Chapter Forty-four

Start from the beginning

"Mumu" Feyi snickered

Tope leaned back after digesting the gist. "To be honest, I can't say I'm surprised"

"What do you mean?" I cocked a brow at her.

"I had a feeling that he liked you" she folded her arms over her chest. "I saw the signs" she added smugly.

"Osheyy, legend of the seer" Uju mocked and I nearly toppled over my chair in laughter.

"Me too" Feyi piped up

"You too, what?" Uju asked

"I noticed Emeka's change in behavior towards her" Feyi stated

"Are you serious?" Uju asked, eyes bulged out.

Feyi Nodded.

"Am I the only one that didn't notice anything?" Uju frowned and folded her arms across her chest.

"How will you notice when all you do is argue and talk to 'bae'" Tope teased

"Don't mind her. I had no idea as well so that makes two of us" I said to Uju.

"So what's next? Are you going to give him a chance?" Tope asked

"Which chance? What about our Yinka" Uju retorted

"Our Yinka?" I repeated with furrowed brows.

"Yes oo. Me, I'm team Yinka" Uju buffed her chest out with pride.

"Ode" Tope muttered at her.

"What's your problem with me this girl?" Uju asked, placing both hands on her waist.

"You're annoying me" Tope shot back, side-eyeing her and fighting back a smile.

"I love you too baby" Uju blew her a kiss and sent a wink her way.

"God forbid" Tope bent over, dodging the kiss making the rest of us erupt in laughter.

"On a more serious note--" Uju cleared her throat and leaned forward like she was about to divulge an important secret. "What's your next move? I mean, do you even like him?"

I sighed heavily. "I don't know"

"Ah ahn, what do you mean by you don't know? It's either you do or you don't" she moved her hands up and down in the air, mimicking a weighing balance. "There's no in between"

"On one hand, I've  never considered him anything more than a friend and on the other, he has been a close friend for years. I guess I could say he knows me better than any regular person" I said

Tope nodded. "I understand"

"Me, I don't understand o" Uju said. "The fact that you never considered him an option for you shows how deep rooted your friendship is for him. Unlike Yinka"

I folded my arms across my chest. "I've never considered him an option either"

She flicked me off with her nose. "The way you lie to yourself is unbelievable"

"You sef, the way you carry this Yinka on your head, someone would think he paid you to campaign for him" Tope shot at Uju

"Yes..." Uju dragged out. "Exactly, he paid me"

Tope hissed and rolled her eyes.
"So you're Team Emeka?" Uju asked, pointing at Tope

"Yes. He's my boyfriend's best friend so yes, I'm on his team" she replied.

"You nkor?" Uju asked Feyi

Feyi raised her hands in the air. "I'm neutral"

"Oyah, let's compare the pros and cons of the two guys" Uju suggested. "I'll go first--"

"Is this really necessary?" I managed to input before she went on.

She placed her forefinger in front of her lips. "Shh... We're helping your life here" she turned to Tope. "Yinka is handsome. He's rich and generous, some people have but are akagum (stingy), he has and is very willing to give. That's very rare these days. He's kind and thoughtful. How many guys would drop you at your house every day? Do am if e easy now" (Do it if it's that simple)

"Okay" Tope nodded. "Emeka is reliable and upfront with his feelings unlike this Yinka of a guy. For all we know, he could just be toying with Neye like one of his play things or whatever. With Emeka, we're certain that his feelings for her are true and he's not just there for the highs of the ride. She needs someone who's serious"

True. Yinka had never come to me about feelings or stuff like that, other than flirting and heated moments here and there, there was nothing to go on with. One minute, I'm thinking maybe he likes me and the next, I'm thinking he doesn't. Nothing was certain with him.

What am I even thinking? He shouldn't even be a consideration.

I don't understand his this had become a pros and cons comparation between two people when I clearly came to them with just one person. These people are no help at all.

"Omo, this one came with bazooka to water gun fight" Uju said to Tope and then laughed. "Don't get me wrong o. Emeka is a nice guy, he's respectful, funny and what have you but-- you and Yinka go well, like Bonnie and Clyde"

"Do you even know who Bonnie and Clyde are?" Feyi mocked playfully

"Gerrat" Uju shot back.

"See, all I can tell you is to take your time with your decision. Remember that Emeka is your friend first and you need to thread lightly" Feyi said softly. "We can't help you decide, we can only give give you a couple advices here and there"

I nodded, staring off into space. "Yeah"


The weather had drastically changed by the time we were up and ready to head to Dominos. As soon as, I stepped out into the dull skied and windy environment I knew right there and then that I wouldn't be going with them anymore.

First of all, I was going through my monthly period and I most preferred to be in the confinements of my apartment whenever it rained. I would love to keep my wailing and extreme acrobatics private.

Secondly, I had to rush back home to pack in all my laundry that I'd washed earlier this morning. I wasn't sure Oluchi was back from school and I couldn't really bank on her. I called her twice but she didn't respond so I settled on dropping a text message, hoping that she sees it in time. If she was home, that is.

I sighed heavily. I really wished I could've gone along with my friends but like last time, I didn't have any pain killers in my bag.

I'm so careless these days. I shook my head at myself and then hiked up my bag, increasing my pace towards the park.

"Hey Neye!" I heard my name being yelled out from afar. I looked up and scanned my surrounding till my eyes landed on Yinka.

He was leaning on the side of his car, arms folded across his chest and legs crossed at the ankles looking like he stepped out of a movie. He was definitely the main character. His all grey sweatpant and hoodie with a blue denim jacket, coupled with pure white sneakers was breathtaking.

He pushed himself off the car casually and did a subtle wave with his fore and middle finger. I jogged up to him, not bothering to mask neither my surprise nor excitement.

"What are you doing here?"



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