Chapter 27 - Words of blood

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Chapter 27

"Loic Bodin," Andrea spoke as she loudly slammed the papers she was holding on the table. "Born and raised in America, at least according to the records I found. Returned to his parents' hometown - aka here - five years ago but only joined Elson last year. Never introduced officially and that explains why I knew nothing of him. Works off the grid and never with others."

"Hmm," Rafail raised a brow as he scanned through the papers she had unceremoniously dropped in front of him. He was impressed by how fast she had managed to find out who the mysterious man working with Darren was. "So this is him?" He asked, pointing at the pictures Andrea had attached.

"The one and only," Andrea puffed her cheeks. "Was a motherfucker to trace down but I managed."

"I never doubted you."

"Save the compliments," The huntress rolled her eyes but her lips curved up into a smile nonetheless. Who knew she would find satisfaction while working for the very creatures she had hated during her whole life?

Rafail shrugged, reading the file. "Loic Bodin," He mumbled the name.

"Strange ass name," Andrea commented. "What's stranger is that even though his records appear normal, my spidey senses are tingling. It is so weird that there was no information about his life in America apart from the fact that he was born there and worked as a hunter."

Rafail sighed. "You think he's made up a whole persona?"

"I don't know. His birth certificate seemed legit but I'll have Simon look it up. If there's anyone who could find out if it is falsified, it's him. The guy knows his shit," Andrea said with a hint of admiration in her voice.

"Yeah," Rafail agreed. "I've been trying to bribe Declan to relieve Simon and Abby from beta duties so they could work here instead."

"Well," Andrea pressed her lips. "He does have Aaron and Elia doing the job. He could spare a set."

"Exactly my point," Rafail chuckled.

"And Abby could be your event organizer," Andrea painted the picture with her hand, almost as if she could see the event taking place in front of her eyes. "The best parties will be forever thrown by the lycan crown."

"Abby would surely love that," Rafail couldn't help but laugh. "But she has too many talents to only be throwing parties."

"I never said she has to do only one job. She could also be a wedding ring consultant," The huntress laughed.

"Hey, she's great at that too," Rafail held his hands up in the air with a chuckle.

"Great ring choice, by the way," Andrea winked at him. 

"Thanks! I'll make sure to let Jonathan know you liked the shape," He wiggled his eyebrows before laughing out loud at her expression.

"One word about rings to him and I'll kill you," She threatened.

"My lips are sealed shut," Rafail stoically said.

"Good," The huntress rolled her eyes. "Also, Abby could join me in my spying mission. The girl's sly as fuck."

"I won't say no if you manage to convince her," Raf winked at his friend.

"Oh, it's on," Andrea smiled devilishly before grabbing Loic's file and running off to the computer room.


"Tired?" Thalia softly asked Cedric, placing a cup of tea in front of him.

The old werewolf took the cup in his hands with a smile before taking a sip and sighing in content.

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