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Sunoo POV
Everyone's singing happy birthday to me again.... anyways sunghoon did not come with us. Maybe he is busy, he is always busy?. Idk...

Jungwon said there was gonna be games! I'm excited!

Heeseung hyung did not come too. Whatever, he does not do anything with us anyways.


We ate all the food and drinks.... Poor ice cream cake.. it has not even been touched yet...

Jungwon: ok sunoo come and stand here. He said while pointing on the grass.

Sunoo: ok?

I then stood there then jay hyung asked the same thing to jungwon.
Of course he followed.

Then ni-ki asked us to put blindfolds.

Sunoo: what are we doing??

Ni-ki: it's part of the game, you are not allowed to take your blindfold of unless I say ok?

Sunoo: ok.

A few minutes of standing there we heard something.. footsteps..

They kept getting louder.
And louder.

And louder.

Jungwon: Sunoo I'm scared...

Sunoo: don't worry, Maybe it just the others tricking us so we lose.

Jungwon then came to me and I felt him trying to find my arms..

Once he found them, he hugged me.

Jungwon: What if it's not the others?! What if there is a kidnapper.

Jungwon started to cry in fear.

Sunoo: jungwonie please don't cry, everything is ok, I'm here.

I tried to comfort him and stop him from crying but he was so scared and he kept on crying.

I then felt arms creep from behind on my waist.. whoever it was, he or she hugged me, 
I thought he/she was gonna carry me.

But a familiar voice whispered in my ear.. "happy birthday sunoo" I could feel his lips on my ear as he was talking..

Jungwon: Sunoo hyung do you hear whispers? And did someone like hug you?

Sunoo: Yes...

Then he whispered again.. "take your blindfold off, everything's ok"


I heard giggles but very faint ones.

"Just take the dang thing off, I'm tired." It was sunghoon-

I took my blindfold off. And saw jungwon on the ground (EvErYthInG I neEd iS on tHe GroUnD),  on top of heeseung, and jungwon still crying on heeseungs chest.

Jungwon: y-you scared me. He said while wiping the tears off his face.

Heeseung: I'm sorry baby, I will never scare you like that again.

The arms were still on my waist.. I could clearly tell who's hands they were.

They were sunghoons hands.

He put his chin on my shoulder

Sunoo: hi hoon

Sunghoon: hi sunoo, sorry if I scared you..

Sunoo: no it's ok just don't do it again.

Heeseung and jungwon STILL aren't standing up.. They look so cute.

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