※Chapter Seven: Dismay※

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DustStar stood upon the high rock with widened eyes as he had just realized something in a chat with his deputy and two of his warriors, the clan quickly gathered around under the high rock with sleepy gazes. The moon's light shone upon DustStars pelt which made it turn shiny and silver, he took a great inhale and exhaled with panic as he realized AdderPaw was nowhere to be found amongst the crowd of lean WindClan cats. "I demand BarkWing and QuietShade to look for AdderPaw at once! How does he disappear while under the supervision of two warriors!?" DustStar yowled loudly as his fur bristled, even more, his claws unleashed as anxiety spread through his body as quickly as green cough infects a clan. The two warriors called upon rushed around the camp, separating quickly as they bounded out the camp in dread. "RavenWing, BarkWing, and StormingLeap reported they had found three ShadowClan apprentices upon our territory once again!" DustStar yowled in rage, "I have a feeling.." DustStar inhaled sharply. "AdderPaw has something to do with these random raids, think of it...Just after he became a prisoner we started to get more and more ShadowClan cats trespassing with no worry at all, as if...They were invited!" DustStar announced as his claws unleashed with fury. "You think AdderPaw has formed some kind of, alliance with ShadowClan..?" BurningBreeze asked with widened eyes filled with deep concern, "Yes...I think he has been meeting up with ShadowClan cats while we are busy...Possibly he has been spilling our weakness to them..!" DustStar replied sharply. "Oh my.." LeanFlower shook her head as her eyes were filled with deepened alarm as her short pelt bristled, her tail thrashed as she gazed at the ground. "What will we do?" LeapingStorm rasped with worry, DustStar gave a shaken sigh...He had never thought of what he would do once AdderPaw returned...Suddenly QuietShade and StormingLeap bounded through the camp with AdderPaw in jaws and CrossStar striding at the side. DustStar gasped with alarm as CrossStar stood in front of all the other cats, "Hello. DustStar." CrossStar mewed with a brief nod. "What have you come for?" DustStar muttered with ware as he stared into CrossStars narrowed gaze, "I wanted to inform you.." CrossStar started and looked around the clearing. "I declare war, AdderPaw has been running to my clan and telling me all your clans' dirty secrets and weaknesses." CrossStar grinned as he met every single WindClan cat's hostile gaze, DustStar gave a shaky gasp. "Are you sure CrossStar...We could settle this somehow!" DustStar pleaded, CrossStar shook his head. The black and white leader flicked the tip of his tail and with a grin, all his cats raged into the clearing from the shadows, DustStar let out a battle cry with horror and leaped into the battle clearing. StormingLeap battled LightWing harshly while DustStar pinned and clawed BeetleWing, he didn't even notice until he looked up AdderPaw was fighting on ShadowClans' side...DustStar quickly sent BeetleWing squealing with a bleeding eye, the lean leader leaped upon AdderPaw as the apprentice clawed QuietShades' eye. "You are a disgrace to this clan and starclan.." DustStar bared his fangs as AdderPaw stared into his father's gaze with a cold expression, DustStar raked his sharp claws into his son's pink spotted belly and felt his heartache as the apprentice let out squeals. Suddenly DustStar got bowled over, snarling with fury as he met CrossStars gaze. CrossStar pinned DustStar down strongly, placing a soft paw on the WindClan leader's throat with unleashed claws and cold eyes. "I thought you were different from the ways of other ShadowClan leaders, oh how I was wrong." DustStar hissed with flattened ears as he kept still from fear of his throat being ripped out. CrossStar shook his head with a sigh, "I'm proud of my heart...It's been burned, stabbed, neglected, and cheated by LeopardStar...But somehow it still works, I strive for my clan, not for glory." The white and black leader hissed with narrowed eyes of pain. "I've got RiverClan in my side, I'm sorry to say but your clan is done for, DustStar." CrossStar hissed, that RiverClan and their leader rushed into the clearing. DustStar kicked CrossStars stomach and sent him flying off, rushing to RavenWing who was the closest...
