The bell rang and I packed my stuff as fast as I could, running out of class going into the bathroom locking it behind me.

"Oh shit...." I said catching my breath.

I sat down on the gross bathroom floor, when I heard someone walk towards me. I looked up very fast, to see the vice president of the school, Wendy Testaburger.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay?" She said lending me a hand.

I grabbed her hand and let her help lift me up.

"Yeah I guess....I'm just hiding fr-" I stopped my sentence realizing she can tell on me for trying to skip class.

"Hey it's okay if you're trying to skip, but why did you come in here like you ran a marathon?" She said with a sweet smile and a little giggle.

I never really lied to people, so I decided to tell her why.

"I was running from your friends, no offense but their assholes." I said walking over to the sink putting water on my face.

She stood there for a minute then spoke up.

"I'm truly sorry for them....they uhm have been changing these past few days." She said in a sad tone.

That's when I looked at her and stood by the sink dumbfounded. I kinda expected her to get angry with me.

"And don't feel sorry for calling them assholes, they're not my friends anymore." She said looking at me with a serious but happy face.

"Weren't you all talking this morning?" I asked

"Yes, but that was before I caught them trying to hit on Tolkien." She said with a angry look on her face this time

Tolkien and Wendy are dating, Wendy made it obvious when she was elected as the school vice president.

"Damn, I'm sorry to hear that." I said not really knowing what to say

"It's not your fault, I have Tolkien to thank anyway, I should've stopped being friends with them long ago. But I'm too nice for this world sometimes." Wendy looked at me almost like she was gonna cry but then she walked towards me.

"You can stay here, in fact I'll stay here too. Then in your next class I'll go to the office to make it look like you were busy with me." She said with a bright smile.

"You don't have to." I said, trying to walk away.

"I wanted to get away from everyone too, but I'm willing to stay here with you. Plus I've never heard anything bad about you, so I think you won't piss me off like everyone else." She said with a smile that looked terrifying in a way.

"Well okay." I said sitting back down on the floor.

Wendy sat in front of me crisscrossed and started asking me questions.

"So what's your name?"


"Are you new? I've never heard or seen you before."

"I was born in South park, and have been living here my whole life, I went to the same schools you went to, we just never talked."

"Wait really?"


"Oh, I'm sorry I never noticed you."

I laughed and she asked more questions, and I answered truthfully. We spent 30-35 minutes talking about me and her. Then the bell rang telling us class had ended.

It was my first time skipping. But I wasn't scared, I wouldn't be even if Wendy wasn't here, I can get my work done pretty fast and understand things pretty well.

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