11 | a long ass weekend

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a/n - this is part one of four of the vacation chapter.

As it neared the end of summer, Valerie became aware of her plans for the upcoming weekend. Knowing her father, he'd use any excuse of an extra day of freedom to bring his family up to their holiday lake house which Valerie dully appreciated.

The lake house itself was a traditional get-away for the Walker family after Grayson inherited it from his father. It was used as a coastal vacation spot only the Walker family knew of, an exception being Eden also.

It wasn't as private as their own home in New York, but it was secluded enough for Valerie to genuinely feel alone. Though she typically enjoyed outside activities. However, doing it with her family for three heaving days would most likely bore her into staying locked in her room.

Perhaps Elijah could come this time if he wasn't as busy as usual. Knowing her uncle, he'd bring Aurora just as a chance for her to bond with the family again, which Valerie guiltily looked forward to.

The jumper she had received back from the woman was neatly folded on her chair, a simple reminder of what could be, but what at the same time, was impossible to execute. 

At some points, Valerie doubted her capability in remaining friends with the woman. She was bound to make at least one mistake she'd want to take back. With her sanity on the line, she couldn't bear the heartache any longer, for all she wanted was a sign of regret from the woman so Valerie herself could get over her.

• • • • • •

Surprisingly enough, Valerie had participated in the family tournament of tennis. With the game already ending on match point, Valerie and her mother had taken the victory in today's match. With the tight heat of the sun still overlooking the area, the family decided to take cover under the resting bay as they recovered their stamina.

Waiting for them was, of course, Uncle Elijah and Ms Hale, both sitting opposite each other rather than together. Walking over, Valerie had strayed away from Ms Hale's boundary, lingering diagonal from her on the outside of the shelter. 

Catching her breath, Valerie had gulped down her water, her tennis racket still in her grasp. From the corner of her eye, she felt Ms Hale's gaze idle. She began to grow hot under the collar, strained in movement as she wiped away a stray stream of water that fell past her lips.

With each second passing, Ms Hale continued to slip subtle glimpses of the student, her figure mesmerising the woman with each glance. Viewing the brunette guiltily, Ms Hale was in her own world, barely listening to the conversation that the young Walker was participating in.

"Aurora?" Elijah nudged, a tight smile plastered on his face. "Would you like to join us in a tennis match?"

"Uncle Elijah and I .. Versus you and Valerie." Roman told, already moving off to the outlined court, slowly re-applying his grip tape.

Looking to the side, Ms Hale caught Valerie already viewing her side profile, her eyes awfully invested in the outfit the woman had worn to the getaway. "I'm fine with that." Ms Hale replied, eyeing the young girl until their eyes locked.

Valerie chewed her lip cautiously, eyeing the woman tentatively whilst humming to the agreement. When the student first entered the court, the mood felt rather intense, and the humidity didn't help Valerie breathe either. 

Her tennis racket swirled in her hands, the object appeared to be gliding on command as Valerie toyed with it in angst. "Do you know how to play?" Valerie asked, turning back to see Ms Hale already looking.

"Isn't that a little late to ask now?" Ms Hale mocked, head tilting to the side as bounced the neon ball with her racket. 

"At least I'll know to blame it on you when we lose." Valerie muttered back with a small smile as she earned a small glare from the woman. Turning back over, Valerie bent over, taking her straightened hair in her grasp and forming a tight pony.

From behind the student, Ms Hale couldn't help but stand there and observe. Valerie's crop top revealed her bronzed flesh on her upper back, and her bent-over position allowed her shorts to slightly shift up, properly outlining her ass.

Ms Hale felt a pang of shame cloud the back of her throat whilst her eyes never left her student's figure, her gaze never leaving as she noticed a non-existent print of the girl's underwear behind her tight shorts. 

Was she wearing a thong?

As Valerie stood up, the woman snapped her eyes quickly away, diverting her view innocently on the floor. With a few strands hanging loose, framing the student's profile, Valerie was now ready to play, and Ms Hale had internally shamed herself as she adjusted her grip on her racket.

"Get ready to have your asses served on a silver platter." Valerie called out stridently, smiling at the opposing figures as she waited for her partner's serving shot.

Tossing the ball upwards, Ms Hale had already served, a loud hit echoing onwards. From the other side of the court, Roman had struck the ball back, his tanned biceps visible as he executed a monstrous hit.

In a split second, the ball had returned back to Valerie's side, the first bounce near the edge of the court, near to where she stood. Much like her brother, Valerie had swung her right arm as much as she could, feeling the weight on her racket carry the ball near the edge of the net where Elijah had speedily run to.

Offering a weak upwards blow, Ms Hale was closest to Elijah's hit. She delivered a shot that landed near the corner of the court - a hit that was too far for both figures to receive.

From the stands, Emma had already supported Valerie and Ms Hale to their newly gained point, her cheer already making Valerie shrink in embarrassment. 

Walking to the middle of their side of the court, Valerie had returned to her initial position, and Ms Hale also. Side-eyeing the woman, the golden necklace on the blonde's neck caught Valerie's attention, and also sparked an idea.

Taking a leap of faith, Valerie decided to test the waters with the woman. "Not bad Aurora." She subtly praised, a cocky grin plastered on her face.

Gaining a raised brow from her teacher, Ms Hale had rolled her eyes as she kept her eyes trained in front of her. "Eyes ahead, Valerie. Wouldn't want that pretty little face of yours hurt, wouldn't you?"

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