"RavenWing, promise you can do something to save the clan..." DustStar pleaded the black warrior as he stared at him with confusion yet he nodded sharply, "Go get ThunderClan! Quick! We need another clan on our side...If ShadowClan and RiverClan have teamed up we must team up with ThunderClan!" DustStar yowled with panic. RavenWing nodded even sharper and bounded off within seconds, DustStar turned in horror to see blood shedding everywhere. DustStar leaped onto ReedWinds, RiverClans deputy. "Nice to see you again, DustStar..." ReedWinds snarled lowly, DustStar slashed his claws against the RiverClan deputies stomach and bit into his back leg. ReedWinds let out a yowl of pain as DustStar twisted his back leg with fury and his stomach bleed, DustStar let the deputy stumble up yet collapsed a rabbit length away. StreamStar yowled for her clan to stop at once, ShadowClan cats broke away from battle along with RiverClan cats. "ReedWinds! He's dead!" StreamStar yowled in horror as she crouched down near her deputy, the Tom laid with a torn open stomach and a twisted back leg. StreamStar cried as he took his last breath and went limp, StreamStar snarled and looked at DustStar who stood with blood-splattered claws and jaws. ShadowClan and RiverClan cats bristled with fury, StreamStar leaped onto DustStar with rage and dug her claws into his chest. The rest of the two clans raged back into the battle with the injured WindClan cats, DustStar stared at the silver molly as she slashed at his stomach. Oh RavenWing, please hurry! DustStar begged as he kicked Molly's stomach and snapped at her throat in threat. Suddenly CrossStar bounded to StreamStars side and held DustStars head down with a snarl, "Don't ever treat my mate again.." CrossStar snarled. DustStars eyes widened, then he clawed StreamStars stomach harshly with his back paws. StreamStar let out yowls of pain before staggering back, close enough for DustStar to kick her jaw strongly. CrossStar leaped to StreamStars side and crouched over her with pleads, DustStar jumped then bowled back down. This time CrossStar and a bulky RiverClan molly pinned him down with bared teeth. Just as CrossStar started to strike at DustStars throat with sharp fangs the ShadowClan leader and the Riverclan warrior got bowled over with a yowl of rage from a blurred cat. DustStar leaped up with shocked eyes as he saw HoneyStar place both her front paws onto the enemy cats, she bared her fangs and her fur bristled as she pinned them down. "We got a message from RavenWing that your clan was in danger, we came as fast as we could!" HoneyStar turned and mewed to DustStar once she sent CrossStar limping to fight some other cat. "Thank you so much, HoneyStar." DustStar dipped his death with gratefulness as the yellow molly gave a smile and bounded off. DustStar sharply turned his head up, leaping onto a brindle ShadowClan apprentice he recognized as BrindlePaw. The brindle molly let out a fierce yowl as she kicked his stomach harshly, DustStar clawed her stomach and bit her forepaw. "You'll be regretting this!" BrindlePaw spat, within seconds DustStar reared up with a screech as jaws clamped onto his back leg. BrindlePaw scrambled up with a hysterical laugh as DustStar kicked a RiverClan apprentice off his back leg, DustStar returned her laugh as the deputy of ThunderClan pinned her down with a slash upon her nose as a warning. DustStar met the Riverclan apprentices eyes for a moment and soon she too scrambled off with fear, DustStar shook his head and ran to HoneyStar's side in alarm as CrossStar pinned her down strongly.
"I know you've taken your mate as StreamStar!" HoneyStar hissed sharply as she glared into CrossStars eyes, "I know you're doing this not because you want to...It's because StreamStar has told you it's the right thing to do, she's manipulated you into this CrossStar." HoneyStar softly spoke to the black and white leader. DustStar stopped dead in his tracks, leaning forward to listen to the two cats' conversation form about a fox length away. "I know you know you don't want to do this, CrossStar. Please, it's not worth your reputation." HoneyStar prompted the Tom, he listened to her for a moment then shook his head with a snarl and raised his tail. "Quit speaking nonsense you rat-tailed rabbit!" CrossStar hissed and placed his paw upon the golden Molly's throat, DustStar bowled him over quickly with a low hiss. "I'll remind you, you've brought your cats into my camp and I will not stand for these unpleasant visitors any longer than I have to!" DustStar yowled with bristled fur of rage, he slashed CrossStars stomach and bit into his neck softly as a threat. "I surrender! Let go and I'll leave right now.." CrossStar squirmed anxiously as DustStars fangs clamped upon his black and white throat, DustStar leaped off the ShadowClan leader and left him with a torn stomach and small teeth marks on his throat. CrossStar scrambled up with anxiety, letting out a yowl to gather his cats up quickly, and just as quick as he had come he left...RiverClan cats also retreated from their battles following their leader, or leaders...DustStar and HoneyStar noticed the two clan leaders weren't leading their clans separate but side by side..? "Strange..?" HoneyStar muttered and shared worried glances with DustStar, he nodded in worry though his attention was on AdderPaw...Who followed within a group of ShadowClan apprentices and RiverClan apprentices, DustStar shook his head with a sigh. "I appreciate your help a lot, HoneyStar. But for the sake of my clan, I think you should go, in case my clan thinks your clan is also attacking." DustStar dipped his head gratefully, HoneyStar gave a smile and nodded. "May Starclan light your path, especially for the upcoming gathering." HoneyStar purred, DustStar smiled and watched as she turned away and retreated with her clan. DustStar looked to the lightning dawn sky then back to his clan, the ground blood-splattered and cats helping each other as they were all injured. "Oh, dear starclan...When Will those medicine cats return!?" DustStar huffed under his breath, at that very second DovePaw and JuniperCloud bounded through the clearing with alarmed gasps. "Oh, my starclan! It's