Chapter 4: Movie Night

Start from the beginning

You asked Loki if he would like to hold her as you removed your boots and sat down on the couch with Lily, who adjusted herself to sit on and around your lap. Loki raised an eyebrow at you as he came over to sit down near you, he didn't mind snakes, he had even shaped-shifted into one before but it was his brother Thor who really loved them. You reached out your hand to take Loki's to bring it closer but Lily stopped you, wrapping her upper body around your arm as she herself crept closer to the God of Mischief. "Lily what are you doing?" you grin, as she lifted her body up and forward getting right in Loki's face staring him down for a few moments before turning back to look at you. It was almost as if she nodded her head before uncoiling herself from around you and headed back to her bed and her heat lamp, seemingly approving of Loki. 

You call after Lily telling her goodnight before turning back to Loki giving him your full attention, "so um I'm going to go start on dinner, I can put on a movie for you while you wait, or um... there are a lot of books in the library if you want to take a look and read something... or um... I'm not really sure what to do here... I never have company". You look at Loki a little sheepish and he says that he wouldn't mind joining you down in the kitchen, chatting with you while you made dinner, you told him that was fine as you got up. You let Loki know you'd be right back, as you wanted to get changed before making dinner, saying he was welcome to browse your movies in the meanwhile, asking him if he wouldn't mind picking one out to watch together after dinner while you were changing. 

It wasn't only the fact that you wanted to get changed into something more comfortable but your room was really messy right now and you couldn't let him see it in such chaos. So the second you shut the door you used your powers to pick everything up off the floor that wasn't supposed to be there, mainly clothes and the like. You then took a moment to focus and you raise your arms, crossing them in front, you quickly pulled them out and a part putting everything back where it needed to go. You then took a second to recover, it wasn't that you used too much of your powers it was that you moved too many objects in different directions at once, pushing your mental limit. You then quickly made your way into your closet to change, you didn't want to keep Loki waiting but you also didn't know what to wear, as you would usually just wear your underwear and a hoodie while alone. No one was ever there so you never had to really worry about this before, letting out a groan in frustration as you picked out something appropriate to wear in front of other people.  

You walked back out in a pair of colourful high-waisted workout leggings, a plain and cropped light grey hoodie, and black ballet flats, looking very cute and casual. You took off all of your accessories, except the ones on your head, wanting your hair to remain the same, out of the way while cooking, but you did take off your Loki headband. You walked back over asking to take his coat to hang up, remembering that's what a good host would do and you take it and hang it in the closet next to your stairs. Loki thought you looked adorable, this outfit seemed a lot more like you, at least it was similar in colour and in overall vibe to the first outfit he saw you in. He took a moment to think about how you looked that day, while you put their jackets away, with your little messy buns, blue rainbow dress, boots and sunshine yellow jacket, he thought you looked like the textbook definition of what kindness and joy would appear like in humanoid form. You were lovely, even when covered in his blood, and Loki smiled thinking about how close you were to him, how you weren't afraid to help him, seeing him as a person rather than just another bad guy.  

You then headed downstairs, asking what Loki would like to eat, seeing if you could find something you both like to make for dinner. He told you he didn't really care, only hoping you could cook as well as you could bake, seeing as the cupcakes you made were delicious. You decided to make butter chicken, making sure chicken was something Loki ate, as you didn't know his dietary preferences before getting out everything you needed. Seeing as someone was here you couldn't use your powers to get out the spices you needed from the top shelf, you had forgotten how high they were. You reached out to grab them but realized you couldn't, so you turned around to go get the stool from the pantry, so you could get everything you needed. But before you could leave to go get the stool, you found that Loki was directly behind you, reaching up to get the spice you were trying to grab a moment ago handing it to you, asking if there was anything else you needed from that cupboard. You stared at him blankly, overwhelmed by his sudden close proximity, unable to say a word, only stutter, which made Loki smile, your reaction was so cute and he just ended up looking down at the recipe card to get everything else you needed from the high shelf. 

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