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Two years.

It has been two years since that day, the day of my wedding, and I guess life has been pretty good. If being completely abandoned by the husband, while on the way to honeymoon, is considered good, then I am it.

I stare at the tulips on my table, and a jewelry box holding a platinum necklace, with elegant earrings. A note with 'happy anniversary' etched in an elegant handwriting which I would recognise even with my eyes closed.

"Alice! Please throw these tulips away.", The fact that my husband is oblivious to the one allergy I have in this world. Or may be he knows, but sends it only to despise me.

I stored rest of the things in the drawer that contain his other gifts.

When I read my day's schedule, I find a dinner appointment with none other than my dear husband.

Wow! Nothing can make this day better.

Dressing up in a strapless black dress, black to show my discontent towards him, I come out of my room, to see my PA, Alice waiting for me.

The huge mansion was void of any humans other than my staff. I called them 'my' because I have been the one bossing them since the past two years. Though, I have bonded with them pretty well, so much that now we bitch about the owner of this house without any apprehensions.

"Ma'am you look beautiful!"

I shook my head, "I wanted to feel beautiful."

"You sure it is not to impress the man boss?"

"Your man boss can go to hell, and get impressed with some witches. I don't care about that man."

With that I made my way outside, and saw Will waiting for me beside my car.

"Hey Will! Bless me luck! I want to come back with my head intact!"

He chuckled, "Oh c'mon girl! He cannot be that bad!"

"Trust me Will. He is."

"Oh dear! I know about that boy since he was just five."

I rolled my eyes getting in the car, "A child who turned into a biggest swine of all times."

He got in too, and started driving me to the same restaurant he drove me last year, same date, same time.

Such misery!

Alice, William, Roberta and all other house help have made my life a little bearable in the last two years. Their affection is something I would always cherish. But with this affection, I also see some sympathy for my pathetic self which makes me hate myself. I can't tolerate their sympathy or anyone's for that. One of the reasons why I chose to be where I was.

In the starting one month of my marriage, I waited every night, hoping my husband would come home one day, only for that coward to never turn up. My mother in law, often pays me her sympathy-visits and tells me how her son would come around. My father in law, and family was dead, nothing I seek to remember. My friend, Courteney, had got happily married and settled in America with her husband. They are soon expecting a baby girl.

My thoughts are halted when the car stops with a screech. Oh no!

We were in front of the restaurant. I got down the car and soon there were familiar men around me, escorting me in the restaurant. This is some queen like treatment here, but I know how this all is just for the show.

I won't be surprised if I find my face all over the newspapers tomorrow smiling beside my husband and looking like the most adorable couple, so in love.

But me? I did not sign up for this pretense!

The manager comes and greets me with pleasantries, hoping I would pass some good comments to their boss. Well, my so called husband happens to be their boss.

I was directed to the table in the same corner as before, his favourite corner, they say.

And then my eyes fall on the man, whose green eyes were staring right back at me. He was dressed in a black shirt, and black jeans pants, sitting royally on the chair like he owned the place.

Yeah, he actually did.

I was seeing him after two months. Last time, we met for a gala organized by his business partner. He looks the same. Enticing.

I averted my eyes as soon as the thought crossed my mind. I am here with a resolve, and I shall fulfill it.

I went forward and was about to pull back my chair when another hand did it for me.

The hand of oh-so-gentleman of my husband.

I mumbled a thank you and took a seat and straightened my dress. These rich places demand being dressed up as rich, and then being dress conscious.

I feel him settle across me, and then my ears turn alert the moment he mentions my name, "Aubrey.."

My eyes move from the creases on my dress to the green ones before me.

I would have loved these eyes immensely if they did not belong to this particular asshole.

"Alexander..", I acknowledge him.

We fall into silence then. I had nothing to say to him. And he probably did not have anything too.

I picked up the menu because I was hungry and I don't compromise with food.

"May I take your order ma'am and sir?"

"I'll take a vegetable steak with roasted chicken, and yes pineapple salad."


I see the 'sir' looking at me, and then mumbling, "Same."

When the waiter left, the silence was back at the table. But his highness decided to break it.

"There is a dinner with my associates next week. I will send a car, at 7...."

He was about to say more but stopped by my hand motion.

"Alexander...I hate to disappoint you but will have to find a plus one for this one. I am not available."

His eyebrow raised in question, not that I was going to answer anything.

When he realised that I don't understand his eyebrow language he voiced out his question, "Why? Do you have some plans?"

I nodded, "I actually do."

"What plans?"

"I am hitting the club to celebrate.."

"To celebrate what?"

"To celebrate my divorce..."

"Divor....wait a minute! What did you say?"

I sighed in my seat, and became comfortable, before I uttered my plans.

"Alexander, I want a divorce."

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