just the warning we had gotten!" JuniperCloud shook her head, DovePaw rushed off and gathered herbs then reappeared at JuniperClouds side. "ShadowClan and RiverClan teamed up?" JuniperCloud guessed as she crouched down to mend BurningBreezes twisted forepaw while DovePaw quickly patched ThornPaws stomach up, DustStar nodded quietly as he sat down with dismay at what had happened. "HoneyStar helped you, didn't she?... I and DovePaw got a message from StarClan about this attack while we were at mother-mouth.." JuniperCloud muttered, she wrapped some sort of tree bark around BurningBreezes paw then helped her to the warriors' den as the medicine den had already become full. DustStar have an unsettled sigh as he watched his cats slowly being towed off towards the medicine den or their dens, he realized in horror StormingLeap had a horrible bite upon her throat. "Will she be okay!?" DustStar yowled in panic, following JuniperCloud as she carried StormingLeap into the medicine den. "We don't know, but you must stay outside this den unless you are dying." DovePaw warned and blocked the entrance, DustStar backed away slowly in dread. ThornPaw limped towards his father with herbs bundled upon his stomach, back leg, and shoulder and struggled to find a comfortable position to sit. "You fought like a warrior, a warrior WindClan will rely on..." DustStar praised his warrior-sized son while staring into the medicine dens vine tangled curtain that blocked sight, ThornPaw heaved to one side and rasped his tongue across DustStars shoulder in a comforting matter. DustStar leaned his head and would rest it on ThornPaws shoulder with a sigh, the apprentice licked his father's head with a muffled sigh of exhaustion. JuniperCloud peered her head out of the tangled vines," She'll be completely fine. She simply needs rest, come in, and visit." The medical she mewed with a small smile yet exhausted eyes. DustStar leaped up and rushed into the medicine den though his excitement was cooled down with a sharp hiss from DovePaw, he carefully touched his nose to StormingLeaps tangled and blood-splattered pelt with a muffled purr of comfort as he breathed in her warm scent. "May starclan light your path..." DustStar whispered into the Molly's battle-torn ear then stepped aback, JuniperCloud and DovePaw dipped their heads towards their leader then watched as he trudged out of their medical den. ThornPaws gaze showed he wished not to see his mother in her injured state, the massive-sized apprentice dipped his head respectfully as DustStar passed by. "May starclan light our paths..." DustStars heart ached to hear ThornPaw mutter such painful sounding words, the white and brown Tom continued his path towards his den...The wall seemed like a journey from his WindClan camp all the way to ThunderClans camp, longing to sink into his moss bedding he quickened his pace to a slow run. DustStar turned for a moment to gaze at the clouds that slowly gave way to the dawn sun, he turned back with a sigh and sank into his bed with flattened ears of anxiety.
The tall standing grasses of the WindClan meadows stood as still as a cat who watched a mouse, awaiting an opportunity to spring...Only the one who would spring was RiverClan and ShadowClan, DustStar looked up with the anxiety of what he would see...He gave a yowl of dismay as he gazed up to the sky, it was pitch black with no stars that usually shone bright and prideful during the night. The moon had vanished while the clouds were lean and black, resembling the silhouettes of RiverClan and ShadowClan warriors. DustStar gagged with anxiety as the black sky slowly got splattered with bright red blood, suddenly the smells of RiverClan and ShadowClan filled the air...The wind blew more and more while yowls of battle came closer with every second passing, the tall grasses got trampled by silhouettes of lean black cats that raged towards faceless WindClan warriors. DustStar gasped in horror as he recognized ThunderClan fighting on his clans' side, bodies of cats quickly dropped limply with yowls of horror. Suddenly he jolted up and felt the soft moss of his bedding under his paws, DustStar gave a trembling sigh as he realized he was still within his den...DustStar slowly stalked out of his den, his bristled fur flattened upon his shoulders as he saw the sun high within the sky and his clan carrying on their duties. "RavenWing!" DustStar called after his black warrior as he passed by with herbs gathered in his jaws, the sleek tom dropped the herbs he was carrying and turned to face his leader with eyes of curiosity. "I just wanted to say...Thank you, for your speed and courage...I don't think we would've survived without you getting ThunderClan for help." DustStar dipped his head gratefully, RavenWing gave a warm smile and touched noses with his leader. "Don't thank me, any warrior would've done that." RavenWing shrugged, his gaze fixed on the ground and a glaze of embarrassment swept over his eyes. "Not every warrior would have the speed you held." DustStar purred with amusement, rasping his tongue over RavenWings cheek in comfort. "Thank you, sir." RavenWing dipped his head once again, then grabbed the herbs he was carrying and trotted off towards JuniperClouds den. DustStar gave a smile, thinking over his dream as his smile slowly faded...He remembered the battle that had happened just the night before, the way blood splattered everywhere across his clearing...Was it a possibility there was a nearing war that StarClan was warning him of...? DustStar shook his head to clear such dreadful thoughts, he padded towards the medical den quickly in the hope to find answers and check on StormingLeap. "Hello, DustStar." StormingLeap greeted him with a purr as she gulped down the last of a rabbit she had been brought, the tom leaned forward and touched noses with the molly. "She should be alright to continue normally." JuniperCloud announced as she trotted out a separated den within the medical den, DovePaw followed close behind her with a yawn. "She just doesn't want to get up!" DovePaw added with an amused purr, the three other cats let out purrs of laughter. "Alright, I'll go do patrols." StormingLeap mewed, though before she rushed