Travelling.. Again

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Andy we gotta back! ATV HQ is in Miami (pretend) !
What! She yelled
Let's go!
Seriously we just got back from Texas and now were travelling from LA To Miami..
I guess so!
I was in my room packing until I realized it was 2:38AM I should probably go to sleep.. Wait..
Tomorrow's my birthday.. Were having party.. The next day we have to catch a plane at 6:00AM.. This isn't gonna work..
I flopped into bed and fell asleep instantly.
I woke up to the sound of Andrea singing.
I got up an walked into the living room.
Happy Birthday Bitch!
Ew I'm legit 25..
Bitch I'm 26 so you can't complain yet. She responded.
I laughed and scrolled through twitter.
Latest trend..
I looked around at some b-day wishes and tweeted back to some.
'Thanks for all the birthday wishes! Xo'
I logged off twitter and watched Netflix for a bit.
After about an hour or 2 Andrea walked in.
She hooked her phone up to the tv and went on vine.
What the hell are you doing? I asked
You're gonna watch your happy birthday videos.
I groaned as she turned them on the Tv.
First one was from JennXPenn
Second one was from ThatsoJack
Third one was from Andrea
And the fourth one was from Jc and Lia Marie Johnson...
A few more came on and then soon enough it was over.
Hey, do u think Lia And Jc are dating?
Nah.. Yes... Andrea sighed
Ugh.. What if they come to the party?
If they come Kian comes...
Andreas head shot up.

Begin AgainOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora