8. Will Time Heal All?

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You spent the rest of your day on FaceTime with the band trying to fine tune the songs. Semi had offered for everyone to go to his place, but then Reon came home, and no one wanted to push their luck.
Semi was an egotistical prick when people came between him and Reon, you'd seen the worst of it during your last year of high school together, so you were more than glad to remain at a distance.

A text came through around 7:30 from Bokuto, it mentioned something about him being on his way home and he hoped that you hadn't made dinner yet. You responded quickly, eager to hear from him.


Pretty Owl Boy

Hey love! I'm omw home. I hope u haven't eaten!

Hey Bo, no I haven't eaten. Can't wait to see you.

I missed you today.

Agh my heart...
I missed you too.



You were in a better mood now than you had been this morning. Not perfect, but better. You were anxious to see Bokuto, this promise that he'd made you had sent your mind reeling with the possibilities all day long.

A trend that you noticed when times were tough, was that your mind would often go back through your past and nit-pick your every action.

It was tiring but you weren't sure of how to control it. Things that had never embarrassed you now made you cringe at the smallest thought of them.

You'd always been told that time would heal all, but it didn't seem to make sense. How could time heal memories that never aged. It was a pathetic phrase made to help those who had lost all hope.
Time cannot possibly heal all, you learn to heal yourself. Bit by bit you build yourself back up slowly, you learn to love your flaws and learn to love yourself properly.

Bokuto's keys being thrown onto the bench and his excited yell brought you out of your mind. "Y/n! I'm home!" You smiled and ran to him, throwing your arms around him.

He engulfed you in a warm hug breathing in your scent. His strong arms holding you against him. The two of you fit together like perfect puzzle pieces, two halves of one soul.

"I love you pretty boy." He whispered into your ear, throwing you off. You loosened your grip around his shoulders and brought your hands up to cup his face. "You've never said that before."

He looked at you as if he was drinking you in, truly admiring every part of you, he looked at you as if you were the only stable thing in this universe. "I love you." He repeated proud of the way you grinned hearing his words. "I've always loved you." You replied seeing the way his eyes softened "I think I will always be in love with you. And with the time your eyes first met mine." Every word that spilled from your mouth felt right, you didn't have to think about it. You never had to think too hard about your love for him.

Although you'd battled with your harrowing emotions for one day you were aware that one bad day was not the end all be all. You had Bokuto now to hold your hand and walk with you through the darkest depths of your mind. Things would not always be easy, that's the thing with minds such as yours. Despite the brilliance of your mind it always found a way to blow up in you face.
Bokuto's hand grazed your cheek his thumb and forefinger gripping your chin and turning it to him, "what have you done today love?" You sighed scratching your head. "Band stuff really Arata is set on some pretty wild stuff for our concert..." you trailed off worried that Bokuto wasn't really committed to hearing about your day, but when you looked in his eyes to find them sparkling with wonder you continued rambling.

You still had seperate apartments but Bokuto had been spending more and more time at yours, so he was able to guide you through the hallways to your bedroom. Settling down on the armchair in the corner beside the windows he pulled you into his lap. "Keep talking y/n," was all he said as he ran his hand up and down your arm, fiddling with the cuffs of your sleeves.
You smiled softly leaning your head into the crook of his neck as you continued with your rambling glad that someone was finally taking the time to listen. "Y/n?" He asked, "sorry I don't want to interrupt but if I don't say this now I'll probably forget." You nodded your understanding gazing up at his face from below his chin, "when is your concert?"

"Oh I'm not sure they haven't settled on a date yet why's that?"

"I want to make sure I'm there to see your performance." You grinned as he looked down at you pulling you into a gentle and warm kiss. "I'll figure something out for you," you whispered into the kiss allowing for him to deepen it running your hands through his hair. He tilted your chin up lips trailing down your neck, his hand pushing your collar to the side as he set about leaving hickeys across your collar bone, you groaned feeling him smile against your bare skin.
"Enjoying yourself?" He asked hand moving to run up and down your leg, "stop being a tease," you whined as he brought his lips back up to yours, "so demanding, am I not allowed to take my time?" You shook your head feeling his deep chuckle vibrate through your body, "patience is key my prince." He whispered in your ear sending your mind into orbit, you struggled with your words which only made him laugh, shoving his shoulder was all you could to defend your name.

"I seem to have struck a nerve," his husky voice sent shivers down your spine. You tumbled out of his grasp, "you're the worst," you huffed moving to sit on the bed your back facing him. He took this as an opportunity to surprise you, moving quickly you were suddenly on your back shoulders pinned down by his strong arms. Staring up at him you gulped at the hunger you saw in his gaze, "the worst?" He asked leaning closer till your faces were only inches apart. You nodded breathless unsure of what exactly had just happened, "I beg to differ," his voice tickled your lips the closer he leant eventually granting you a ravenous kiss that took your breath away.
You melted into his touch hooking a leg over his waist to pull his body down to yours, squirming until he released your shoulders so you could wrap your arms around his neck. "I presume you're feeling better?" He questioned pulling away for a brief moment to pepper your clerks with featherlight kisses, "mhm you're my personal medicine." You replied grabbing his face to bring his lips back to yours.

"I feel honoured, truly I'm touched," he joked only to tease you, "I swear you bother me deliberately." Your replied placing kisses along his jaw the stubble tickling your lips, "maybe I do. I like seeing you squirm." You swallowed pulling away to look into his eyes, searching for something you would never find. Instead you were greeted by eyes that were filled with adoration and respect. His hand slipped under your shirt thumb tracing little circles on your hip. You took a breath releasing all your worries as you allowed for this moment and him to be the only things on your mind.

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