off she smacked DustStar with her tail in a loving matter. "I need to speak to you two about a...possible sign I've had." DustStar meowed with a serious voice, the two medical cats exchanged worried glances then nodded. DustStar followed them as they led him into the back den, after the two mollys settled down moss beddings. JuniperCloud and DovePaw listened with intense interest as DustStar told them his alarming dream, the two mollys gave each other worried glances as DustStar finished. "That sounds... exactly like DovePaws dream.." JuniperCloud muttered in shock, as if she were placing the messages together. "What did DovePaw dream?" DustStar urged with widened eyes, DovePaw closed her eyes..."Well...I was standing in the medicine den, in my nest..." DovePaw began, "Faceless cats of our clan poured into the den with missing limbs... blood-stained pelts..and terrified yowls...Scents of ShadowClan cats were all around like thick set fog, I ran outside only to see faceless ShadowClan cats raiding our camp.." DovePaw trembled as she opened her troubled eyes. "I had a dream as well..." JuniperCloud admitted, at last, the two cats turned their attention to the molly with troubled gazes. "Though it wasn't as violent or hostile as your dreams, it was a disturbing message.." JuniperCloud began as she hesitated to close her eyes, "The medicine den faded to black...I gave shrieks as I fell as if it were a blacked-out gorge, when I finally came to a stop waves of red covered my pelt...The only thing that surrounded me for a few long moments was salt, when I blinked I was standing at the side of the thundering path...Monsters roaring past as the salt-filled air abruptly turned to the stench of ShadowClan cats, when I looked across the thunder path I met the hostile gazes of rows of ShadowClan cats...I swear I smelt SandStar, I even heard her voice..! I can swear to star clan that she whispered in my ear,' The path of lightning will soon be washed with waves of red while rows of brave warriors of the stalking shadows and the Swift winds raged towards each other like rogues..' ." JuniperCloud opened her eyes, her widened gaze of alarm made DustStar shiver from his paws to his bobbed tail...DovePaw gave a shuttered sigh, "If we've all had dreams with about...The same meanings, what does that mean..?" The medical apprentice asked with worry. "Well, I think that the dreams mean.." JuniperCloud trailed off before DustStar finished, "War between us, ShadowClan and RiverClan...Hopefully with ThunderClan by our sides.." JuniperCloud and DovePaw glanced at each other then nodded in agreement. "But..When..?" DustStar shifted with anxiety swelling his heart. "Obviously after the gathering." DovePaw retorted, though her eyes showed she was trying to lighten the mood. "You'd better get off to announce who will attend the gathering!" JuniperCloud nudged DustStar, the leader nodded in agreement then trotted out the  medical den. DustStar was a bit surprised to see his camp was rebuilt, the fresh-kill pile was stocked and the sun sat proudly in the darkening sky. DustStar leaped upon high rock, "May all cats old enough to race the Swift breeze of the moor gather around to hear my words!" The leader summoned his cats within moments. The cats stared at their leader with worry, the deputy shared their concern as DustStars eyes were glazed with alarm-...Along with the medicine cats...The three cats explained their dreams to the clan, though they left some of the disturbing parts out..."So...We are just sitting around, waiting to be slaughtered by ShadowClan and RiverClan!? We are going to fight this lonesome?!" DustHare rasped in panic, JuniperCloud touched noses and easily calmed the elder down. "Not lonesome, ThunderClan has vowed to fight by our side...We aren't waiting either, I demand extra patrols! If they want a war, we will give them the best one they've ever encountered." DustStar declared with eyes of determination. "The time of the gathering is edging near and I'll need the most trusted cats that will be able to fight well." DustStar announced, the cats straightened up as he scanned the clearing carefully. "RavenWing, QuietShade, BurningBreeze, and LeanFlower will attend. Of course, our medical cats and our sleuth will also attend." DustStar gave a smile as he choose just the right cats. "But..What about me..?!" BarkWing yowled in protest, his ears flattened and tail thrashing. "You are a very strong warrior, you will stay and guard the camp just in case ShadowClan will attempt something." DustStar replied with a warm expression, BarkWing nodded and sat back down as he shifted uncomfortably. DustStar glanced to the now dark sky, the full moon slowly streaked across to the sky from the silky white clouds. "We shall go, we will not stand to be late." DustStar growled, quickly leaping off the rock with the cats called upon trailing on his heels as he quickened his pace. The eight cats crouched down near the four trees, they gave low snarls of disgust as they smelt ShadowClan along with RiverClan. DustStar stalked into the four trees clearing with his head held high and sharp eyes, leaping upon the cold rock while his clan settled down. "Greetings, DustStar.." StreamStar growled in a low voice, her eyes narrowed as her tail thrashed. "Greetings to the two of you." DustStar meowed though his voice was challenging along with narrowed eyes, CrossStar gazed to the grey stone as his tail thrashed with an unreadable expression. "Oh look, ThunderClan has appeared." DustStar snickered as HoneyStar jumped to his side with bristled fur and narrowed eyes of challenge. "The gathering shall begin.." CrossStar yowled with an unsettled voice, he let out a small grunt as StreamStar shoved him to the side. "I'm proud to say my clan is  healthy and strong, we've got two new apprentices." StreamStar yowled with eyes of pride, "Stand up FogPaw and MistyPaw." StreamStar called upon two apprentices. One apprentice was a petite fluffy molly with a dark blue pelt, light blue paws, black pointed ears, and a fluffy tail that slowly got darker blue; Her eyes were pale blue within the moon's light, she must've been MistyPaw...The other apprentice was a sleek black tom with