22. How Does That Make You Feel?

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Elijah sat across from Antionette at a fancy restaurant. She was still having trouble adjusting to his lifestyle so he thought they would take it slow. 

"You look beautiful." He smiled reaching for her hand across the table. 

"Thank you. Your sister had new clothes sent over so I wouldn't feel out of place...Can't say it was overly effective." She glanced down at their hands, her new ring sparkling in the candlelight. 

"I know this is a big change and I'm sorry to have sprung it on you so abruptly. I think if you give New Orleans a chance you might like it." 

"I want to like it here, I do. I'm just a bit homesick." She gave him a small smile. "Plus I don't know if it's what I've heard about the US but I keep getting this feeling like I'm being watched." 

"You are the most beautiful woman in New Orleans. I'm sure people are just struggling to keep their eyes off of you." He released her hand and cupped her cheek. While he didn't want her to worry, he knew exactly why she was being watched and it wasn't because of her beauty. 

After dinner, Elijah dropped Antoinette off at his place before going to see his brother. He stormed into Klaus's, not bothering to keep his temper in check. Klaus turned from his place on the couch with Camille.

"You had her followed?" Elijah yelled at his brother. Klaus stood up, separating himself from Cami as he prepared for his brother's wrath. 

"Of course I did! It hasn't even been a year and you're engaged again!" 

"Antoinette didn't even know about my money until you waltzed in and dragged us here." Elijah spat. 

"So you say but how can you know for sure?" He argued.

"I trust her." 

"You trusted Elena." Klaus shot back. Elijah's fist clenched and Klaus half-expected his brother to hit him. "Even after you were fooled by Katerina." 

"Klaus," Cami spoke softly from behind him. He knew she was trying to stop him from saying something he would regret. 

"I will not apologize for protecting my brother," Klaus said sternly. 

"Let's not forget I was not the only one fooled. Did you have Camille followed when you two got together?" 

"No, because-"

"Because you trust her?" Elijah taunted. 

"Because I didn't feel the need to give her a ring after a few months." Klaus scoffed. Cami stood up and walked closer to the brothers.

"Maybe I should go." She offered. 

"No, Elijah should go." 

"Call off your dogs, Niklaus. If I find out someone is still following her we will be on a plane to France within the hour." Elijah left, still angry, slamming the door behind him.

"You seriously hired a private eye to stalk your brother's fiance?" Cami asked in mild disbelief.

"It is unlike Elijah to be this careless when it comes to protecting this family. After everything we just went through-"

"I understand but you have to know that is a huge violation of their privacy." 

"Somethings are more important."  Klaus protested but Cami shook her head.

"Your brother is trying to move on from what happened. You need to let him. And if he gets hurt again, you can be there to pick up the pieces." Klaus pulled her into a hug and kissed her forehead before pulling out his phone.

"She's clear. Thanks for your help." He hung up as quickly as he had called. "Thanks." 

"For what?" She laughed lightly as he wrapped his arms around her. 

"For everything." She rolled her eyes at him but was unable to keep the smile from her lips. 

"You again?" Camille placed a glass on the counter in front of him. She poured bourbon into it and he smiled at her gratefully. "Every night for two weeks might be a new record." She chuckled as he sipped the drink. 

"Would you like to take my picture for your wall?" He teased. He downed his drink and waited for her to refill it. 

"So why don't you tell me what happened?" Klaus tensed at the mere thought of what had gone wrong in his life. "My guess is a girl."  

"I'm not one to tell my problems to a stranger." 

"Well, I've seen you every day for two weeks, I'd hardly call us strangers." She pointed out. "I'm a bartender and psychology student who comes from a family of priests. I know how to keep a secret. You clearly need someone to talk to." 

"Sometimes you think you can trust someone and then they prove you wrong."  Klaus snapped at her.

"So there was a girl."  He glared at her as someone waved her over. She filled their drink before returning to Klaus. "I'm not refilling that glass until you tell me what's wrong with you." 

"Then I will call your employer and have you removed from this establishment." He threatened but she shook her head. 

"No, you won't. Because deep down you know I'm right and you've been here at the bar every day because you have a feeling you can trust me. You just aren't ready because you've been hurt in the past and you're scared if you do trust me I will betray you like she did."  Klaus shifted uncomfortably. "My shift is over in a half hour, you should let me buy you a drink."

"You want to buy me a drink?" Klaus stared at her, trying to figure it out.

"Well you see, I've recently come into quite the fortune. A couple of weeks ago this one customer tipped me like 100 bucks."  She teased lightly and Klaus smiled to himself. "Ooh, a smile. Looks like we're breaking all sorts of records"

"Why are you doing this?"

"You clearly need someone to talk to. And I need the practice." She shrugged. Klaus still seemed skeptical but he decided to trust her, little by little. After her shift, Cami sat at the bar with Klaus. 

"It all started at a gallery opening..."

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