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I got on the train when no one was on. Now there's plenty of people commuting. I wanna get off soon. I have no idea what time it is but given the sun's positioning I'd assume it's about 8:30 am. Plus, more people are on and most of them seem to be going to work. I am so fucking bored. SO bored. I glance at someone's phone for the time. It's 8:46. Oh how swell it would be to work a 9 to 5 and not have to worry about your family breathing down your neck.
I must've dozed off. I get off at this stop and see I'm in Provo, it's 9:00. I can feel the moments ticking away. I don't know why I'm so focused on the time. I leave the station and walk towards a street. Walking up the street I see a taqueria, further up is a 7/11. Walking past the taqueria and looking closer, I notice it's closed. I walk further up to 7/11 and walk inside. The cashier looks bored. I really want Monster. I really want a taquito too. The cashier gives me a weird look. Or maybe I'm just paranoid.
Checking the clock as I walk out, it's 9:20. I should probably find a place to sleep later, I really don't wanna wander around at midnight looking for a bench to sleep on again. It's quite surreal to wander around in an unfamiliar place alone. My train of thought is interrupted by some guy. I look up from my feet and see him. He's about my age. He walks over to me and just starts talking. Mostly small talk. Shit like "weather's nice" and "how are you". My answers are straightforward and quick. I'm pretty sure he's trying to flirt but I start to indulge in the conversation because I haven't spoken to anyone for the last 24 hours. I don't know why but the conversation ends up segwaying into deep stuff. It started with talking about aliens and that spiraled into how the universe and all of its inhabitants are temporary.
"Since death is inevitable, I wonder why we do anything." He says.
"That's why we do everything we can, death is inevitable so we might as well do as much stuff as possible." I retorted.
"That's true. Still though, it's disheartening sometimes." He says, his shoulders bow slightly.
"Yeah. I've been spending a good amount of time on my ass."
"Ah. Well what changed that?"
"I had to leave." Shit. I let too much slip. A concerned and curious look comes across his face.
"Why'd you have to leave?" he inquires. I hesitate for a moment but I have to say something that isn't the truth.
"I got kicked out of my home by my parents." I feel terrible for painting them in a negative light but I need to cover my own ass. I really think saying I just wanted to leave would make me look less sympathetic and more unstable. He starts to say something but stops. He furrows his brow. Another bunch of words escapes his mouth.
"Do you need a place to stay?" He immediately shuts up. He seems embarrassed, as if I couldn't tell he was flirting with me. Or maybe he's worried he looks like a creep. Maybe I'm just too trusting. I think about it for a bit.
"No thank you. I'll hang around on the streets for a while."
"Are you sure?"
"Okay then. Say, what's your name?"
"Claire. And you?"
Silence. We both have nothing to say I suppose.
"Well I'm gonna go check in with my parents. See ya around some time."
"See ya." He walks off and I hear him muttering to himself under his breath. I can't hear what he says but it seems angry, probably at himself. I don't know why, he wasn't as awkward as I am. Ah well. I continue to look for a good spot to sleep.
The sun has reached its glorious peak in the sky, marking noon. It's a little cold. I reach for my phone but I don't have it, I threw it in a pond. God damn it. I wonder if there's a search going on for me. What a dumb question, of course there is. I'll bet Skyler is assembling a small search party if she hasn't already. Maybe she's on my trail. I'll bet Eli has at least $20 in loose cash from my room. Danny is probably enjoying me not randomly messing with him. Either that or all three of them are looking. Or they're all at home and don't care at all. That thought sends a chill down my spine. I ran away from them without so much as a goodbye and I'm worried they don't love me. I know they do but I can't shake the feeling that they don't. I try my best to push that thought to the back of my mind in order to focus on more practical matters. That being that I'm hungry and I don't have a spot to sleep tonight.
Maybe I should choose a spot where David could easily find me but is still comfy or at least as comfortable as sleeping outside can get. I should find David and take him up on his offer. No, that'd put him in danger of legal trouble. I just remembered that I don't know what time it is exactly. That makes me anxious. I hear footsteps behind me and whip my head around. It's David.
"Oh hey David."
"Do you know what time it is?"
He pulls out his phone and says "12:30"
"Okay cool. Odd question but do you have, like, a watch I could borrow?"
He furrows his brow.
"Um... maybe. Why?"
"I like to know the time."
"I'd have to check. Follow me."
"Actually, I want to find a place to sleep. Meet me back at 7/11"
With that, we split off from one another and I took a turn. I headed up the street until what I can only assume was divine intervention, a park. I scanned for a few seconds until I saw a bench. I set down my bag and sit down. I immediately feel so much lighter. The sweat on my shoulders and back where the backpack sat is cold. Well now I know where I'm gonna sleep. I should get up to meet up with David. Standing up, I feel the soreness in my legs from walking. I'm hungry. I should cook some of my food. I hoist the backpack up and over my shoulders and look down the street. I let a large sigh escape me as I begin to walk.
Woah, didn't have a thought there for a while. 7/11 has one car parked in front. The person that owns it looks like she hasn't left her house for a week. Really greasy hair. I see David walking up the street. He is walking. Now he's jogging slightly. Now he's sprinting. He has reached me.
"Yes watch."
I hesitate. He's just giving me this, I feel like a thief.
"Um... how much did the watch cost?"
"None to me, my uncle gave it to me."
Great. Now I'm taking a gift.
"You're sure you wanna give this to me, right? You don't have to."
"Well you already seem like you're down on your luck so I wanna help you."
"Well thank you. I'm gonna head up to the park over there if you wanna come with me."
We stop talking abruptly and walk to the park.

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