silver spots and a white-tipped black tail; His eyes were dark green, he must've been FogPaw...DustStar glanced from the apprentices to StreamStar and CrossStar, why did the two apprentices look exactly like the two leaders...? "I'm proud to say that RiverClans territory is filled with prey and is being patrolled closely." StreamStar finished, glaring at DustStar as she strolled by. "I'm proud to say ShadowClan is also running well, we have territory filled with prey and strong warriors along with quickly learning apprentices." CrossStar announced with a hostile glare, "Congratulations for your apprenticeship-...FogPaw and MistyPaw." CrossStars gaze softened as he stared at the apprentices then turned away. HoneyStar shoved CrossStar with a snarl, "Are we going to ignore the battle that just went on between all four clans!?" The always calm molly was now yowling with rage. "ShadowClan and RiverClan, you two are acting of pure rogues!" HoneyStar hissed loudly, "You also cannot tell me there isn't something..odd going on.." DustStars fur bristled ten times its size when HoneyStar boldly voiced his concerns..."I'm sure those two apprentices are not of another tom and queen, I wasn't born yesterday! They look exactly like StreamStar and CrossStar!" HoneyStar boldly remarked with narrowed eyes of challenge. Suddenly ShadowClan and RiverClan broke out with yowls and hisses and spits of protest, only to be silenced by StreamStars yowl. "I've seen you've got quite the sharp eye, what if they are my kits? What if they are half clan apprentices?" StreamStar hissed as if she dared HoneyStar to speak more of her mind. "Well, first off.." HoneyStar began before her sentence was cut short by a raged yowl of...AdderPaw. "A queen can keep silent about the tom of her kits if she wishes, have you forgotten?" AdderPaw retorted with narrowed eyes. "Let me speak." DustStar shoved the three hostile leaders aside, his eyes narrowed as fury swept over him like a mother rasping her tongue across her kit's back. "We've got to address the way ShadowClan and RiverClan have decided war upon WindClan." DustStar dared to yowl, "HoneyStar does have a point. We cannot ignore the fact the four clans have just gone to complete war like pure born rogues, do we really want to live within the forest with so much tension or shall we calm down?" DustStar asked in a soothing voice. "Must we forget how you exiled an apprentice, your own son in fact! He was so scared he ran off to my clan!" CrossStar spat with fury. "AdderPaw left on his own! He attempted murder, I didn't exile him but I did indeed make him prisoner within his own clan." DustStar snarled with burning rage, "You mean AdderRiot?" CrossStar snickered. "That's a horrible name!" HoneyStar interrupted the two arguing toms with her own yowl, "I allowed him to choose his own name." CrossStar snorted in protest. "You WHAT!? You're a horrible leader who disobeys the laws of Star clan!" StormingLeap raised from the smaller deputy rock at the side of the tall standing, her claws unleashed while her tail thrashed and ears flattened. "Silence at once, StormingLeap I demand for you to sit. You do not speak unless spoken to." DustStar spat, flashing a warning glare to his deputy. StormingLeap spat with fury then sat down silently, glaring at ShadowClans deputy who shifted awkwardly at her side. The three leaders stared at DustStar to speak his words again, "CrossStar and StreamStar.." DustStar began with a snarl. "You two are being unacceptable leaders! You two stared war at random, not to mention you stole an apprentice-..AdderRiot, what a horrid name." DustStar dared to speak his mind with bristled fur and narrowed eyes of rage, "You two also had kits with each other..Which is against the code." StreamStars fur bristled in fury when DustStar finished, the molly leaped onto DustStar with an ear-piercing screech. Suddenly RiverClan and ShadowClan jumped into battle with WindClan, ThunderClan darting to WindClans aid at once. StreamStar slashed DustStars nose with narrowed eyes, the WindClan leader snapped at the molly's throat in threat and kicked her stomach harshly...StreamStar staggered back as DustStars claws had deeply clawed her stomach, DustStar pinned her down with a blunt force and let out a deep snarl within his throat. "DustStar! Watch out!" HoneyStar yowled, suddenly the WindClan leader felt a strong force to his side. DustStar let out a screech as he realized CrossStar was standing over the edge of the high rock, did the ShadowClan tom push him off...?! Suddenly DustStar felt jaws clamp to his scruff, he let out a grunt as he plopped onto the rock once again. "What is wrong with you!?" StormingLeap and HoneyStar stood over DustStar, yowling at CrossStar and StreamStar. "Look! Star clan is raged!" JuniperCloud yowled with terrified eyes, her fur bristled as she stared at the night sky. DustStar staggered to his paws and looked up, he let out a gasp as the moon had disappeared behind massive grey clouds and the stars had vanished. "Quit your fighting!" HoneyStar screeched, ThunderClan and WindClan parted away from ShadowClan and RiverClan at once with spits of protest. "You all are acting of rogues! ThunderClan, let's start to our clan at once." HoneyStar spat viciously, leaping down the rock and running out of the Four Trees clearing with her clan trailing behind. "WindClan, retreat!" DustStar yowled as well, his cats slashed at their enemies and rushed to the side of the four trees awaiting their leader. "RiverClan and ShadowClan will seek revenge, just wait DustStar...You May think you are safe but let me tell you, you are never safe." StreamStar growled under her breath with narrowed eyes and bristled fur, the rock under her had drops of red from her stomach. "Oh, believe me, StreamPebble," DustStar dared to growl to molly's warrior name with a smirk. "WindClan and I are very prepared, we are strong and healthy." DustStar spat into StreamStars face then turned with a snicker, the molly let out a raged yowl as she wiped the spit off her face with CrossStar at her side. DustStar rushed towards his camp with his cats following on his heels, they gave worried glances to each other as they quickened their pace.
