Part 4

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    Since that incident, Jimin has become more caring towards you or more specifically towards his child. He already fell in love with the baby since he heard the baby's heartbeat for the first time when you were hospitalised. Felt guilty towards his unborn baby so he decides to take responsibility.

    "Have you eaten your dinner?" Jimin asks in a cold tone, making him receive a slap on his arm by Jisoo. He only cares about the baby, not the mother.

    You only nod before climbing the stairs. Recently you face difficulty climbing the stairs due to your big baby bump. After taking 3 steps, you stop for a while to take a breath. Seeing you struggling with the stairs, Jisoo pulls Jimin quickly to help you. 

    "Come." Jimin helps you by wrapping his right arm around your waist and his left hand holding your handbag. Both of you climb the stairs together, making Jisoo smile as she watches from downstairs.

    "Make sure you put her to bed." Jisoo scream from downstairs making Jimin roll his eyes back.

    "Lie down." Instruct Jimin in a stern voice making you obey like a little puppy. As you lie down, you move around to get a comfortable position and your shirt pulls up and expose your belly. 

    "What is that?" Jimin pointed his finger towards white plaster on your belly, near the belly button.

    "Nothing." Feeling nervous, you quickly pull down your shirt. Jimin lifts up your shirt again and stares into your eyes.

    "Don't make me ask you twice." No response from you, Jimin removes the plaster harshly and makes you whimper.

    "What the hell do you do to my baby?" He rants when he sees a visible injection mark under the plaster. Hearing Jimin's voice makes Jisoo run up to your bedroom. She slowly approach you with concerned looks.

    "Hey. What's going on? Is everything ok with the baby?" Jisoo asked with a soft tone while her stare fell on the injection marks. The mark quite big means the needle that is being used is also big. 

Earlier the day:

    "So Y/n today we will harvest another stem cell." Junho's words make you scared. Junho is your uncle and also Jisoo's father. He is the one that makes you marry Jimin and forces you to be pregnant.

    Jisoo being diagnosed with blood cancer and her blood type makes it difficult to find a suitable donor. The doctor said the stem cell is the most promising way to cure Jisoo but it has to come from their close relatives.

    In this situation, Y/n are the only relatives that Jisoo has. In order to avoid being blamed, Junho uses Jimin's mother to force you to marry Jimin. He promises to give half of his wealth to Jimin if they provide him with an heir. 

    You as a victim have to follow his order due to the huge amount of debt that your parents left for you when they died. You are also willing to sacrifice your body and life in order to save Jisoo and to make Jimin happy. 

    "Are you ready?" The doctor wants to start the procedure.

    "Wait. Is it safe for the baby? I don't want the previous incident to happen again." Incident where you almost lost your baby during early pregnancy. The doctor quiet and only looks at Junho.

    "Safe or not safe is not your decision. This 'thing' is only here because my Jisoo is so ill. You have no right to go against my order or I will kill Jimin. Remember that." Junho warned you just to make your heart ache when he didn't acknowledge your baby as a human being and he threatened to kill Jimin. Father of your baby and also your first love.

Back to reality:

    "Are you deaf? Answer her." Jimin's voice makes you back into reality. 

    "I..I just do a genetics test to make sure the baby is normal." You lied. 

    "But why? You think we will abandon the baby if it is not normal? We are not monsters like you Y/n. Just attracted to beautiful things. You just…" 

    "Oww.." You gasped and interrupted Jimin. The baby is moving actively in your womb and you can feel it. Jisoo and Jimin also can see from the outside. All the moves and kicks make you feel pain. 

    "Does it hurt?" Jisoo asked, making you nodded. Usually rubbing the belly can make it calm but not today. Jisoo pulls Jimin and makes him sit on the bed. She takes both of Jimin's hands and puts them on your exposed belly, making you flinch. 

    "Try to talk with the baby. Maybe your voice can make the baby calm." Jimin nodded to Jisoo's order. He put his hands on both sides of your belly and started to caress it. 

    "Hi baby. This is appa. It's ok. You are safe now. Appa is not angry anymore." Jimin whispers close to your belly. Somehow his voice managed to make the baby calm. Jimin's soft whisper also makes you feel safe and drifts you to sleep. 

In the hospital (Jisoo POV:)

    "Are you coming alone?" my dad asked as he saw me alone in her room. "You still didn't tell Jimin?".

    "I don't want to tell Jimin about my illness. I just don't like making him worry about me." Dad just chuckled hearing my answer. From the beginning, my dad is against our marriage as he believes Jimin does not love me for myself but only for my wealth. 

    "I don't want him to feel sad when I'm gone." My words make dad look at me with an angry face.

    "Who said you will be gone? I will do everything to make sure you will be fine and healthy again." He left my room as soon as he finished his sentence. Maybe he feels hurt by my words. Feeling guilty, I decided to go and find him and apologise for my words. 

    Coming out of my room, I didn't see him at the waiting area so I decided to find him at his room. He works at the hospital as director and makes it easy to get blood even though my blood group is rare.

    Thanks to his connection. I walked towards his room and when I was about to open the door, I heard a familiar voice coming from inside. My mother in law's voice.

In the office:

    "You cannot do that Junho. Your action can bring harm to the baby. My grandchild." Yujun protests to Junho. 

    "Your grandchild? Is it a joke? You think I'm stupid. You never care about the baby, you only want my wealth. Plus, you hate Y/n." He laughed.

    "Ok fine but you have to keep your promise to make Jimin your heir if he is able to give you the baby." 

    "Actually I don't care about the baby. I just need a baby from the Y/n womb so that we can harvest her stem cell in order to cure Jisoo." Junho smirked.

    "If you continue to harvest the stem cell in a short period, the baby is not gonna survive." Yujun said in a heartless tone.

    "I don't care." Yujun laughed hears Junho answer.

    "Of course you have to care. The baby has to survive long enough as Jisoo only in an early phase. Who knows how many bags of blood that she is gonna need to survive." 

    "I can make her pregnant again and again until my daughter is healthy." Junho choked Yujun as he didn't like it. Yujun pointed out ugly reality.

    "Yeah..Go..good luck if you can make Jimin sleep again with Y/n." She coughs out words when Junho releases her neck. 

    "Why me when I have you. His bi*ch mother, who secretly swapped his first love. You think that I don't know the truth. Y/n was Jimin's first love, they always exchange letters until one day you realise Y/n not my real daughter. So you secretly make Jimin hate Y/n and think of Jisoo as his future wife. But I just played along coz for the first time I could see Jisoo smile brightly after she met Jimin." Yujun's face turned red. Her dirty little secret has been exposed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2021 ⏰

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