Chapter 44 - Saved

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Angelina's POV

Around two weeks have passed since Banks and I went and watched the sunset. And, we were growing closer again. I did feel myself beginning to trust him a lot more, even if I didn't want to admit it. I was beginning to realise that he really was being genuine. I could slowly feel a certain fondness for him that I had before come back to me.

It was currently the weekend. The girls were in my room and the boys were downstairs.
"So how are things with you and Banks?" Connie asked.
"Good." I sat next to her. "We've been getting closer, and we're back to being really good friends."

"Are you sure it's not more than friends?" Allie teased.
"Yes I'm sure." I felt my cheeks start burning, making me walk away from them so they don't see.
"You liar!" They all yelled at me.
"I'm not lying!" I lied.
"Ange we know the truth. You're not very good at hiding it." Julie spoke.

"Huh?" I turned back to look at them.
"For the past few weeks, you've been blushing every time he looks at you." Connie said.
"You've always smiled when he's around." Allie added.
"And you've barely taken your eyes off each other!" Julie exclaimed.

"So?" I asked.
"You like him!" They all said in unison.
I stayed silent, and my cheeks turned red again. This time I couldn't hide it.
All three of them started squealing in joy. I hid my face in my shirt.

Without another word, the girls ran out of my room and downstairs. I knew exactly what they were going to do. I immediately started running after them. When I got downstairs, the eyes of all the boys had widened and their jaws had dropped. I was too late, they had already told them.

"You have feelings for Banks?!" They all shouted.
I stayed silent, and they got their answer. Even though, I didn't say anything, what they guessed was true.
They all started cheering loudly.
"Operation Adelina has been a success!" Averman yelled.

"Operation Adelina?" I asked, obviously puzzled.
"Doesnt matter, we'll tell you later!" Charlie said. "Now go!"
"Go where?!"
"Go to Banks!" They all yelled.
I nodded and headed to the front door, my teammates followed.

"Have fun!"
"Good luck!"
"And use protection!" Averman joked.
I laughed slightly before walking away quickly.


I was getting closer to Adam's house, but all of the sudden I had a strange feeling that someone was following me. I turned around slightly to try and locate someone. In the corner of my eye, I saw McGill behind me. He quickened his pace and I had no choice but to do the same.

I looked straight ahead and saw that Larson was walking towards me. I quickly took a sharp turn into an alley way, it was a dead end. Fanger then appeared from behind a trash can, scaring me a bit.
"Well hello Sparks." McGill voiced from behind me. I could feel him and Larson coming closer to me.

"What do you want?" I spat.
"We just want to have a little fun." Larson said.
My whole body became tense, and my heart began to beat faster.
"Don't be scared Sparks. We won't hurt you as long as you cooperate." Fanger smirked.

"Leave me alone." I snarled. "Or you'll regret it."
McGill chuckled. "Oh, we all know you can't do shit." He tried to grab my arm but I pulled it away just in time.
"Come on Spark-"
Suddenly, someone whacked McGill over the head with a plank of wood, making him fall to the ground. Adam.

Larson put his hand over my mouth and tried to drag me away. I stamped on his foot, making him release me. I saw Fanger run up to Adam and punch him. Adam returned the hit. McGill then got up from the floor. Adam was now fighting them both at once.

I tried to run and help him but Larson shoved me to the ground. Before I could get up again, he kicked my side: the side that has been bruised for weeks from the game against the Hawks, the side that wasn't healing very much.

I yelped in pain. Adam's eyes went straight to me. He punched Fanger in the jaw and kicked McGill back to the ground before running up to me. Larson tried to stop him but Adam punched him before he could.
He helped me up. "Run!"

We ran as fast as we could, out of the alley and all the way to Adam's house. He opened the door and we both walked in. We were both out of breath, desperately gasping for air. I took my shoes off before looking at Adam. He had a few cuts on his face and a black eyes. His hands were all bruised up and bleeding.

I walked into his living room and he followed me. I pointed to the couch.
"Sparks I'm fine-"
"Adam Vincent Banks I swear-"
"Fine, fine, okay."
He sat down on the couch and I walked into his kitchen. I opened one of the drawers and got the first aid kit. Surprisingly, I still remember where everything is after all this time.

I walked back into the living room and saw that he had taken his shirt off. His body was covered with so many cuts and bruises. I made my way over to him and sat down. I opened the first aid kit and got out the rubbing alcohol and some cotton.

I poored the alcohol onto the wool.
"Are your parents not home?"
He shook his head. "Business trip."
I put down the rubbing alcohol. "This might hurt, a little."
He nodded. The moment the wool came into contact with his cut, he winced. I quickly stopped, making Adam take my wrist.
"Keep going. I'm fine."

I began to clean his cuts. His biggest one ran all the way across his chest. He let out quiet winces here and there. When I finished his body and his hands, I moved on to his face. He had a huge cut across his jaw line. I placed my hand on his cheek, making him look the other way, so I could clean it.

Adam's POV

After she finished cleaning me up, she put away the rubbing alcohol. "You okay?" She asked, as I put my shirt back on again.
"I'll survive." I smiled. "Are you?" I placed my hand on her waist. She let out a loud wince, making me move my hand away. I gave her an extremely worried look.

I pulled her onto my lap, before taking her sweatshirt into my hand. She nodded, giving me permission to lift it up. When I did, her bruised side was revealed, leaving me shocked. There were bruises running all the way from the top of her rib cage down to her hip bone. These must've been the bruises I saw a few weeks ago.

I placed my hand on them gently, making her yelp in pain.
"Banks please, it hurts."
"Where is this from?"
She stayed quiet.
"From the game against the Hawks." She muttered.

"But that was nearly two months ago-"
"They haven't been healing." She interrupted. I looked at her. "At all. And-"
"The hit from Larson today didn't make it any better. You're bleeding." She stayed quiet again. "I'm cleaning you up."

"Adam I'm fine-"
"Shut up." I ordered. I reached over and grabbed the first aid kit again. I then looked at her. "Can I?"
She nodded and I lifted her sweatshirt. She helped me take it off. She had a sports bra on underneath.

I then began to clean her side. She grabbed onto my free hand and squeezed it, because of the pain. I soon finished and put the stuff away. She stayed on my lap, and we sat in a comfortable silence.

Angelina's POV

"You know all the times I got into fights with Bell?" He said. I nodded my head. "They were all because I found out he was bothering you."
"Adam I'm sorry. I was practically the reason you got suspended-"
"Don't blame yourself. My actions got me suspended. It's not your fault."

I stayed quiet for a moment, looking into his deep blue orbs. The eyes I fell in love with years ago, the ones I could get lost in for hours. "Thank you."
He chuckled. "For what?
"For cleaning me up." I smiled, and placed my hands on his shoulders.

"And for protecting me."
"I will always protect you." He said, before smashing his lips against mine. I kissed him back immediately. He then picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He carried me up the stairs and into his bedroom.

He put me down on the bed. He hovered over me, and didn't break the kiss. I tugged on his shirt. He pulled away and took it off. He then started taking the rest of my clothes off, before moving onto his. He looked me in the eyes. "Are you sure about this?"
I nodded, before pulling him into a kiss again.

That was Chapter 44! Hope you enjoyed!

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