"Welcome, DustStar." MistyGorge, an elder molly purred a greeting to her leader as he and the other cats entered. "You are back early," BarkWing muttered with a confused expression as he touched noses with RavenWing, DustStar leaped upon high rock and summoned the few cats that were asleep. "I'm sure you all have noticed we have returned from the gathering early..." DustStar began as he looked down to see BarkWing rasping his tongue over his brother's bitten ear, "At the gathering StreamStar introduced two apprentices to everybody." DustStar sighed as he remembered the awkward-looking apprentices. "If I can remember correctly their names were FogPaw and MistyPaw. HoneyStar and I noticed the two apprentices looked like duplicates of StreamStar and CrossStar...HoneyStar called StreamStar out for the resemblance and soon a battle broke out afterward, CrossStar even said that AdderPaw is now AdderRiot." DustStar explained, DovePaw gave a sharp inhale when her hostile brother was mentioned. "StreamStar did indeed threaten a surprise war with us at the end of the gathering, I told her we will in fact be prepared-.. I'm keen on keeping my word." DustStar finished with a hostile gaze as he thought back to the molly's threat, the clearing broke out with hisses of agreement. "If they want a war, we will surely give them one!" QuietShade yowled with narrowed eyes and bristled fur, the clan gave yowls and nods. "They will have to strike first, we mustn't worry much as we have ThunderClan standing right by our side," DustStar warned with wise eyes, the clearing settled down with nods of approval. "RavenWing and BarkWing will guard our camp until dawn." DustStar declared, StormingLeap nodded and stepped up to announce late patrols. "Me, LeanFlower, and QuietShade will take border patrol while BurningBreeze and LeapingRock go on a hunting patrol," StormingLeap announced, quickly leaping off high rock and leading out her group while the other two follow close behind. DustStar leaped off his high rock, the cats poured to their destinations with mutters of the tense events. The great leader fixed his gaze to the dark sky, the moon covered in clouds and the stars of their warrior ancestors shone weakly.
DustStar suddenly felt an urge to go find his patrol, a long time had passed since they had left camp and he began to worry. Day now the clan camp was quiet with the sounds of sleep, DustStar stalked out his camp and parted his jaws. The lean tom tracked his patrols' scents, his ears flattened as the foul smell of RiverClan and ShadowClan began to grow close near the gorge. DustStar crouched within a bush near the gorge, his eyes widened as he saw the blood-splattered moor grass while the air mingled with WindClan and RiverClan and ShadowClan scents. Suddenly CrossStar landed beside the bush where DustStar hid, the shadow clan reeking leader pinned down LeanFlower and placed his paw on her throat with his lips curled up in a deep snarl. Right as CrossStar aimed for LeanFlowers throat DustStar flew into him, the shadow clan tom letting out a screech of surprise. LeanFlower scrambled up with a heavy sigh of relief, DustStar raked the enemy toms already scarred stomach deeply. "Their leader has come!" A loud yowl sounded behind him, he glanced behind him quickly to see a group of bloody and injured RiverClan and ShadowClan cats. DustStar clawed one of CrossStars eyes, leaping off of the squirming and yowling tom. "Where are my cats?!" DustStar demanded, the enemy cats curled their lips up in rage at the wind clan leaders' sudden presence. DustStar gave a relieved sigh when his missing patrol leaped out from the bushes, "We've been fighting these mouse brains all night!" QuietShade spat. "Oh? They've dared to trespass?" DustStar growled, the group of trespassing cats huddled together. "Try us beetle brains!" FogPaw leaped put to the group to stand in front of DustStar with burning eyes. "An apprentice, a scrawny one as well." DustStar bluntly meowed, noticing FogPaws ribs rippled under his pelt. "Where's RiverClans leader?" DustStar raised his tone, the cats flattened their ears down and suddenly the strong smell of fear came from each of them. CrossStar staggered to the side of FogPaw, growling as blood streaked down from his now cloudy eye. "StreamStar didn't wish to come to fight with us." CrossStar bluntly retorted, his gaze shaky. "Well," DustStar counted the amount of cats.."Only ten, scrawny warriors?" DustStar chuckled. "Well then.." DustStars eyes narrowed, the enemy cat's eyes widened with terror. "Cats, attack!" With a loud battle cry his warriors leaped back into battle, DustStar pinned FogPaw down like QuietShade battled CrossStar. FogPaws eyes widened in fear while his ears flopped against his head, "You must think I'm a monster if you expect me to claw your stomach open as I would do to a warrior." DustStar retorted with narrowed eyes. "Your just an evil!