"Nature, I learned today from the priest that a child takes all the goud quantities from their patterns!"

"Do you mean good qualities from their parents? Yes, people do take a few aspects from their parents."

"Mmmm, you're amazing!"


"Because I'm amazing like you!"


(M/N) is scared of many things, he's scared his interactions will fall through, he's scared to be forgotten, he's scared to never be enough and one day everyone will drift away. That's why he spends time with the people he cherishes, so he can keep those memories even after they're gone. He remembers a time when he was told due to Chaos, he would outlive so many.


(M/N) likes giving Zora food, it's they're way of talking to each other. Even if Zora was insulting him half the time. One time, (M/N) got so upset, he called Zora a meanie before running away. Zora actually had to come to their base to apologise to a sulking (M/N). When people asked (M/N) what made him so upset, he would fold his arms and say that Zora called him a rip-off mother. It was cute to see him pout. Instead of getting warm stew, he got lukewarm stew for the next two days.

(M/N) would help Asta after he was done training and massage sore muscles, even preparing lavender baths for him. He helps Henry move around so he can get exercise in, even helping move chess pieces. He never got mad at Henry.

Gauche and him spent time together by painting, usually Gauche was ranting about his sister but it was shifting to people who pissed him off and his crush. He once told (M/N) he wanted to punch the man who called his crush a hot subby mommy even if it was true. It was just rude. His hands turned red from gripping the brush too harshly.

"Gauche... I hate to break this to you but you really shouldn't go after someone who is married." (M/N) warned gently.

"They're not married! It's just a slang for uh- Forget I said it." Gauche stopped himself m.

"Why call them mommy? When I think of mommy, a wise nice person comes into mind." (M/N) pondered.

"Please forget I ever mentioned it." Gauche turned away, stammering.

"Ah, alright then."

Yuno spent time with (M/N) in the library or in shops, usually being the deciding factor for what type of sweets he should buy. Yuno was a keen listener for (M/N). Willing to talk and joke occasionally. William adored walking around with (M/N) aimlessly. Time wasn't really on his side so he would try to spend it with (M/N). It was too sweet of (M/N) to bring him all sorts of treats. Klaus spent time, introducing him to expensive shops with cute teas.

Nozel liked to bring high class items to (M/N) but the other hated oweing something so he would bring his own trinkets and meals in return. It was confusing because the items were clearly less valued in money but the sentimental value they held were so much more. Nozel learnt the warmth objects could hold and it usually came from (M/N) like the time his jacket was borrowed yet the time it came back, it felt so nice to hold.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2021 ⏰

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