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(Hi everyone! This story is somewhat spontaneous so I don't know yet how long this will be, and I probably won't update regularly because of my school schedule. Tw: Cursing and some mentions of abuse. Have fun reading!)

You had just graduated UA but you weren't very happy about it. You complained to your mom wearily,
"I don't know why they won't let me become a hero, I have really good control of my quirk..." You sighed. "Just because I have a poison quirk doesn't mean I'm that different am I?" Your mom shook her head.
"You might have a dangerous quirk but I still think you would be a great hero. I'm confused too, Y/N."

You stuck your earbuds in your ears and went to your room. I had everything planned, hero name and all! I graduated like I wanted to, I was going to be a pro hero! Everyone would know who I was, and I would've been so happy. I guess dreams don't always come true. You stop your internal rant and turn off your music. You come out from your room,
"Mom, I'm going for a walk." She nodded her head,
"You know the rules right?"
"Yep, no talking to strangers and be back before dark." You walked out the door and to the street. You weren't really paying attention to the time or where you were going, you just wanted to get your mind off things.

Your eyes began to tear up, knowing what everything could've been. All because of my damned quirk. You sigh and blink away the tears. You zoned back into reality and noticed the sun was setting. You didn't really know where you were either. You began to panic and text your mom. I don't know where I am! Can you track my location? Soon she got a message back. I can't find you anywhere, call me now Y/N. You called her.
"I'm scared I don't know where I am and it's getting dark!"
"Don't panic, we'll find you eventually, just hang out where you are and I'll call the cops okay?" She hung up. You ducked into a nearby alleyway and wait for the police to find you. You pulled your knees up to your chest and tried your best not to cry.

Then, you felt someone above you. "Hey, kid. You okay?" You stood up fast. You couldn't tell who they were because they had covered their face. You nodded.
"I'm fine." You both sat in silence for a few minutes. Red and blue lights flashed and you ran out to the street again.
"Excuse me, are you looking for Y/N!?" The cops pulled over and nodded. You waved at the man in the alleyway and hopped in the back of the car. You saw him wave back as you were driven home. You ran into the house and hugged your mom. You could tell she'd been crying.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to get lost mom."

    "Accidents happen Y/N, just be more careful next time." You we're glad you didn't get in trouble.
"I met someone new today though!" Your mom gave you a look that clearly said spill the tea sis.
"I don't know who he was, but when I ducked into an alley he asked if I was ok and waited with me until the police cruiser pulled up."

Fallen Hero (Dabi x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now