Clarity was happy to go back in his seat. The lesson continued with multiple new moves, with workshops and written tests. Clarity was able to passed all those.

"Congratulations everyone!"

Apple dismissed the class because its now 3:30 in the afternoon. Clarity was the last to leave because he changed clothes on the gym's comfort rooms.

"I should get home, bye Miss Apple!"

Apple smiled and watched Clarity leave the gymnasium. Clarity went directly to his room but upon walking towards, he saw Nash's group walking.

Of course, he didn't want to see them so he planned on how to hide on them but it was already late.

"Hey boy!"

Clarity's heart stopped for a second. He felt his body tremble in fear...fuck that handsome face! Fuck it! "Face me.." Clarity gulped and slowly turned to him.

Nash smirked as well as the other boys.

"Oh, so scared like a little baby." Nash mocked. Clarity was trying his best not to be tensed or scared but it doesn't seem like effecting.

They're bulky and tall.

I mean, they're bulky in a way that their muscles and body are well built. Plus they're all handsome and tall. Fuck it! I am also tall but not as the same as these boys!

"Nash, please, I don't like any commotion."

"I didn't even touch you girlfriend anymore after what happened. You should've asked her instead, what happened before arming me."

Clarity was trying his best not to tremble but he couldn't.

"I'm sorry for intruding with your girlfriend. I should keep away from her. You seemed like a possessive one. Take note that I won't steal your girlfriend because number one...I don't like girls anyway."

Fuck! Gather your courage!

Nash and his guys were shock to hear this from Clarity.

"Firstly, I didn't hit on your girlfriend, second, why would I touch a person when I don't even know that person? Call me a liar but that's the truth." He added.

"Please, before aiming at somebody, know first the real event before planning."

Clarity bowed in front of them.

"I'm sorry if I hurt you in anyway. I should get going." Clarity walked away leaving Nash and his friends shock. Nash, on the other hand, didn't realized that he hurt Clarity.

He actually hated his girlfriend for that.

Nash often caught his girlfriend cheating on with him but he forgave her and gave her another chance. Just who is he? He asked himself.

Nash shook his head. "C'mon let's go."

Nash wanted to see his girlfriend really badly. His cheating hot girlfriend. But he can't also deny that Clarity is beautiful and has a body of a woman bit has a face of a man.

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