"This was super fun." I broke the small silence that was between us, throwing my cup into the trash.

'You know, it kinda was.' Saiki admitted.

"Yes! I knew you would have fun with me!" I poked his chest.

'Yare yare.'

I laugh quietly and continued to walk with him around the mall. I noticed that it was starting to get dark outside.

"We should start heading home, it's about to be 10:00 soon, and everything is closing up already."


Since we teleported here, we had to find an area where nobody can catch a glimpse of us teleporting to Saiki's house.

"Alright, I think over here should be good."

'Wait, is that L/n and Saiki!? And they're... together. Ugh!'

Saiki and I stopped on our tracks as soon as we heard a familiar voice.

We then looked at each other with wide eyes.


"L/n, Saiki! Hey!" Teruhashi shouted, beginning to catch up to us.

Saiki grabbed my hand and began to sprint, looking for a store we could go in, but most of them were closing up already.

He had finally found a tiny clothing shop and stepped inside.

"Welcome." a worker smiled, waving at us.

We both nodded at her and I looked behind me, seeing Teruhashi looking around.

"Saiki? L/n?"

'She's right there!'

Saiki looked back and as soon as he did, they made eye contact.

'Fuck.' he cursed, grabbing my hand and jogged into a dressing room. We then both teleported into Saiki's room.

"Phew." I brush off the sweat on my forehead.

'I always somehow manage to encounter Teruhashi whenever I go out.' he sighs, rubbing his head.

We then hear the door open and our parents yell, "We're home!"

We both walk downstairs, still a little out of breath.

"What happened.." my mom eyed the both of us.

"Nothing, just... running away from somebody I guess." I shrugged, wiping the sweat off my forehead.

"Okay... Anyways, we're going home." my mom frowned slightly.

"Oh, alright." I went upstairs to get my phone and then ran back downstairs, almost falling along the way.

"It was fun!" my mother hugged Kurumi.

"Yes, very!" she smiled and hugged her back.

"We should do this again sometime soon!" my mom suggested.

"Of course!" Kurumi clasped her hands together.

"Yeah, it was fun, Saiki." I grinned, patting his shoulder lightly.

Saiki just nodded and stayed quiet.

"Also, you should wear the outfit I picked out for you on Monday," I whispered in his ear.



"Well, goodbye again. See you again soon!"
my mother and I waved at Kurumi and Saiki.

"Bye!" Kurumi waved back.

My mother shut the door and walked beside me.

"So... what did you and Saiki do?" she asked, breaking the silence.

"We went to Café Mami and then went shopping. I chose the perfect outfit for him and he loved it!" I clasped my hands together, thinking about the outfit for the millionth time.

"That sounds like fun! I'm happy he liked the outfit you picked out for him. He's not the type to like things." she whispered the last sentence.

I just chuckled and nodded my head in agreement.


As soon as we went inside our house, I changed into my comfortable clothes and went to bed.

Maybe Saiki is starting to like me a little more.

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