Out of town

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"Honey I'm going to be at the hospital for a bit so don't be surprised if I'm a bit late but ill make it for our anniversary" Luke says. "Ok pinky promise" I ask incidentally, "pinky promise" he repeated connecting our pinky finger and kissing me.

I just dropped carmen off at he grandparents house see me and Luke can have an amazing time without stopping every 5 minutes to entertain her. Now I'm just waiting for Luke to come back he did say he'd be a bit late but it's been at least 2 hours since he was supposed to come home.

"Hey Luke honey" I say on the phone to him, "hi honey I cant really talk right know there's so much going on here an-" "but what about our anniversary" "I am so sorry but I don't think I can come home early enough" "but you promised me you would make it" "I know I promise-" I just cut him off how could not be here he said he but he's not I'm just going to my parents house for the night I don't want to be here alone.


I feel super bad that I can't be there for me and Savannah anniversary but the hospital is so packed with patients, plus she cut me off the phone so I know she's really upset.

I'm finally home so I can cheer Savannah up know I call her name but there's no answer I look everywhere for her but nothing at this point I'm freaking out thinking she left me. But I notice a note on the table. It says:

Hi Luke I know your probably wondering why I'm not at home but I didn't what to be alone so I'm at my parents house with carmen you don't worry about us we'll see you in the morning.

I cant believe I made her so upset that she said that she was sleeping some where else, I hope she didn't tell her parents they love me so what will they think as well. It's fine anyway because she's coming back tomorrow so I can talk to her then.

The next day


Me and Carmen are just about to open the door since we just came back from my parents house. Once I open the door I smell fresh cooked food.

"Hey baby you're home I just thought since you've been away for a while I'd cook". Luke says. "I'll put carmen in her play den whilst we talk" "Yh ok" i replied giving carmen to Luke.

I was waiting for Luke to come back so we could talk then I felt his arms wrap around my waist.

"I'm sorry I'm so sorry" he says asking for forgiveness, "you promised me you'd be home and we'd have an amazing time and then I call you for you to say you won't be home in time" "i know and I'm so sorry I'm going to make  it up to you somehow I promise and I mean it" " ok I forgive you don't do it again ok" i say chuckling, "noted I love you" "love you too" we say and kiss.

After I get carmen out her play pin and we eat dinner and Luke has made it up to which is why I love him so much.

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