chapter 4 - "never trust Kotetsu-san with room numbers"

Start from the beginning

“Kotetsu-san, I do hope you do show us what room we’re staying in…” Chi said a sweat drop rolling down both of our heads.

“Right!” Kotetsu laughed, as he rubbed the back of his head.

“Right….” Chi and I replied not nessesarially trusting Kotetsu at the moment.


“Look! I said I’m sorry!!” Kotetsu shouted as chi and I continued to glare daggers at the man who seemed to have no idea of what our apartment number was.

“Kotetsu-San why didn’t you just tell us you didn’t know our room number?” Chi asked being the voice of reason and not threatening Kotetsu to skin him if he didn’t get us to our room.

“I don’t know,” Kotetsu shrugged looking down at the ground, “I didn’t think about it.”

“Of course you didn’t think about it.” I sighed sagging my shoulders. I was tired and wanted to get at least a bit of sleep.

“Hey Shiro,” Chi called catching my attention, “hand me the envelope the Hokage gave you.”

 I shrugged unsure of why Chi wanted the envelope and handed it along with our room keys to him without a second thought.

“Hmm…” he hummed to himself, “I wonder if I’m right about this…”

“Right about what?” Kotetsu and I asked looking over Chi’s shoulder and down at the envelope.

“Well I’m just taking a guess, but a there might be a letter in here telling us our room number.”

“Open it! Open it! Open it!” I cried jumping up and down, hoping I could catch some long waited sleep.

“Alright alright.” Chi smiled and tore into the envelope. He looked into it and a relieved smile came to his face. “There’s a note. Now let’s hope this has our room number on it, and it isn’t just a welcome letter.”

“Yeah, I really hope it does say your room number. I really need to put my feet up.” Kotetsu said leaning against a wall.

 I turned and glared at the older man, “You know Kotetsu, you’re the reason why we’re in this mess, so I don’t want to hear you say you’re tired! You were sleeping when I got to this village. So you should still be wide awake!” I said angrily, as my sleep deprivation was finally getting to me.

“Why you little…” Kotetsu growled, “Is that anyway to speak to your superior?!”

“Superior?!” I laughed, “That must be a joke. Sure you’re older, but I bet I have more experience than you!!”

“What?!?” Kotetsu shouted getting in my face.

“You heard me, or is your age affecting your hearing already?!”

“Kotetsu! Shiro!” Chi shouted pulling the two of us apart.

“What is it chi?!” Kotetsu and I shouted at the same time. “Don’t copy me!” we yelling in unison once again.

Chi sighed and walked behind me before hitting me in my pressure point, knocking me unconscious.

*Chi’s P.O.V.*

“Why’d you do that?” Kotetsu asked me as I picked up the now Sleeping Shiro.

“Because,” I said bluntly, “Shiro was moody and exhausted. And you sure weren’t helping; instead you were just egging the poor girl on. She may not act like it all the time, but she’s still just a twelve year old. Even now she’s still a little kid inside; she doesn’t know what she wants, and she’s easy to hurt over stupid or simple things.”

“Oh…” Kotetsu muttered looking at the ground, “Sorry… I know you’re her guardian and all, just it’s easy to forget princess’s age… she’s hardly ever acted like a twelve year old since I met her.”

I shake my head, “It’s fine, I know from firsthand experience that it’s hard to remember her age times. But for now on just remember that Shiro acts a whole lot more aggressive when tired, and try to avoid arguing with her around this time.”

“Alright,” Kotetsu said giving me a smile, “Now chi why don’t we read that letter you got.”

“Right.” I nodded, I held Shiro’s small form in one arm and flipped the paper open and read what it said.

‘Dear Shiro and Chi,

I’m sure about now the two of you are very tired and are ready to catch some sleep. I’m very happy to inform you that your room number is 271. I hope you like your new home and that you enjoy your stay in Konoha. Do take care and sleep well.

-The Hokage of Konoha’

“Alright!” I shouted happily, “We finally got out room number. Let’s see we need room 271 and this door right here is 268.” I turned to Kotetsu, “You wanted to sit down right? Well let’s get a move on!”

Kotetsu smiled and the two of us walked down the hall and found room number 271. I looked down at Shiro and saw she was still unconscious. “When do you think she’s gonna wake up?” Kotetsu asked taking the keys from my hand and opened my apartment door.

I shrugged my shoulders indicating I had no clue when Shiro would reawaken. As I walked into the apartment I was immediately in the kitchen. The front door led straight to through the kitchen and a small dining area that had a small table with four chairs. The kitchen was decent sized; it had a stove, and a large refrigerator. The counters were smooth wood and bare. Past the kitchen was a large living room that had a crème couch across from a small TV, after the living room there was a small hallway that had four doors. Two were identical bedrooms that were across the hall from one another. Each bedroom had a double bed and a dresser. The rooms were very bare, but they could be decorated later. At the end of the small hallway there was a closet for storage and then a plain bathroom.

Kotetsu was making himself comfortable on the couch as I walked into one of the bedrooms and set Shiro down on the bed. Shiro was covered in blood and dirt, she had done so much from the moment I’ve met her. Even when she was younger Shiro was like a younger sister to me. Yet she was the one protecting me from her mother… I moved Shiro’s long ghostly hair out of her face and kissed her marred forehead.

“Shiro-sama, I owe you my life…I promise I will repay you.”

~~Shiro’s dream~~

It was dark… oh so dark. My body ached, and my head pulsed. I tried to identify the room I was in, nonetheless all I could see was the shadows. The room held no light, but I did see the outline of a box, maybe a TV? Who knew.

“Shiro-sama,” I familiar voice spoke softly.

“Chi?” I asked reaching my shaking hand out towards my only friend, “What happened? Why do I hurt?” my quiet high pitched voice quivered as tears pricked my eyes. I was scared, scared of the dark. It reminded me of something, I just didn’t know what.

“Shiro-sama I’m so sorry… I couldn’t do anything against her…”

“Who?” I asked confused about who Chi was talking about.

Chi gave me a strange look, “What are you talking about Shiro-Sama? It was your mother.”

My eyes widened in both shock and fear. My mother… my own flesh and blood…


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