Chapter 21

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My blade and his chains met after we teleported in the middle to clash. I didn't let my eyes to turn into pitch black since my sanity will fade and I'm worried since Itachi and Shisui aren't here to provide a support to calm me.

"You're a demon, Hanare." I smiled before giving him a slash but he blocked it using his chains. 

"You flatter me too much, Obito." I felt him twitched with me, calling his real name. "Or should I say, Madara?" 

We both jumped back wards to regain our composure. He seems taken a back with my last statement to him before releasing another dark chuckle. 

"Should I kill you? You seems to know more, Hanare. I'm afraid to cut our friendship but my mission is important. It's for the peace, Hanare. You should understand that." He said as he pulled out his black orb and then mold into a sword. 

"Peace, you say?" I laughed evilly. "Foolish, Obito. Shall I hunt Orochimaru and make him revive Rin and kill her over and over again for you to experience the pain you have experienced before?" I saw his eyes turned into Mangekyo when I said that. "Then my reason will be for peace. For revenge for killing Minato-sensei and the others who died in your hands." 

I despise you, Obito. But I understand your pain. It must have hurt so much, right? It hurts so much but this is too much. You have chosen the wrong path, both of you and Uchiha Madara. 

"Disgusting, isn't it? What a horrible reason for reviving Rin right, Obito?" And there a moment of silence roared between us. I couldn't feel his KI anymore but his guard is still high. I don't think I can capture him now but I hope we could stop fighting now since I'm feeling itchy and dizzy. 

His chakra is making me nauseous for whatever reason. But it must be because of the disturbance inside his system. By now, he's alive thanks to Lord Hashirama's cells. He's an Uchiha and he has now Senju cells running on his system. 

"Anyway, let's truce this shit for now. You see, I'm tired for this and I know you're also tired for God knows whatever you did." And then I caught his gaze and say, "But next time, I will surely kill you." 

"Amusing. Then, let's curse and kill each other next time, shall we?" He said as he withdraw his chains and sword back to his body. "But a gentle reminder...." He paused so I turned my gaze on him to listen. "Don't trust Kakashi too much. Especially in love." That made me quite for a bit before giving him a smile which stunned him for a second.

I know. 

And then he disappeared in front of me and went elsewhere. 

I dispelled it before puking out the shit out of me. "The audacity of Obito to warn me about love and yet..." I released a soft laugh. "We're both foolish in love, Obito. We deliberately let our hearts to be shattered. We picked someone who isn't destined with us. We are so foolish to think that our love is enough to make them stay but this is reality..." 

"If people were to say that love is the most powerful weapon that a human could have, then for us, it was a curse." 

I pulled myself together after enchanting a technique to lessen my nausea. 

"But I wouldn't mind if Kakashi would curse me with his love." 

 ヽ( ̄д ̄;)ノ

I groaned when I woke up in the middle of the night. I felt a tight grasp on my waist from Kakashi who is sleeping soundly beside me. He's wearing his nighties so I guess, he'd taken his shower before joining me to sleep. It seems that his team just arrived the moment I decided to sleep last night. 

I smiled when I saw how peaceful Kakashi was. Even though we're both busy, we weren't forgetting to make time for the both of us because it's one of the foundation of our relationship. 

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