Truth and Misconception

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"Oh, I do assure you there is nothing untoward going on. Lord Barok is far too decorous for such ignoble actions. And Susato is a very refined woman. You should not worry yourselves over them, nor should you speak in rumours."

"Forgive me, my lady. I am merely concerned. It is painful for a woman to love above her station, and dangerous for a man to be left alone with his passions."

"I understand, my dear. But I assure you there is nothing at risk here, save for you insulting my darling little brother's honour, which has always proven beyond reproach."

"Very true, my lady. Please do not be cross with me."

"Do not worry, I appreciate your concern. I am happy to have you in my service," Lady Baskerville said gently.

The maid glanced at Susato, bowed, then retreated.

Susato touched her cheek, annoyed with herself for the warmth she felt in her own skin.

Lady Baskerville returned to her side, smiling lightly.

"Did you overhear that, my sweet Susato?"

"Lady Baskerville, am I truly making Lord van Zieks look so indecorous? We are merely studying together. I never thought it could be misconstrued in such a way..."

"Oh, it is quite alright. I know," Lady Baskerville said. "Do not concern yourselves with what anyone thinks. Barok truly values your company, and you value his. I merely like to tease you. Perhaps the servants have overheard me and misunderstood my words. My teasing is totally baseless, after all."

"Oh. Yes. Of course."

Susato and Lady Baskerville resumed their tea, the envelope left unopened at Lady Baskerville's elbow, as Lady Baskerville talked about a novel she wished to read together. Susato nodded, distracted despite the favourable topic.

Klint and Barok entered the room.

"What is this, my love?" Klint said, noticing the envelope immediately.

"Open it and tell us, my dear Klint!" Lady Baskerville said, clasping her hands together and smiling brightly.

Barok stood beside Susato's chair, arms crossed, a sheen of sweat still on his brow from the sparring match. Susato tried not to look at him.

"It seems we have been invited to a banquet. There will be dancing," Klint said.

"Who has proffered this grand invitation?" Lady Baskerville said.

"Lord Penhale."

"Oh, I do so like his cousin. Even if he is rather insufferable."

"Yes, quite," Klint said with a sigh.

"Well! We must prepare Miss Susato," Lady Baskerville announced as she stood up, clapping sharply once.

"Oh dear. You do not mean to take me with you, do you?" Susato said.

"Of course I do! You are a charming and refined guest, equally as civilised as the finest gentlewoman, and for more interesting. Do you not agree, Barok?" Lady Baskerville said.

"Your company would make the affair much more tolerable," Barok said.

"Excellent! Then we are all agreed. Barok will begin teaching Susato how to dance this very evening!" Lady Baskerville declared.

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