Chapter 26 - Discord Chat

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A/N: Although this chapter is simpler and shorter than usual, I'm kinda proud of this chapter. Shows how chaotic Ame and Kiara can be.

Also no, not sponsored by Discord.


29th December 08:30

Elvin's POV

My eyes have been blessed.

I woke up to see Calli smiling at me as the sun shone behind her through the window. It was a beautiful view.

Calli smiled. "Morning, sleepyhead."

I smiled back. "Hey, you can't say that... I was busy a whole day yesterday..."

She giggled. "I know."

I sat up. "I'll take a bath now. See you later."


Ame's POV

'I'm hungry.'

I would've made some food right now if it was not because of my laziness. I lazily picked up myself and went to Elvin's bedroom. Then I knocked it.

"Elvin? You there?"

No response.

I gently opened the door and peeked. Elvin wasn't there.

'Weird... I thought he was sleeping, 'cause I didn't see him anywhere. If he has some business, he would inform us. Where did he go?'

I heard faint footsteps coming from Calli's room before the door gently opened, but it wasn't what I'm expecting. Stood there, none other than the one I was looking for, Elvin, in a simple gray t-shirt and black shorts.

He yawned. "Morning."

"Morning... What are you doing in Calli's bedroom?"

"Oh yeah. She called me last night to cuddle. We had a good sleep."

He did a few stretches before going to his room.

"Can you make breakfast today?" I asked him.


After he entered his room, I thought to myself.

'Calli has stepped up her game, huh? I will not lose. Hehehe.'

Timeskip after breakfast

Elvin's POV

I was scrolling through Reddit and looking at some cursed memes.

Suddenly, I heard a Discord notification.

Hey. You're free?

Yeah. I'm bored.

Do you mind if we do a collab later? Just chitchatting and a few games.

I'm down.

Great! 4 PM. Don't forget!


My phone rang. I got a call from Yagoo.

"Moshi moshi?"

"Ohayou, El-kun."

"Ohayou, Yagoo. Is there anything I can help with?"

"Are you having any trouble everytime you want to do some singing practice?"

"Well, kinda? The studio is not far, but still annoying. I couldn't stream loudly because I might disturb the others. Why's that?"

[DISCONTINUED!] A Demon Meets the Vtubers (Hololive EN x Male OC x DMC)Where stories live. Discover now