chapter1: Run in

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It was another new day. The light was peeking through the trapdoor of my cellar.  I sit up on my bed letting my eyes adjust to the light for a few minutes, but once I could see clearly I wasted no time grabbing my backpack, my Bow and quiver and headed out for a day of hunting and scavenging for anything I could find. I went to a few of my favorite hunting spots with no luck so I decided to go back to the woods where I saw the 2 people that almost got caught by the undead. I don't know if I ever hope to see them again or not. I've been on my own ever since the virus started, and the people I trusted only turned out to be assholes. I was careful of my every step being sure not to snap any sticks on the ground. I heard voices nearby and hid behind a tree. My muscles were tense and my breath was rigid. What if the saviors came hunting for me again? Anxiety raced through my veins. I tried to get a mental grip on myself again. I tried focusing on quieting and slowing my breath but that only caused me to hold my breath and become light headed. It’s a stupid decision I thought to myself, but maybe the hunters need to be hunted for once. I took a step out from behind the tree with my bow half drawn. I scanned the area for where those voices came from and as soon as I heard them again I stalked closer and closer as quietly as I could, but the leaves still crunched beneath my every step. The voices went silent. I still follow the same trail that I had followed in the direction of those voices. There was a slight muddy puddle on the ground and sure enough there was fresh tracks…. but more than one set… 
“Who are you?!”
I turned around, startled by the aggression in their voice. I loosely held my bow to aim if I had to. I turned to see 2 men and a kid. One guy held a gun at me, the other held a crossbow aiming at my head and the kid had a pistol but seemed more relaxed than the others.
“The question is who are you? You don’t look like saviors.” I say.
“How many walkers have you killed?” The guy with the crossbow said
“The flesh-eaters? Too many to count”
“How many people have you killed?” They all kept their eyes trained on my being sure I don’t lash back
“I-I don’t know." They looked at me puzzled but didn't let their guard down. 
"We're from Alexandria." The boy spoke.
the man with the gun tried to speak but the kid cut him off.
"Carl what are you-" 
"Just let me handle it" the kid looked at him and back to me. That's when I got a better look at him. He wore a sheriff's hat with a flannel shirt, jeans, and boots. He had long shaggy hair and his eyes where a beautiful cerulean blue, or I should say eye. He had a bandage wrapped around his head to hold an eye patch in place over his right eye. 
"How do you know about the saviors" he asked me. 
"I wish not to speak of it" I said letting my gaze drop to the forest floor
The silence was only broken by the faint rippling of the leaves in the breeze. I knew they didn't trust me and wanted to hear more. 
"I live in a underground cellar out here in the woods" I say.
"Like that says much" the guy with the crossbow said still sternly aiming the arrow at my head. 
The kid looked up at them and said "I don't think she's a threat"
"Carl we can't completely trust anyone outside the walls"
"I know, but dad she's just like how we started out. In the middle of nowhere fighting for our lives"
I slowly started to back away hoping no one would notice but the guy with the crossbow only aimed it at me. Then the kid spoke again, 
"Maybe we should just give her a chance"

the walking dead: Mirrors (Carl Grimes x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now