Chapter 12 - First Encounter

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Angelina's POV

I was getting close to the library. Suddenly, I felt someone much taller and stronger than me pin me against a set of lockers. I was confused at first but then realisation hit me.

I could smell an expensive cologne and mint gum. I saw a muscular arm sitting next to my head and felt the other hand pressing my body to the lockers.

I slowly lifted my head up and there they were, the set of stunning ocean blue eyes that I've been dreading to see once more. The same eyes that I would look into with such love and passion. I was looking into the eyes of the boy that I once loved, the boy that loved me once, or at least I thought he did...

"Banks." I grumbled with a glare.
"Sparks." He glared down at me. His face was close to mine. His hand was permanently placed on my waist, as if he didn't plan on moving it.
"What do you want?" I spat at him.
"A little bird told me that you have been bothering my girlfriend." He replied, not breaking eye contact.

Girlfriend. Hearing that word come out of his mouth made my stomach do a flip, and not in a good way.
"Bird? You mean ugly crow?" I asked.
"Don't play around with me." He scolded.
"I'm not. Just saying the truth."
"Leave my girlfriend alone Sparks." He demanded.

"Why don't you tell her to leave me alone instead? I was just simply minding my own business until she came in and started being all annoying and shit."
"I told you." He paused and his face came closer to mine. "To stop playing around. Leave my girlfriend alone or there will be consequences."

"Oooo. What's big boy Banksie gonna do? Are you gonna hurt me?" I provoked.
His face came even closer to mine, now just a couple of centimetres away. Our lips were even closer than before.
"Don't test me." He hissed.

"Listen. As long as you keep your girlfriend on a leash as far away from me as possible, then we won't have any problems. And we most definitely won't be having any crying incidents. Now." I pushed him off me, sort of startling him. "If you don't mind, I'll be going now. I have better things to do than waste my time with a jackass like yourself."

And with that I turned around and walked away from him, not wanting to spend another second near him.
I never expected him to go from being a kind person to a complete dick.


I pushed open the door of the library and entered. I greeted the librarian, the one that's been working here for 30 years. Kind of depressing but whatever.
I walked over to a book shelf and began to search for a book. After a few minutes I discovered a Greek mythology book that I've never seen before.

I picked it up from the shelf and walked over to the librarians desk.
"Hello, what can I do for you?" She asked with a polite smile.
"I would like to borrow this book."
"Lovely." She took it from me and scanned it.
I pulled out my library card that I used in freshmen year.

I handed it to her. She scanned it and then handed me back the card and the book. I thanked her and the went to find a table. I sat down and began to read my book.

"Can I sit? All the other tables are taken... again." I heard someone say. I looked up, it was Holland.
"Your choice." I said.
He hesitated but did end up sitting down. He took some books out and began to take notes, or something. I was paying more attention to my book than him to be honest.

We sat in silence for a very long time until he broke it.
"Look I'm sorry for how you've been treated these past few weeks. I really am. What they're saying to you is horrible and-" he began.
"Its not your place to apologise for their actions and behaviour. And don't think that I'm offended by anything they say. They're not worth anything."

He looked at me in slight shock. "Well that's a bit mean."
"Its called being realistic. Being in a school filled with cunts makes you realise that there are far more important things to do than waste your time with shitheads." I replied bluntly.

"Well they're aren't that bad when you get to know them. I think you're just scared to open up because of what happened over a year and a half ago." He stated.
I froze. Does he know what happened? Did they tell him?
"I mean I don't know the story but-"

I interrupted. "Good. Because its none of your business. Don't get involved in shit that doesn't concern you Holland." I scolded.
That was when the bell rang and I got up and exited the library, leaving Holland all by himself. I began to walk to the cafeteria.


I grabbed my food and walked over to my friends.
"Well hello bookworm!" Ezra greeted.
I didn't answer. I just sat down and stared down at my food.
"Ange. What happened?" Allie asked.
"Want to talk about it?" Alex asked.
I repeatedly stabbed my food with a fork. "Can we talk later? When we get home?"

"Whatever you'd like." Allie smiled.
There was a pause after that.
"Oh by the way, who's taking care of Zeus?" Alex asked.
"Remember when Coach Johnson said she'll hire a housekeeper, because we'll be too busy to do everything around the house ourselves?" Allie asked, and Alex nodded.

"Well she's starting today. Johnson said she will give her a tour of the house and get her started while we're at school. She'll be taking care of Zeus while we're gone." Ezra confirmed. Alex nodded again.
"If she hurts Zeus I will go mental." I stated.

"No doubt about that." Ezra chuckled.
Then I remembered my plans after school. "I'm meeting a friend after school, so I won't be going home with you guys today." I announced.
"Okay! But call us if you need anything."  She said.
I nodded and began to eat.

That was Chapter 12! Hope you enjoyed!

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