Halloween Cat (damijon)

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Prompt: coming across a black cat on Halloween

Jon and Damian were walking through Metropolis to Jons apartment after a Halloween party. They were holding hands and walking through the park, neither of them speaking, just enjoying the peace, when Damian saw a small shadowy figure run across their path, jumping into a bush. He let go of Jons hand and walked over to the bush, his boyfriend watching him, confused. Damian kneeled down and pulled back some of the leaves revealing a small black kitten, making his normally cold, indifferent expression soften.

"Aw, hi." Damian cooed when the cat cautiously walked up to him before licking and nuzzling his outstretched hand. Now even more confused, Jon walked up behind Damian to see what he was talking to. Upon seeing the black kitten he pulled Damians hand back and moved away a little bit.

"Hey!" Damian exclaimed angrily.

"Don't touch it, don't you know black cats are bad luck." Jon told him. Damian scoffed as he stood up.

"That is ridiculous Jon, where on earth did you hear such a stupid myth."Damian said, crossing his arms.

"It's a common fact, especially on Halloween. Come on, it's getting dark, my parents are waiting." Jon said, grabbing Damians hand and pulling him with him out of the park and away from the cat.

Once back at the Kents' apartment, Damian and Jon had changed into p.js and were sitting in Jon's room, Damian on the bed looking out the window and Jon in a chair at his desk, setting up his laptop to watch a movie/show. After setting it up and choosing Stranger Things he joined Damian in the bed, laying on his stomach as Damian did the same, and putting an arm around Damians shoulder.

A couple minutes into the episode, Damian could hear soft scratching at the window and looked out to see a very small shadow with green eyes, sitting on the fire escape outside Jon's window. Damian tapped Jon on the shoulder to get his attention and when Jon looked at him he pointed out the window. Jon squinted outside and saw the green eyes staring back at him.

"What the...?" he trailed off as Damian moved to open the window and the figure jumped through onto the bed, and both boys saw a black kitten.

"Aw." Damian said as it crawled up to him and he immediately knew it was the same one from the park.

"Are you kidding! Did it follow us home?" Jon exclaimed as Damian picked it up and it cuddled into his arms.

"Why are you holding it, that thing is clearly demonic, toss it back outside!" Jon yelled. Damian turned to glare at him, the cat also seeming to be glaring at him, and Jon gulped.

"How could you say that about Ghost?" Damian said, holding the cat closer.

"Holy shit, now you've named it. Why would you name it?!" Jon cried.

"Quit being so over dramatic, you're starting to remind me of Grayson." Damian scoffed.

"I'm not being overdramatic. A black cat followed us home, on Halloween, how can you want to keep that thing?" Jon asked

"It's just a harmless kitten Jon, and clearly it doesn't have a home, show some sympathy." Damian mumbled, looking away from Jon. Jon knew how much he loved animals, it was one of his few soft spots, how could he be so insensitive about it.

Jon glared at the cat, staring into its emerald green eyes. They actually kinda reminded him of Damians equally cold and mysterious green eyes. In fact the more he looked at the small kitten, the more it reminded him of his boyfriend. Small, stubborn, cold and distant but also so cute. He sighed, crawling over to sit next to Damian, leaning against the window.

"It is kinda cute I guess." Jon said as Damian looked over at him.

"Kinda reminds me of you." he continued with a smirk, seeing Damians face turn pink.

" 'M not cute." Damian mumbled, leaning his head into Jons shoulder, the cat jumping out of his arms and onto the bed between them. Jon smirked again, putting a hand on Damians waist and pulling him to be facing him in his lap.

"You sure about that." he said, smirking at the smaller boy. Damian grabbed a pillow and hit him in the face with it, before snuggling into him.

"See, you are like a cat, I never know if you want to kill me or cuddle with me!" Jon told him with a laugh.

Shut up, you left the window open so now I'm cold." Damian mumbled.

Jon rolled his eyes but leaned over to close the window, before laying down and wrapping his arms around Damian as the cat crawled up next to Damians head on his chest and laid down too. Damian smiled and closed his eyes, quickly falling asleep, the cat following. Jon smiled and kissed Damians forehead before falling asleep as well.

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