It was going to be fine. It was going to be fine. 

After a quick pep talk, you got out of the car. The air is crisp and you instinctively grab your coat, quickly slipping it on to shield from the cold that has officially decided to stay. You hear footsteps practically jumping down the stairs and when you grabbed your bag out of your trunk and turned around, Izuku was right there, smiling at you with his handsome grin.

"Hey!" He exclaims, pulling you into a quick hug and pecking you on the lips. 

"Hi," you say, giddiness overtaking the nerves that were swirling around your stomach moments ago. He grabs your bag and puts it over his shoulder and when you step back, your eyes wander over him. He's wearing jeans and a simple dark gray button-up. His hair, of course, is sticking out all over the place but you wouldn't want it any other way. "How was the drive?" 

You smile as he leads you up the stairs, "it was fine, I'm glad it's done though." 

"Yeah I bet, thanks for coming! Also don't be nervous, I know my mom will absolutely love you."

You stop outside of his door; how did you guys get up here so fast? Even with his encouraging words, you can't help but feel a little anxious. Just as he's about to open the door but it gets flung open instead. 

"I just couldn't wait any longer!" A woman, you assume to be his mother since they have the same emerald green hair exclaims. She exits the apartment and grabs onto your hand with both of hers. Her touch is soft and warm. "It is so nice to finally meet you, y/n!" 

Her energy is infectious, and you can't help the grin that grows on your face. "It's nice to meet you too, Mrs. Midoriya." 

"Oh goodness," she starts, "Call me Inko, I don't want to sound like an old lady yet."

"Mom," Izuku laughs, his hand resting subtly on your lower back. 

"Oh! Sorry come in, come in! I can't have you standing outside in the cold a moment longer." 

She steps out of the way and Izuku guides you through the hallway and into the kitchen. From what you can see of the apartment, it's absolutely adorable. It's a simple kitchen, with the normal utilities like a sink, oven, microwave, and fridge. There's a small wooden table in the middle that is worn with age, different dents and marks litter the surface. There are some plants that decorate the windowsill and center of the table that give the kitchen some life. Even though you only see one room, you can tell that even if it's just Inko living here, it's full of life. 

"Would you like some tea?" Inko asks, shuffling over to the stove where a teapot waits. 

"Sure that would be great, thank you." 

As she pours, you and Izuku sit down, hands already intertwined under the table. 

She comes back over and places three cups of warm liquid in front of you all. "So!" She starts, "tell me about yourself y/n!" 

Her excitement is contagious, and you can't remember why you thought you should've been nervous in the first place. For the next hour or so, you all talk. Inko constantly asking you questions about your life and how college is going. Izuku jumps in too of course, especially anytime Inko is about to start an embarrassing story about when he was younger. You make a mental note to ask her about it later though. The conversation flows so easily but it's not like you're surprised. They both have such kind hearts that make you feel loved and hear even if you're a stranger they met on the train. Once the tea from the pot is all done, Inko excitedly rises from the table. 

"I'm going to get started on making dinner!" Inko claps excitedly. "Izuku why don't you show y/n around?" 

"I can help," you say, standing up with Izuku but Inko interjects, waving you both off. 

We Met Over Coffee (Izuku Midoriya x Y/N) Cafe/College AUWhere stories live. Discover now