A Change of Circumstance

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"I will walk with you," Barok said, placing his napkin down and standing as well.

Susato walked quickly out of the room, Barok at her side.

Genshin stood in the parlour, wrist resting lightly against Karuma's scabbard. He turned at the sound of Susato's steps. Surprise leapt onto his face.


She threw herself forward, hugging him tightly. Genshin stroked her hair then carefully stepped back to look at her.

"What happened?" Genshin said.

Susato's breath hitched.

"What did Yujin do?" he demanded, voice hardening.

"He said...Father said...He does not want me here. He sent me away."

"He tossed you out in the middle of the night?" Genshin said.

"Y-Yes. Genshin-sama...Does he truly hate me? Because of...Because mother..."

"That is why you came here so late, Miss Mikotoba?" Barok said solemnly.

Susato averted her face, feeling ashamed. "I promised not to give up. But...what else can I do? Genshin-sama...should I really go back to Japan?"

"I do not wish for you to go back so soon," Genshin said. "I would prefer that we leave together, when it is time for us all to return."

"Pray forgive the discourtesy. I do not mean to cause you offense nor further distress, and I have no right to speak regarding your plans. However, it is my sincere hope that you will continue on your path and that you will allow us to provide you shelter until you can settle matters properly with your father," Barok said.

"I do not wish to go. But I cannot prevail upon your good graces in such a way," Susato said. "Perhaps there is somewhere else I can stay?"

"I can seek accommodation for you," Genshin said.

"Lady Baskerville would be most disappointed if you chose another roof, when she has so readily offered ours," Barok said.

"Is it really alright?" Susato said.

"Yes. Were you able to bring your luggage with you?" Barok said.

Susato shook her head.

Barok glanced at Genshin. Genshin nodded in understanding.

"Lord Barok and I will go to Baker Street. We will return with your things," Genshin said. "I imagine someone should be present this morning."

"Let us depart at once," Barok said.


Susato sat with Klint and Lady Baskerville in the drawing room, waiting. Lady Baskerville sewed while Klint read, and Susato watched the movement of the needle and thread for a moment, an untouched book on her knees. But she could not throw her focus into any pursuit, and so she simply stared out the window.

At last, the carriage appeared, rolling up to the gates. Susato shot to her feet and rushed to greet Genshin and Barok.

Barok walked in, strides long and furious. He bowed to her while barely breaking pace, then hastened up the stairs. Susato turned towards Genshin as he set down her bags.

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