"There's a certain time set for them." Harley said, setting the present on the table. "Besides, I like building up the suspense." Merissa rolled her eyes but smiled. 

"Harley!" Merissa said, running up to her. It was the middle of the party, they were about to cut the cake. She had tears in her eyes. 

"What is it?" Harley asked, already fearing the worst. 

It took Merissa a second to calm down. "Lukas. He's awake. I have to go." 

"No. We have to go. Let me get Ayla and we'll meet you at the car." Merissa nodded and went to start the car. 

Harley went over to Ayla and Robbie and told them the news. "Really?" Ayla asked, hurriedly getting out of her chair. She pulled Robbie up with her. "Okay. Robbie and I'll take his car. You and Merissa can take her's." Harley nodded, letting Ayla lead the way to the exit. 

They rushed into the hospital and to Lukas' room. The doctor walked out as they got there. He smiled sadly at them, "you must be Lukas' friends." 

"Yeah." Merissa said breathlessley. "We are." 

"I'm sorry." He said, letting them in before walking away. 

"What's he talking about?" West asked, walking in after them. 

"What're you doing here?" Robbie snapped looking at his brother. 

West stared at him for a moment. "Lukas is my friend. Can't say the same for you though. So, what're you doing here?" 

While they were bickering, Merissa went over to Lukas and his mom. "Hey Lukas. How're you feeling?" 

"Good." He said akwardly. "Um," he looked over at his mom, biting his lip. 

His mom sucked in a breath, "it's okay, Lukas. It's not your fault." She got out of her chair. "Let me talk to you kids outside real quick." 

They all filed out of the room and into the bustling hallway. "What's wrong?" Harley asked, wringing her hands together. 

His mom was about to say something when she burst into sobs. Merissa held her, trying to soothe her. After a couple of minutes, she composed herself. She let out a shaky breath. "He has really bad brain damage, he doesn't remember anything. I shouldn't be so sad, it's a miracle he woke up at all. But-" another sob racked her body. 

Ayla and Harley looked at each other. "He remembers nothing? Not even us?" Harley asked hesitantly, not wanting to upset her further. 

His mom shook her head, wiping the tears off her cheek. "Oh my God." Ayla whispered. 

"C-can we see him?" Merissa asked, tear tracks on her face. 

His mom smiled slightly, "of course. I'm going to go get a coffee." 

They silently walked back into the room. Lukas was on his phone when he looked up. "Oh, it's you guys again. Who're you?" 

Merissa sat next to him, taking his hand in hers. He looked shocked but didn't pull away. "I'm Merissa. I was- am- your best friend, we live next to each other." 

"Oh," was all he said. "What about you guys?" He indicated Harley and Ayla. 

"I'm Ayla, that's Harley." She said, pointing at herself, then Harley. "We're your other best friends. We all go to school together." 

"And I'm also your friend, West. We met this year and we were starting to get pretty close." West said, sitting in a chair by the wall. 

The only one who hadn't said anything was Robbie. "Um, I'm here for the moral support." Ayla and Harley rolled their eyes. 

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