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adjective ~ caused by or showing the effects of drinking alcohol

"N-no Luna, you gotta-you gotta...like this."

I giggled as I watched Miley attempt the limbo. She bent her body so far back, I thought she was going to fold in half. She took one step and came crashing to the floor with a groan. Instinctively I went to see if she was okay, hunching over her body on the ground, but as soon as I reached her I burst into sporadic fits of laughter once again.

Miley rolled on her back, laughing and clutching her stomach. Maisie came running towards us too, helping me in hoisting her sister onto two feet. Miley belched as she stood, sending us into more fits of laughter.

"Ma-an, where's Molly Moo even at t-tonight?" I hiccupped over my words.

Miley, wait no, Maisie shrugged, patting me on the back. "I've not seen her, everyone here is just...a big sausage roll."

I frowned, my eyebrows furrowing as I looked to where she was pointing. "Sausage roll?"

"Mm, I love sausage rolls." She breathed. "Hey, your turn on limbo-o!"

She shoved me, causing me to stumble, the drink in my hand sloshing out of the cup. Wait, when did I have a cup? I thought I had a bottle? Weird.

I shrugged, downing the rest of the firey liquid before approaching the bamboo cane. Miley-Maisie was holding the cane, just below my hips. I was flexible, I was amazing at limbo and yoga, I beat Miley hands down any day, any time, I will win.

I inhaled deeply, shaking my hands as I prepared myself to bend. The twins cheered me on, my alcohol-induced mind confident with its choice. I stepped closer, slowly bending myself backwards. I felt my hair slip past my shoulders, losing sight of the pole as I stared up at the night sky. I bend backwards, taking gentle steps forwards as I held my weight.

I felt triumphant in my accomplishment as half my body passed below the pole. A movement from the corner of my eye caught my interest and I rolled my head to the side to see what was so shiny. In my excitement, I failed to remember I was currently bent in half and came crashing to the floor. I landed head first, my legs folding beneath me. I grunted but rolled onto my front, laughing as I embraced my good ol' friend grassy.

He tickled my skin as I looked around the booming voices to seek out the shiny object. I became distracted when a large pair of boots came into my vision and I tipped my head up to see the intruder.


"Leo-o-o!" I heard Nova holler.

I turned from where I stood, an eyebrow raised with interest to observe what my little mate was doing. She was walking around, swaying in her movements as she clung to Miley's arm. They were both calling for her brother and his mate but to no avail.

"She is going to regret this in the morning." Charlie laughed.

I chuckled, watching as they gave up and stumbled into a heap by the fire. My heart skipped a beat when Nova's hand came a little too close, but she righted herself to sit straight. They began to blabber about how annoying her brother was and I tuned myself back out.

"She is." I mused. "Just like the dinosaurs."

"What dinosaurs?" Pollux interrupted, coming to stand beside me.

Charlie laughed, "You don't know the dinosaur story? It's hilarious."

Pollux turned an eye to be, waiting for an explanation. "Spill then."

"Okay, I will. But before I do, remember this is your sister and Luna here." I chided, eyeing Charlie who snickered at me. "When Nova had been here for a few weeks, I had to go visit the other Alpha's pack to help them with border issues. I ended up staying for quite a few weeks, so I arrange a nice get-together for when I came home. A dance of sorts, so all the wolves could have an excuse to get dressed up.

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