy any bar in the city, I can pay for my own drinks." Cami rolled her eyes at him.

"Are you coming or not?" He looked down at his t-shirt and jeans and shrugged, grabbing a jacket off the hook.

"Not like I have anything better to do." He shrugged.

"I can see why you're so popular with the ladies." Cami quipped as he followed her out to her car.

"I could always show you," He leaned against her car, flashing her a charming smirk. "I'm sure you must be lonely without my dear brother. I can keep you company." Camille laughed, startling him.

"We both know you wouldn't do that to your brother and neither would I." Kol slid into the passenger's seat of her car.

"You don't know anything about me." He scoffed as she started the car and pulled away from his place.

"Oh really?" He kept his gaze on her, challenging her to prove him wrong. "You've never had to work a day in your life and yet all the money in the world won't satisfy you because despite your playboy ways you are a total romantic." Kol tensed as Cami analyzed him. "Despite me being around for months this is the first time you've made a move on me which means something happened. I'm guessing it has something to do with that girl you had lunch with."

"How did you know about that?" Kol snapped defensively.

"Sophie overheard you on the phone at Rousseau's." Kol narrowed his eyes at the blonde. "So who was she?"

"My ex-girlfriend."

"Bonnie? she's back in New Orleans?" Kol's heart ached at the mention of his most recent girlfriend.

"No. My first girlfriend, Davina."

"Oh." Camille parked along the street in front of Rousseau's. Kol held the door open and Camille smiled to herself. The pretentious playboy could be a gentleman when he wanted to. They sat down at a table and she ordered them drinks. "So tell me about Davina."

Bonnie hoisted her bag into the overhead compartment. She always refused to let them help her, determined to avoid the smug look on Damon's face as much as possible. She slid into her seat by the window and waited for Kai to take his place beside her. She stared out the window at the runway they would soon be leaving. She felt an arm brush against her and turned, surprised to be faced with Damon.

"Where's Kai?" Bonnie questioned as Damon got comfortable beside her.

"He wanted to switch. You're stuck with me Bon." Damon grinned in a way that let her know she was about to spend almost 11 hours in Hell.

"Why did he want to switch?" She wondered, trying not to let the man beside her sense her disappointment. She was pretty sure she knew the reason. He had barely spoken to her since she kissed him. She hadn't told Damon about their moment but she wasn't sure if Kai had mentioned it to their travel companion.

"Said you smell bad," Damon shrugged. Bonnie glared, whacking his head with the book she intended to read on the flight. "Apparently he has stuff to do before we get to Virginia."

"And he couldn't do that next to me?" Bonnie mumbled, a little annoyed that she would have to deal with Damon's incessant talking on her formerly peaceful flight. Then again Kai was not much better.

"When are you going to tell him?" Damon questioned nonchalantly.

"What?" Bonnie looked up, eyes wide.

"When are you going to tell Kai that you love him?"

"I don't love him." Bonnie protested, almost offended by the implication.

"Maybe not love but I bet you want to fu-"

"Shut up." She snapped, turning to the window in case he noticed the blood rush to her cheeks.

"He likes you, Bon." Damon insisted. She looked back at Damon and could see his sincerity. She bit her lip, feeling guilty. "I can tell you like him too."

Bonnie couldn't picture herself moving on after what happened with Kol. She didn't think she deserved to.

"What if that's not enough?"

"Best case scenario? You fall madly in love and stay together forever. Worst case scenario? You try things out and it's terrible and you never see him again. What's the harm?" Bonnie fidgeted with her hands. "I think your best bet is just to grab sociopathic Ryan Reynolds and take him to the bathroom to join the mile-high club." Bonnie cringed at the thought of taking sex advice from Damon Salvatore.

"I'm going to pretend you didn't just say that to me." She groaned. "Do you think you'd be able to convince him to switch back?"

"Nope. But there'll we be plenty of time on the bus to Mystic Falls." Damon grinned smugly leaning back in his seat, letting her know he wasn't going anywhere. Bonnie flipped open her book in an attempt to ignore him. He stared at the side of her head, trying to steal her attention without saying a word.

"What?" She nearly yelled after 3 pages of his relentless staring.

"Want to play a game?"

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