7. Blonde Deception

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Rebekah called Cami as she stood in the airport, waiting for her brother to land.

"How did you manage to get him on the plane?" Rebekah asked her.

"He thinks he's going down there for a business dinner with Vincent Griffith." Camille chuckled, running a hand through her hair.

"Oooo sneaky. I like it."

"You sound like Kol."

"You take that back!" Rebekah gasped.

"Are you taking him to see Elijah?"

"No. If we don't approach Elijah with tact he'll just go running again. And as you know, tact is not exactly Nik's specialty." Rebekah caught sight of Klaus coming through the gate. "I have to go. I'll let you know how it goes."

Rebekah walked toward the gate with a sign reading Mr. Mikaelson. Klaus didn't see her at first but when he did Rebekah couldn't tell if he was going to hug her or scream at her. She dropped the sign and approached him.

"Mr. Griffith, you're looking surprisingly blonde today." Klaus glared at his sister before giving in and pulling her into a hug.

"It's good to see you, Nik." Rebekah led him to the car and they got in the back. She told her driver a location and they headed out.

"Where are you taking me?" Klaus asked looking ready to jump out of the moving vehicle at any moment.

"Relax. I'm taking you to drop off your bags at my hotel." Rebekah rolled her eyes.

"Well excuse me for doubting your intentions after you tricked me into meeting you here," Klaus grumbled. The driver parked in front of Rebekah's hotel and the pair got out. "Did you get me my own room or are we going to have a slumber party like teen girls."

"Keep up that attitude and I'll make you sleep in the bathtub." She snapped. He tossed his suitcase on the bed.

"Can whatever lecture you plan to give me wait until the morning? I am rather jetlagged and the lies have exhausted me." He glared at her but Rebekah scoffed.

"You had plans for dinner, I think you can spare a few hours of your time now that those plans have fallen through." She stared at him in a way that let him know she wasn't taking no for an answer. He begrudgingly followed her to the car that was waiting outside. The siblings headed to a restaurant that Rebekah had grown rather fond of since she had been in Manosque. Rebekah and Klaus sat across from each other, catching up on the time they had missed the tension fading as they enjoyed being in each other's company.

"So, was this your brilliant idea or Camille's?" Klaus asked as Rebekah twirled the straw around in her drink.

"Would you believe me if I said it was a team effort?" Rebekah questioned earning a look from her brother. "She was worried about you." Klaus tensed, rolling his eyes at her. "I am too."

"I'm not the sibling you should be worrying about, Rebekah." Klaus insisted, crossing his arms.

"Nik, you know how much I worry about Elijah. But without him here to worry about you, someone has to."

"I don't need your pity." Klaus spat.

"It's not pity. It's concern."

"Why am I here Rebekah?"

"I just told you Cami was-"

"Why am I here? You could have come home. Or even called. And why you?"

"You know why." Rebekah frowned. Elijah was the one who was there for them. He was the one who knew how to be there for his family. Klaus had taken over Elijah's role at work but it was Rebekah who was filling his position in their family.

"I do." He sighed. "But that does not explain why you had to trick me into flying halfway across the world. What is so important about France that you felt the need to uproot my life in an attempt to help me?" Rebekah could tell he was bitter about being tricked. She worried for Camille upon his return.

"I want to show you something." Rebekah got up and left the restaurant, leaving money behind to cover the meal she had ordered.

Klaus tensed but chased after her."Where are you dragging me now?" He questioned as he slipped into the car behind her.

"To a bar." She shrugged.

"Finally, something I can get behind." Rebekah rolled her eyes at her brother's enthusiasm. She led him inside and sat him in the back of the room, hidden from the public eye.

"I'll grab us some drinks. Do us both a favour and stay here." She insisted, going to retrieve their usual orders.

Klaus sat alone at their table, dialling Camille's number.

"Hello?" She answered after the second ring.

"I want your stuff out of my apartment by the time I get back."

"Hello to you too. How's Rebekah?"

"You had no right."

"I just want what's best for you."

"And what makes you think you get to decide what that is?"

"Spend time with your sister, I'll see you when you get home."

"Camille-" The blonde hung up before he could scold her further and Klaus nearly crushed his phone as he clenched his fist around it. Rebekah placed a scotch in front of him.

"Go easy on her." Rebekah requested, sipping her drink.

"What are we doing here?" The bar looked fairly run down in comparison to the bars he knew his sister frequented and it was hard for Klaus to imagine this place being her first choice in all of France.

"They have good music." She knew it was risky but she had to try something to get beneath her brother's anger.

"Their scotch is subpar." he retorted. "I'm sure the liquor at the hotel would have been better."

"Could you just trust me? For once?" Klaus's response was cut off by the sound of a piano floating around the space. Klaus immediately recognized the melody, furrowing his brows as he tried to place it. He scanned the room for the source of the music. His eyes landed on the culprit and for a moment it felt like time stopped.


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