-" FogPaws sentence was cut off when DustStar placed a soft paw on his mouth, the wind clan leaders unleashed claws threatened great harm to the apprentices face if he dared to flinch. "I'm not going to hurt you unless you try something." DustStars meow was a rough and guarded tone, the apprentice stared at him with slowly calming eyes. "But, you have to tell me who your parents are," DustStar demanded with a growl, FogPaw nodded quickly. DustStar took his paw off the apprentices' mouth and moved down to his throat in threat, FogPaw gasped for air. "StreamStar is indeed my and MistyPaws mother, along with CrossStar being our father.." FogPaw mumbled over his word in fright, DustStar gave him a hard stare then slowly nodded. "You told me nothing I don't know," DustStar grunted, he glanced around the battle clearing then gazed back at FogPaw. "Get your clans out of my territory or else I'll kill your father with my own claws." DustStar hissed hostilely. DustStar slowly stepped off FogPaw, the apprentice clawed his own side deeply then let out a shaky yowl. All the RiverClan and ShadowClan cats stopped fighting at once, gazing at the injured apprentice. At once the RiverClan and ShadowClan cats scrambled away from their battle desperately, nudging FogPaw along as they bounded out WindClans territory. DustStars ran to his side with amazement, "How did you get those cats to leave so fast?! You must've done something to FogPaw!" StormingLeap mewed. "I simply threatened the apprentice, he told me honestly that StreamStar and CrossStar and indeed his parents. Then I threatened to kill his father if he didn't get his clans to leave." DustStar shrugged, smiling as he saw that the scents of the enemy cats faded at once. StormingLeap shook her head with a sigh of disbelief, "I can't believe StreamStar and CrossStar have forbidden kits together.." StormingLeap held a disappointed gaze. "Might as well call them StreamPebble and CrossWing." QuietShade snorted with LeanFlower at his side. DustStar swung around with a hiss as the bushes moved,giving s sigh of relief when BurningBreeze and LeapingRock stalked out the brambles. "Me and LeapingRock chased those flea brains out." BurningBreeze assured,LeapingRocks side heaving heavily from running great distances. BurningBreeze and LeapingRock held hares in their mouths as they settled down to catch their breaths,QuietShade grooming LeanFlowers bristled fur. "We must return to camp at once." DustStar declared,his eyes raged.
"Great StarClan! I hope RiverClan and ShadowClan get trapped in the dark forest!" JuniperCloud cursed the two enemy clans as she busily bunched herbs onto LeanFlower and BurningBreezes wounds while DovePaw dealt with QuietShades and LeapingRocks small claw marks. StormingLeap dozed away while DustStar groomed her fur,the deputy had already gotten her round of herbs from DovePaw. "Those mouse brains are just itching to visit the dark forest!" LeanFlower remarked sourly. "Let's not go around killing our enemies,we'd be as good as AdderRiot." ThornPaw stalked in the medical den with a bundle of herbs in his strong jaws. "Thank you ThornPaw. And he's got a point." JuniperCloud turned to pick up the bundle of herbs,passing them odd to DovePaw who places them into the medical collection. "Can't argue with such an honorable remark.." QuietShade mumbled about ThornPaw to LeanFlower,the warrior was right,ThornPaw was quite the honorable cat even for merely an apprentice. "Need anything before I go?" ThornPaw asked,his broad shoulders edged as he turned. "All good,much appreciated ThornPaw." DovePaw assured her brother,ThornPaw gave a nod and leaped through the protective thorn vines protecting the medical den. "ThornPaw will grow up to be a leader,an honorable one at that." StormingLeap boldly mewed DustStars thoughts,blinking pain from her eyes slowly. "Much better than CrossStar or StreamStar!" LeapingRock added,the cast gave amused snorts. "Alright,I've finished with QuietShade and LeanFlower." DovePaw announced as she fixed her gaze to JuniperCloud for more orders. "Thank you,please fetch fresh kill for these warriors-..Except for BurningBreeze and LeapingRock since they've eaten the prey they caught."JuniperCloud dipped her head to DovePaw,the apprentice nodded and padded out the medical den. "Your free to go QuietShade and LeanFlower,make sure not to make to much sudden movements for today." JuniperCloud dismissed the two warriors with a sway of her tail,the two dipped their heads and carefully stalked out. "As well as you,PebbleLeap." JuniperCloud added,the deputy nodded and limped out with DustStar at her side.
