🌌 ~ Accident ~ 🌌

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I think it's time to publish it... for you FandomNerd333


The rain was pattering on the roof of the vehicle, a yellow Chevrolet Camaro with black stripes, a beautiful and particular car, at the wheel of such a masterpiece was the usual seventeen year old monotonous and habitual, very different from the girl sitting in the back seats, a fourteen year old colored hair, anything but normal and calm <<hey Jack, why do you think Raff didn't want to come?>> she said, the boy thought about it and then answered her in a monotonous tone <<he said he had a commitment, something like a science project>> Miko remembered Raff's last project, Ratchet had helped him build it and it didn't go very well <<let's hope Ratchet didn't help him haha >> Jack smiled thinking back to when their friend trying to help them, he makes a slight mistake by making the three take an F, he looked in the mirror seeing his friend playing with her pink cell phone <<yes, I really hope so>>.
There was a small detail of that car that went quietly unnoticed, the fact that it was not only consenting, but alive, a bio-mechanical creature that had come to earth from a distant planet, called Cybertron along with a group of its kind who represented resistance to the warlord's tyranny, we humans have had Hitler, well he's much worse...
The Autobot in question is not a veteran, on the contrary, he is as they say a young man, not a rookie being already part of the team for some time, but from the point of view of his age he was very young, he was indeed the best friend of the guys, 3 humans who are aware of their existence, of the war between the two factions and tried to help their friends as they could.
The radio display has a small tick, and then releases a series of confused sounds, but which for those two humans were understandable, more or less <<vzzzzz>> Miko looked at the Display with resigned air <<Bee, you know that without Raff or the Autobots do not understand you>> the Camaro made sounds similar to moans <<weee...>>.
The silence had fallen, but without ending a minute Jack exposed his question <<Bumblebee how soon we will arrive at the base in your opinion>> on the radio display the writing "2 minutes" appeared and the boy sighed with resigned air while the fourteen year old he put down the phone for a moment for the impression that his friend was not very calm <<Jack? What is it?>> neither of them spoke for 3 or 4 seconds while the car was still going on the cold asphalt of the desert roads of Nevada <<oh nothing, only that the more I think of all the companions that the Autobots have lost more I feel that something is wrong>> the almost adult looked at the road again only to hear a call from their friends, the radio display showed the image of Arcee, his partner, the boy pressed the green button, ready to hear the voice of her friend <<what happened?>>, <<Jack? We need Bumblebee, Ratchet has found the signal of a relic and we must go and check, come to the base as soon as possible>> <<Okay, here we go>> the teenager pressed the red button to end the call <<Bumblebee?>> the car does not decrease the speed while continuing to drive on the road between the semi-vermilion sand of the desert <<vzzzzzeeeee?>> the teenager left the wheel with all the confidence in his body and leaving the command to the car <<go to everything gas>> the yellow Chevrolet Camaro took off without letting the two boys have time to comment, in just under a minute the Autobot crossed the threshold of the base making Miko and Jack get off to go on a mission.
The entire team moved across the Ground Bridge, emerging into a cave filled with strange white and gray crystals. The group of Cybertronians moved towards the relic sign revealing a circular room carved into the rock, in the center of it, on a pedestal, rested a black box with blue Energon designs and finishes. A few meters away another Earth Bridge opened from which the only and inimitable second in command of the Decepticon army emerged: <<oh look, did the Autobots also find the relic?>> the red bot behind him, as well as Decepticon doctor, scolded him as he used to do when the Seeker got his head high <<Starscream, stop joking, I don't want to fix you again>> the commander chuckled arrogantly and then spoke with an authoritative tone but also a little self-centered <<quiet Knockout, this time I will not fail>>.
The Seeker quickly advanced towards the relic, at the same time Bumblebee approached the pedestal and in a few seconds both handed his hands on the box, General Decepticon attacked the scout to scratch his face to take the relic, but someone didn't agreed.
<<Starscream! Behind you!>> The Seeker turned to see the only femme autobot aimed at his face with one of her blasters, before he could hit her the box activated by emitting a blue light and he pulled it away from him, but the box landed in front of Bumblebee, showering him with a blue light.
A few seconds later, when it was again to see that part of the room everyone could notice that the relic was now off, discharged, the autobot instead disappeared, replaced by a small yellow sparkling with black finish, as big as the box is now completely Noone dared to move until with a shot Starscream tried to take the relic but sparkling did not dare to step away from the box, so, in a panic attack the Seeker took both the relic and the little scout while the soldiers kept the Autobot at bay. General Decepticon returned to the Ground Bridge crossing it back with Knockout, meanwhile, the leader Autobot could see the enemy faction take not only a powerful and ancient relic, but also the one he saw as a son...

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