Winter's Sudden Entrance

Start from the beginning

"We do! Well, we have mikan. But I had never had marmalade until now," Susato said.

"Please, sit down, Miss Susato! Tell us more about the East! Do you know anything about Japanese science!?" Albert said.

Susato smiled and seated herself beside Barok. He pushed his plate towards her, despite her words. "No, I don't, I'm sorry. I'm not very learned when it comes to the sciences," she said.

"Oh...Well! That's alright! Let me tell you about the labs in Germany," Albert said.

"Alright," Susato said.

Barok whispered to her about one of the foods on his plate, and pushed at it with his fork before handing the fork to her. Blushing and a bit reluctant, Susato ate what he suggested. They commented on the food quietly to one another while Albert rambled.

"...if they're still doing experiments with galvanization. That would be fascinating!"

Susato's head shot up. "Mr. Harebrayne."

"U-Uh, y-yes? Miss Susato?"

"Is that not the method used to animate that corpse-man in Frankenstein?" Susato said.

"Oh, uh, yes, I think it is, indeed! So you do have some passing interest in science? Or science related books, do you?" Albert said, grinning with an intensity that was almost dark.

"Mr. Harebrayne," Susato said severely. "You said you looked at cadavers before. Trying to fashion someone out of body parts from different an act against God!"

"AHH!" Albert flinched. "No, no, no, no! I—I am not planning to do anything like that! My plans are far more worthwhile and far more improbable, but I will prove them real science!"

"Be careful, Mr. Harebrayne. I would hate for your experiment to kill you," Susato said gravely.

Albert stared at her.

Barok chuckled. "I see Miss Susato is being merciful today. You should have heard her the night we visited the Penhale estate."

"He was being wasteful! And his daughter impugned your honour!" Susato said.

"It was...rather enjoyable," Barok said.

Susato looked askance, face warm.

"Huh? Oh. Oh! So you two are courting now, are you?" Albert said. "No wonder you were so annoyed when I kept complimenting Miss Susato."

"What!?" Susato gasped.

Barok dropped his fist down on the table. "You speak carelessly, my friend!"

"Sorry! Sorry! I suppose you leapt straight into an engagement, didn't you? You two are living together, and you are very keen on propriety, Barok!" Albert said.

"There is nothing improper about our living arrangements," Barok said.

A few people were looking at them now. Susato shrank in her seat, moritifed.

"No need to be secretive about it! I fully support you both! Or do you have to elope because of her social standing and foreign roots?" Albert said, suddenly looking thoughtful.

"Mr. Harebrayne....Lord van Zieks and I are not...beholden to one another," Susato said.

"Oh. Oh, sorry!" Albert rubbed the back of his neck. "That's right! You have all those suitors back in Japan."

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