Chapter 4

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Hello there people with computers!! :D Well just pointing out that I only update this book on fridays.. I know today is saturday but I got side tracked yesterday! ^.^ And I know Liam and Louis have gf's but in this story they don't! :D So anyways carry on and read!! XD

Niall's POV:

I woke up at someone's house. I looked for my phone in my pocket. I got like 15 text messages from Zayn.

Zayn: Where are you?

Zayn: Niall are you still mad at me?

Zayn: Niall please

I kept scrolling through them then I heard talking outside where ever I was. I got up from the bed I was on and peeked my head out the door. I saw a guy standing there talking on the phone. Who the hell is this guy? I don't remember what I did last night, I got too drunk I guess. The guy turned around at smiled at me. "Yeah, alright, yep, bye." I scratched my head and started to walk slowly towards the guy. "Morning Niall" he smiled at me and tried to put his hand in mine. I stepped back. "How do you know my name?" "You told me when we met silly" he laughed. "Can you say your name again" I sighed. "I'm Jake, we uh" he nodded his head towards his room I guess. "Well Jake I really have to go" I grabbed my shoes and ran out the door. Then my phone went off. Please be Zayn or Josh. Please!!

Jake: Was it something I said? I'm sorry.. It was your idea at the time anyways

Jake has my number now?! THE FUCK?! I quickly dialed Zayn. "Niall" he yelled cheerfully. I could hear snoring in the background. Sounds like Harry. "Zayn, you have to pick me up like now" I said and then I noticed I was crying. I told Zayn where I was. "Niall what happened? I can hear your crying" Zayn sighed. "This guy Jake. Well I got really drunk last night and totally forgot about everything and I guess I slept with him." "Oh, Well you have some making up to do then" I could hear Harry giggle in the back. "Yeah but he has my number and I don't know what to do" I sighed. "If he finds us I kick his ass" Zayn laughed. "Zayn I love you" I smile and wipe the tears. "I love you too" Zayn laughed. I heard someone yelling my name behind me. "Niall who's that" Zayn sounded worried now. "Niall don't go" Jake ran up to me. "Zayn please hurry" sill not hanging up the phone I sighed. "Niall i'm almost there." I could hear Zayn and Harry talking. "Niall please, don't hate me." "I don't hate you, someone is coming to get me. You can go now" I sighed. I could hear Harry and Zayn laughing at my comment to Jake. "No Niall. Don't go" Jake tried to pull me back. "Jake I don't even know you!" "Well come get to know me" Jake smiled. I finally turned around he had long black hair, almost like Liam's old hair when he made WMYB but black, he had amazing lips and brown dark eyes. He had a earring like Zayn used to have untill he never wore it. "Jake just call me later and we'll see" I half smiled. "Thanks Niall" Jake smiled and pulled me into a hug. Then I heard a car come so I backed away. He waved and skipped back to his house. I shook my head and sat in the car by Zayn. Zayn smiled at me and pecked my lips. I need to text Jake and make sure he understands that I won't date him.

To Jake: Hey well I know I want to get to know you but I have a boyfriend already so please just forget last night

"So Niall, who's the guy who took your V card" Harry giggled. I saw Zayn tence when Harry said that. "No one" I sighed. "Zayn wanted to take that, not some guy" Harry laughed. "HARRY JUST SHUT UP" Zayn yelled. "Zayn will you just stop yelling at everyone" I yelled. "Niall i'm not yelling at everyone Harry just doesn't know when to SHUT THE FUCK UP" Zayn yelled. "WELL MAYBE IF YOU TAKE IT AS A FUCKING JOKE WE ALL WOULDN'T BE YELLING!" "AND IF YOU JUST STAYED WITH JOSH AND DIDN'T FUCK A GUY WE ALL WOULDN'T BE LIKE THIS NOW WOULD WE NIALL" Zayn yelled at me. "MAYBE IF YOU HAVEN'T TO TRIED TO KISS LOUIS I WOULDN'T WANT TO LEAVE! AND MAYBE I SHOULD OF STAYED WITH JAKE CAUSE ALL YOU EVER DO IS TREAT ME LIKE NOTHING! LIKE I'M NOTHING YOU EVER WANTED!" "Yeah Niall that explains why I was up all night trying to fucking find you. Yeah Niall I totally hate you" Zayn looked like he was gonna cry. "Whatever Zayn, stop the car i'll just stay at Josh's" I sighed. "No, your not leaving me again" Zayn sighed. "Zayn just let me go" I growled. "Niall, he really just wants you to stay" Harry sighed. "Harry I don't care! I want to go! I'll have Liam pick me up" I snapped at Harry. "Whatever Niall. But don't think i'm gonna come and get you cause i'm done with you" Zayn pulled the car over and I got out. "Does it look like I care" I mumbled. I started to cry. I took my phone out and looked for Josh, but then I saw Jake. He will care, and meaning I don't have a boyfriend anymore.. I dailed his number. "Hello" Jake laughed. "Hey do you mind if I spend the night at your place" I sighed. "Yeah, what about mr boyfriend, won't he just come and take you" Jake giggled. "Mr Boyfriend is now Mr ex Boyfriend" I sighed. "Oh what happened" Jake sighed. "Well it was Harry joking and then Mr ex had to yell at everyone and so I left, again" I sigh and started to walk towards his place. "Well you can stay here as long as you want" Jake laughed. "Yay!! Sounds good" I laughed. "So tonight you wanna go out for breakfast or do you want me to cook, even though I fail at cooking" Jake giggled. "We'll go out, and i'll pay" I laughed. "Sounds good!" I started to run to Jake's house but then I saw Zayn's caller ID. I guess i'll answer it. "What" I sighed. "Josh said your not at his house" Zayn sounded mad, but why would he care? "I know, i'm going to Jake's" I rolled my eyes even though he couldn't see me. "No Niall please don't go back with him" Zayn started crying. "Zayn were not dating anymore! Why don't you just leave me alone and find someone else" I growled and hung up the phone. I knocked on Jake's door. "Hi!!!" he laughed. "Hello sir" I giggled. He let me in. I looked at the clock it was 9:21am. "Alright wanna go now or wait" Jake asked while turning off his tv. "We'll just wait till lunch" I said while sitting on the couch by Jake. "Alright well-" Jake got cut off by someone throwing rocks at his window. "Waiting for your prince aye" I laughed at Jake who was staring at his window. "It's some brown short haired guy" Jake shrugged. "Do you know him" I laughed. "No.. no idea who he is" Jake shook his head. "Wow" I sighed and laughed. Jake was flipping through channles to find something to watch. If I already lost my V card with this guy when I was drunk maybe i'll do it again but this time I will remember it. Jake isn't that bad, better than Zayn right now. I don't care what I do anymore. I just need something to get my mind off of Zayn. But how do I ask someone.. "Hey Jake wanna go make a mess in your bed" I winked at Jake.

Niall and his potato (Ziall)Where stories live. Discover now