"You alright?" Lola asked, catching my attention.

"No, I-..." I trailed off, sighing and running my hands down my face. "God, I need to punch something."

"In that case, let me drive. I don't need you killing us."

We switched seats, then Lola drove off, sneaking glances at me. I stared out the window, bouncing my leg and keeping my hands clenched. My heart was racing and I could feel tears threatening to leave my eyes. Even after we're broken up, she manages to affect me and I despise her for that.

Everything she says or does, it's like she aims them at my weak points. She knows exactly what to say to knock me down and I hate that. I let her in so much and now she knows how to knock me down. It hurts... bad.

"Scarlett," Lola called out.

When I looked at her, I noticed I was crying. I'm just now feeling the tears.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, wiping my eyes.

"Don't apologize, Scar. It's okay."

When that word 'okay' left her mouth, I let out a broken sob and allowed more tears to spill. She pulled me to her and wrapped her arms around me firmly, and I didn't even hesitate to do it back. I cried into her shoulder as she rubbed my back in continuous circles.

"Let it out, I'm right here."

I hugged her tighter, gripping the back of her shirt and letting out sobs back to back. When I felt I couldn't let out anymore tears, I slowly pulled away and leaned back against the seat. I stared out the windshield, looking at all of the graffiti on my house. With a shake of my head, I stepped out of the car and took out my keys, unlocking them opening the door.

Lola followed behind as I walked inside and went straight to my room. I shut the room door then fell onto the bed, wrapping my arms around my pillow. That's when I let out more cries, but this time they were more silent. My pillow was getting soaked with my tears and my body trembled with every sob.

I managed to change into sweatpants and a tank top in the middle of my crying. Now, I was just holding the tear soaked pillow and staring at the blank wall in front of me.

I caught the sound of my room opening, but there was no point in looking. It was either Lola or Jason asking what was wrong.

"Hey, Red."

Okay... maybe there was a point in looking.

I wiped my eyes then turned around, sniffling when I saw Carter standing in my door way. He frowned slightly then shut the door before joining me in the bed. His arms went to my waist as he pulled me closer, cupping my cheeks.

"Baby, what's wrong? You look like you've been crying for hours."

"Believe or or not, it's been shorter," I choked out in a chuckle then sniffling again. "I-I'm

"Red, don't tell me you're okay when you're looking at me with red and puffy eyes. Talk to me," he said, rubbing gentle circles in my cheek with his thumb.

"I-I'm pretty sure you saw how the outside of my house looked. That was Erica... she did that while I was with Natalie today. So, when I got pissed, I went to her house and destroyed her car. B-But the way she talked to me and looked at me... it's like she knew exactly where to hit me," I explained, beginning to zone out.

"It's like memories started flooding back and I just... fell. I was out of it on the way back here and the crying started there. And well... here I am," I said, sniffling again. "I'm sorry... I am such a fucking mess."

"You're my mess," Carter replied, kissing my forehead.

I looked at him with slightly wide eyes, and he was looking back at me with a smile.

"Fuck her. You don't owe her anything, Red. She did nothing but make your life a living hell and now she's jealous of the happiness you're finally getting and always deserved. She wants you to be miserable like her... and we both know that's never happening."


"But nothing. Listen to me, Red. You deserve the world after everything you've been through. I'll give it to you, even if I die trying."

"I'm not the only one who deserves the world, Carter," I told him. "You've been hurt too, and I promise... you'll never feel that again."

He kissed my forehead then moves his lips down to mine, pulling me closer. My hand went to his arm, slightly gripping it while one went to the back of his neck. Carter held my waist tighter, pulling me on his lap and moving his hands to my lower back.

I let out a quiet hum as I slowly pulled back, running my fingers through his hair. He stared into my eyes, licking his lips before kissing the corner of mine. We laid back, his head went to
my chest and one of my legs went around his waist. His arms were securely wrapped around my waist and he let out a satisfied sigh as his eyes fluttered closed.

I let my sleepiness take over and felt my body relax as my eyes shut closed, seeing darkness.

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