he confesses to you:

Começar do início

One day you and Jack were about to graduate college and it was a big moment for you both. Jack was kind of well known at the time with his brothers since they were making music and they're new album at the time The Click was trending a little bit. All your friends and family were here and just almost walking on stage taking your graduation certificate was so close to bringing you to tears. Jack was going right before you so he was in front of you in line with him. He looked over behind at you and kneeled down to you starting to get caring like he always is.
"Hey.. what's going on? Are you okay?" He asks you in concern.
"I'm okay. It's just... This is a really big moment for me. And I'm not the best on being on stage with thousands of people watching." You sniffle wiping your tears away. Jack softly smiles and wipes away the rest of your tears for you. The person in front of him goes so he knows it's time for him to go on in a few seconds. He looks over back at you and looks into your eyes.
"You'll do great. I promise everything will be alright." Jack softly says before pecking your cheek. (See what I did there? ;p) Jack quickly stands up getting himself ready to go on while you're standing there in complete shock.

"Jack Evan Metzger." You look up and see him walk up on stage when everyone starts cheering their lungs out for him. Everyone loved him. Not only because him and his brothers were well known but it was also because he's always so friendly and he seemed popular around here. He walks off the stage smiling big and waits at the end for you making your heart melt.

"Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N" you walk up nervously shaking the man's hand and taking the professional photo smiling in front of the camera. You walk over to the end of the stage to jack and he immediately hugs you tightly. Out of nowhere you just started bursting into tears onto jacks shoulder. You didn't care if everyone was going to stare at you letting out your emotions. You just didn't care. You felt so relieved and so happy. You also felt so much closer with your best friend Jack. You've been friends with him almost ever since birth. Pretty much your entire life. But since this moment was so big for you both it just felt so much more special. You pull away sniffling wiping your tears away while jack chuckles walking you down the stairs to the chairs with his arm over you. You both sat down together and watched the rest of the ceremony together until it was over. You all walked out and for some reason you lost Jack. There was people everywhere. You didn't let that bother you too much because you knew you were going to find someone else most likely and find more people together with you later on.

Several minutes pass and you finally see your friends and family talking to Jack with a bunch of Leis and candy around his neck. You run over to that group and hug Jack making him laugh. Everyone was starting to congratulate you and you had a great conversation with everyone you loved.

Another several minutes pass and you feel someone tap your shoulder. You look over and see Jack giving you a soft smile.
"Do you wanna head home? You seem tired." You nod agreeing with him walking towards the side of him. You both end up walking away to his car and you both sit in there waiting for the traffic to hopefully chill down a bit. But since it was New York and the college graduation was filled with thousands of graduated students and families it was taking a lot longer. It didn't bother you much surprisingly because you got some time to have good conversation with Jack. You both were talking having a good laugh and everything that felt like hours but a good long hours.

Most of everyone was gone but you both didn't leave yet. Jack somehow gave you some energy from you not being tired anymore. Suddenly you felt like you had nothing else to say to Jack except for something that's been in your mind for a while. You look down at your lap fiddling with your hands nervously causing Jacks attention to go to you. He notices and gets curious leaning over to you.

"Hey. What's up?" He asks.
"Oh nothing really. It's just..." you look from the corner of your eye and you see jack waiting patiently for your words.
"I just want to thank you for being here for me through everything. Especially tonight. I don't know what I'd do without you." You say awkwardly not making eye contact with him.
"Hey.." he softly speaks out. You feel his fingers on your chin making you turn your head to him making you start to blush. It looked like he was about to say something but he stops himself and sighs. He looks back at you and smiles.
"You're everything to me." He manages to get out before he starts to cry himself. He slowly leans in towards you and both of your lips lightly touch together. You feel yourself tear up and feel butterflies fly around inside your body. It seemed like a good lasting forever of the kiss when he pulls away and looks at you. You realize he was holding your hand through most of the kiss making yourself sink more just of the feeling of how much jack cared about you.
"Do you want to be official?" He asks you gently. You close your eyes and smile hugging him tightly.
"Yes." You chuckle feeling yourself get warm and fuzzy. This is what you wanted through your whole friendship with Jack. You just felt complete...


You were sitting a few seats away from Adam when he's about to give his speech. You watched him and listened. The speech he was giving seemed touching and important which all of them did but you just felt this feeling with Adam. You've been a friend of his and you almost never had feelings for him until now. You felt your heart beating fast before Adam was about to finish his speech. You felt like you needed to tell him how you felt.

"Thank you." Adam softly speaks into the microphone with a smile. Everyone applauded him including you making you smile brightly feeling so proud of him. He walks off somewhere and for some reason you had trouble catching up to him. You both made it outside and finally caught up to Adam.
"Adam!" You exclaim out trying to reach out to him.
He turns around his head and smiles bright to see you. He then starts laughing lightly seeing you exhausted.
"You okay?" He asks.
"Yeah. I needed that exercise anyway." You say laughing to yourself making him laugh back.
"Do you want to talk?" He asks smiling at you.
"Yeah sure." You say sitting down on an empty bench next to him. For some reason you felt this weird vibe like something was about to happen but you had no idea what it was or it was just you thinking things. You both had a nice conversation then you knew something was wrong. Adam seemed super silent making you concerned.

"Hey Adam? You okay?" You ask.
"Yeah. Something's just bothering me." Adam sighs.
"What's that? You okay with telling me?" You ask more concerned then before.
"Well.. Have you been feeling new feelings lately?" He asks.
"I don't know... Why?" You ask puzzled.
"I've been feeling that I'm perfect for you. That we belong together." You just watched Adam in shock as he was still speaking.
"Did you want to hang out sometime? Get a little closer you know?" Adam asks.
"Of course." You happily exclaim hugging him. Her hugs you back sighing in relief. He pulls away and gives you a simple peck on the lips. You never felt so happy ever in your life right now.

ajr preferences  ☻Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora