2. The Unknown Possibilities

Start from the beginning

Semi silenced you by holding up a finger as he put the phone on speaker.


"Hey Reon, are you busy?"

"Nah, I just called to check on the song progress that you were stressing about."

"Mhm well I'm at y/n's and he's no help whatsoever." Semi was throwing his guitar pick up and down as Reon spoke.

"Ahh well why don't you do some subtle queer experience stuff?"

"Wait, that's genius!"

"I'm amazing, no need to remind me."

"Alright we're gonna go and record! SEEYA!"


Semi's eyes met yours as he hung up the phone, "that's great right?"

"Mhm" you nodded. Really you weren't sure what to say, Semi had been out for longer than you so in your eyes he had more experience. "Stop overthinking this, you'll be great."

"I'm not overthinking shit Eita." He scoffed, "if you're not overthinking then I'm straight." You laughed, "fair enough."

The two of you began brainstorming, you decided on a ten-song album with two bonus singles to release before and after the album. Now that the bones of the project were decided on, everything else fell into place.

After around three hours of successful song writing, which was the chorus of the leading track and the basic idea of the song, a knock sounded at your front door. "I'll get it." Semi said absentmindedly you nodded barely noticing him leave the room, completely submerged in your work.

"I cannot believe you y/n! Making your guest answer your front door for your cousin, what are you?"

"Royalty" you muttered under your breath, but unfortunately for you Keiji heard you and slapped you over the head with his work binder, "what the hell Keiji!" You yelled, rubbing the back of your head, and shooting daggers at him with your eyes, "don't be a rude prick." He stuck his tongue out at you in the childish manner the two of you always shared.

"When did I sign up for babysitting?"

"Oh, shut up Eita!" You and Keiji said in unison both throwing something at him. Semi chuckled, swatting away the balls of scrunched up paper you kept aiming at his head, "ok, ok! I get it! Calm down!" His voice came out through infectious laughter.

"Sorry Eita, I've gotta steal y/n for a bit, famous people function. You know how it goes." Keiji grabbed the hood of your hoodie, dragging you out of the room as Semi waved the two of you off.

"Ko, is gonna be there."

"I'm aware."

"You've got this?"

"Nope. You think I'll throw up?"

"Just blame it on the alcohol."

"I don't drink."


You nodded in agreement as Keiji led you to the lounge, "ok so, I brought some of my older suits if you want to use them..." his voice trailed off as he moved to the door, "I'm assuming there's an 'or' or 'but' in this sentence." He smiled mischievously as he opened the door, "or you could wear this!" Tendou's unmistakable voice came from the doorway, you smiled softly glad to see your friend again after so long apart.
"SATORI!" You ran up to him embracing him in a strong hug. "It's been too long," he whispered, and you nodded, "how's Paris?"

"Hoping it hasn't changed much since I left." You chuckled, you'd never been prouder of Tendou than when he told you that he'd be taking a chocolatier position in Paris, sure you'd miss your friend. But not everything remains as we want it too, everything good falls apart.

"Is Tendou here?!" Semi ducked his head out of the recording studio and Tendou sprinted off to greet him, Keiji cleared his throat directing your attention back to him. "As I was saying, you can choose from my old suits or, Tendou got these tailored for you in Paris and he wanted you to try them." You carefully took one of the dry-cleaning bags from Keiji laying it out on your bench to unzip it. Inside was a burgundy suit with black trimming, it was elegant but not exactly the vibe you were going with for tonight. Keiji handed you the second bag and you repeated the process this time revealing a royal blue suit with gold accents and black trimming.

Not quite decided yet Keiji handed you the final bag, inside was an emerald, green suit with silver trimming. Awed by the last two suits you deliberated for a moment before settling on the blue.

"Why that one?" Keiji asked as you carefully handed the other two back to him, "not sure really. I think I like the, gold." Keiji nodded refraining from making a comment unbeknownst to you.

A glimmer of hope appeared in your heart, for years now you'd adored gold and yellow things, finding an excuse to decorate your apartment in the bright colours.

Maybe it was his eyes.

"So, you're gonna talk to him tonight?" Keiji asked while settling himself on the stool, "I don't want to make it awkward." You answered falling back onto the lounge.

"Why would it be awkward?"

"He hasn't seen me in years and I'm randomly showing up at some official function that he's attending."

"He'll be happy to see you. You know what he's like, just be your amazing self."

"You're kidding right?" You propped yourself up on your elbows peering over the back of the couch at Keiji, "no, why?"

"I'm a dreadful person, to tell, 'just be yourself' to. I'm gonna embarrass myself and say something fucking awkward."
Keiji offered you an awkward lopsided grin, "I disagree, my cousin is pretty cool if you ask me." You rolled your eyes, "you're just saying that cause I'm famous."

His light laughter floated through the apartment, "yeah it's pretty amazing benefits." You hid your smile from him laying back down, arms behind your head, "gold digger." He laughed again and you smiled.

Despite your growing anxieties around seeing your childhood crush again you felt at ease in this moment, you had your cousin and friends by your side, they'd been there through thick and thin.

Even if the world ended you would all face it together.

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