Chapter 26

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Tuesday August 31st

Aurora's POV

"Hey, I just found out that your my dad. No that's stupid." How can I say it?

I try again for probably the millionth time. "Hey uncle Ryan, you happ-"

"Mommy!" I hear before the bathroom door swings open and Ari runs in.

She's recently learned how to open doors so that's fun. I mean It isn't like I've ever had privacy with her anyway. She literally sits on the edge of the bathtub with her tablet while I'm using the toilet. I just managed to sneak away this time so I could practice how I would even tell uncle Ryan he's my dad, If I decided to. How do you announce that casually?

She stops beside me and holds her arms up. "Why did you leave me?"

I giggle and slide my phone into my back pocket so I can pick her up.

"I didn't leave you, I just didn't tell you where I was going." I walk us to the living room.

"You need to tell me." She pouts.

"I'm sorry. Kiss?" I pucker my lips. She gives me a peck and I set her down.

I look at the clock because I'm kinda hungry. It's lunch time

"Are you hungry?" I ask Ari as she goes to play with her toys.

I usually never eat lunch because it's too close to the time we eat breakfast so I'm not hungry but lately I have been. I have this baby to thank. I smile and place a hand over my belly.


"How does Chinese sound?"

"I like it." Is her reply.

I order with Uber Eats on my phone.

30 minutes later it gets here. I pay the Uber Eats driver and bring the bag to the couch.

Ari sits next to me with wide eyes.

I giggle. "Are you starving?"

She nods.

I set the drink and straw on the coffee table. Then I take the container out of the bag and set it on my lap.

Right as I do that there's a knock on the door. I sigh and set the food on the coffee table, I just sat down.

I look through the peep hole seeing Aiko and Li on the other side. Aiko hasn't been over all week because she and Joseph went to visit his parents.

I open the door. "Hey."

Aiko smiles. "Ugh I've missed you." She hugs me and I return it with a giggle. Aiko rarely hugs. "It was that bad?" I asked referring to her trip. She doesn't like her in laws.

"Yes. How have you been?" She steps back from the hug.

I sigh. This is the perfect opportunity to catch her up on everything.

"Let's just say you missed a lot." I lead her to the living room and we sit on the couch.

We sit down. "Do you or Li want any of this?" I ask as I open the container revealing noodles and an egg roll.

"No, we ate before we got here. I could have made you that for free." I chuckle as I take the egg roll on top of the noodles out of the container and wrap it in a napkin that I get out of the bag.

"I forgot you were getting back today."

She puts her hand over her heart. "That hurts."

I roll my eyes I and look at Ari playing with Li across the living room. I thought she said she was starving.

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