DustStar slowly opened his blue eyes,blinking sleep away from his gaze and giving a wide yawn. He gave a pleased smile to see PebbleLeap at his side,her grey flank rising and falling softly. For a moment all his worries of the world washed away as he shared her warmth and soft meadow smell,slowly stirring from his place and sitting up to gaze out at the early dawn sky. The warm breeze carried into his den along with soft touched orange light glimmering onto the dens smooth grey floor. Raising a brow as RavenWing stalked to the entrance,giving a sway of his tail for him to come forward. As the young shadow tinted cat neared closer DustStar could tell he carried a small body in his jaws,"What's this?" DustStar muttered under his breath as RavenWing sat down with the small body carefully in his jaws. "A kit,it reeks of Riverclan." RavenWing explained then dropped the small kit to the edge of DustStars paws,it was blue with grey tinged paws. "It indeed is from RiverClan." DustStar curled his lip up in disgust of its pungent smell,yet it was mixed with a faint smell of ShadowClan. "It's not small enough to nurse,and it seems heathy. We'd better be on alert for it to lash out once it wakes up." DustStar pointed out,not sure why this cat was abandoned. "So it's apprentice age?" RavenWing asked,his gaze flicking towards the deputy as she stirred a bit in her sleep then back to DustStar. "Definitely," He held a bitter tone. "This could be a trick from RiverClan and ShadowClan,possibly they'll attack us." DustStar hissed,RavenWing held a sympathetic gaze for the apprentice sized cat. Slowly the blue furred cat stirred then leaped up with fluffed out fur and tail,their amber eyes belwired and alarmed. "Why am I here!" The cat demanded with an arched back and extended claws raking the stones cold ground,"I'm guessing your clan abandoned you." DustStar steadily held the cats shaken gaze. The cat gave a gasp,as if they remembered. Suddenly they had tears streaking down their face in dismay,"B..but..this isn't fair! I did all the tasks every other apprentice had to..!" They'd weep. Suddenly DustStar noticed PebbleLeap awake and watching the scene,bounding to them and placing her head over their shoulder and tail wiping their eyes. "It's alright dear,you have my shoulder to cry on for as long as needed." PebbleLeap soothed in a motherly tone,the apprentice would dig their nose into her shoulder for comfort. "Could you tell us your name?" DustStar asked,RavenWing settled near his leaders side to let the two have a comfortable amount of space. Slowly PebbleLeap slipped away from the apprentice as they calmed and settled near the other side of DustStar,sniffling they gave a slow nod. "I'm..BonnetPaw.." The apprentice mumbled,obviously a molly. "Why are you here?" RavenWing broke the silence,his gaze awkward. "None your business,nosy minnow brain." BonnetPaw retorted with flattened ears and bristled fur,"Well-..You did stumble into our camp.." RavenWing then added. "Silence at once,you two cannot be fighting like flea brained kits!" DustStar scolded,the two turning their heads away from each other. "I think it'll be the best choice if you were to tell me why you are here,isn't RiverClan getting along fine?" Silence fell into the den with an uncomfortable amount of sunlight that slowly added along with the noises of the clan awakening. "StreamStar didn't want me in RiverClan anymore since I had made fun of FogPaw and MistyPaw for their half clan roots,so she chased me out." BonnetPaw broke the silence at last,her gaze shaky and unsure. "Oh my StarClan,that's horrible." PebbleLeap mumbled with a sympathetic tone,nudging her tail tip close to the apprentices paw. "For now,you'll stay with us until we have a clear view of what is going to happen..." DustStar declared,trying to hide that he himself wasn't sure of these choices. He must've done a horrid job at hiding his anxiety,RavenWing and PebbleLeap held a dimmed gaze after his words. "I'm staying here...like...as an apprentice?" BonnetPaw asked nervously,her optics shaky. "Yes,I won't announce it to the clan though...We're not sure if your going to even stay here,give me some time to think about your training process." DustStar dipped his head,the three cats gave brief sighs of agreement before exiting their leaders den. DustStar shifted in his moss nest,feeling weighted down like a feather being trampled by a tigers sturdy paw. When the war would come,will WindClan even survive? DustStar shook his head in an attempt to clear his darkened thoughts,heaving himself up and padding out his sheltered den. Flinching a bit at the suns harsh sunlight,reminding him how close greenleaf was. PebbleLeap shuffled around in a group of cats,then a few split up and walked out for thorough dawn patrols. PebbleLeap led RavenWing and BurningBreeze,while LeanFlower led ThornPaw and StormingLeap. DustStar tilted his head towards the medical den,surprised to see DovePaw and BonnetPaw speaking with smiles and laughs. Suspiciously he edged closer,crouching near the fresh kill pile that lay at a corner then a path towards the medical den. Creeping in ear shot and pretending to inspect the prey closely,the two apprentices didn't pay much notice to him thankfully. "I'm so sorry to hear StreamStar decided to kick you out! Though,it was quite rude to point out the other two apprentices blood line." DovePaws voice was sympathetic and gentle,almost motherly. "I realize it was a mouse brained,even fox hearted move in my part. But StreamStar was sensitive." BonnetPaw agreed,though spoke with a hostile tone about her late leader. "StreamStar is known for being sensitive." DovePaw snorted before adding,"It must come along with being a RiverClan molly." BonnetPaw giggled at the light hearted joke,nudging DovePaw with a soft shoulder. "Your father is really kind and understanding,he's a much better leader than StreamFace!" BonnetPaw remarked,DovePaws eyes beamed. "He's level headed,what can I say. This is WindClan,not DramaClan." The two apprentices gave humorous giggles. "And your deputy-...I wish she was my mom!" DustStar then remembered how PebbleLeap had gave comfort to the apprentice. "WindClan,not DramaClan like RiverClan!" DovePaw once again remarked with a smile,brushing against BonnetPaw. Suddenly BonnetPaw turned her head,fixing her gaze to DustStar. The tom felt the apprentices eyes on his back,trying his best to ignore it. "What are you doing,DustStar? Is there maggots in the rabbits?" DovePaw asked with a tone of humor,nudging her fathers shoulder. "No,just making sure ShadowClan hasn't tried to pull anything." DustStars heart ached for lying,trying to comfort himself it was only a white lie. That didn't make it any better. "I'm sure ShadowClan won't try anything with a strong leader like you." BonnetPaw trotted to DovePaws side,admiring DustStar. "Maybe so." DustStar shrugged,"How about you two go help JuniperCloud?" The two apprentices nodded then bounded off to the medicine den. DovePaw must've just woken up if she wasn't arranging herbs yet,JuniperCloud was always very persistent on keeping the herb shelf neat. Blinking,he could only imagine what his traitor son was doing in ShadowClan. Plotting the next war move,becoming allies with the dark forest maybe,or maybe becoming a foxes mate!

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