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POV Hyunjin

''A good mother wouldn't try to destroy the world where her daughter lives on.'' she said. ''No one said I was a good mother. You ended up at the orphanage. That should say enough.'' the lady said. While they were talking I was trying to untie the rope that was tied around my wrists.

''Just join us already or I'll shoot the guy.'' she said. ''You've got our blood running through your veins Y/n.'' the guy said as he held out his hand to her. It seemed like she was hesitating. I hoped that she wouldn't step forward. I was trying to loosen the rope around my ankles so that I could get free and stop Y/n from doing anything she'll regret. It just wouldn't get much looser so I tried to loosen the rope aorund my wrists a bit more. ''Just listen to your parents. We know what's best for you.'' the lady said. I was getting angry. How could they say such things, they don't even care for her.


Your mother stepped towards you, while leaving Hyunjin alone. ''Is it ready to launch?'' your mother asked your father. He nodded. ''Well why don't we let our little girl do it.'' your mother said as you lowered your gun. She grabbed your arm and took you to the launch panel. You carefully leaned on the panel.

POV Hyunjin

My hands were untied. I spat the cloth out of my mouth. ''Y/n don't do it!'' I yelled. She looked at me. ''I'm sorry Hyunjin.'' she said. ''Yo- Now shut up or I'll shoot you.'' the guy said and came towards me with a gun. ''Come, let's put an end to this.'' the lady said to Y/n. Y/n pulled her hand up a bit as if she was going to press the button.


''Yeah let's put an end to this.'' you said and quickly held your gun against your mother's forehead. You shot her and then quickly shot the lamp so your father couldn't shoot Hyunjin. You put your night vision glasses on and went to Hyunjin. ''Don't make any sound.'' you said into his ear and then started to untie his feet.

''Show yourself you little b**ch. I should've just killed you the day you were born.'' your father said. You got Hyunjin free and told him to slowly move towards the panel. Your father randomly fired his gun. ''AH.'' you heard Hyunjin say in pain.

Suddenly another lamp turned on so you quickly hid behind a pilar. ''Oh did your girlfriend, leave you to die here? Looks like it's the end for you.'' your father said to Hyunjin who was holding his hands on his wound. He grabbed Hyunjin by his neck. ''Hey grandpa! I never said you could touch what's mine.'' you said and shot him.

Hyunjin pushed your father's dead body off of him. ''The bomb.'' he said and tried to stand up. ''Launch cancelled. Launch cancelled.'' a robotic voice said. You went to the panel and grabbed the USB stick that you put in earlier. ''It's all done now.'' you said and walked over to Hyunjin.

You carried him out of the building and got into your supervisor's ambulance. ''Hit it.'' you said through your earpiece and closed the door of the ambulance. The explosions went off and the building slowly collapsed as the ambulance sped up.

''So I'm yours?'' Hyunjin suddenly asked. You looked at him. ''That you're hurt doesn't stop me from hurting you more.'' you said. ''You could be mine after a few dates.'' you then mumbled. ''Let's go on a date right now.'' he said and tried to get up. You pushed him down. ''Right now, we're heading to the base to make sure you don't die.'' you said.

''But th-.'' ''I'm not going to leave Hyunjin. I'll promise we'll go on a date once you're better.'' you interrupted him. ''Jaesung drive faster. The quicker I'll get fixed the faster I can date her. So step on the gas.'' Hyunjin said.

You laughed. Maybe getting involved in someone's life isn't that bad at all. Hyunjin held his hand out to you. You held his hand. Your life has just started and you were going to enjoy every moment of it, with Hyunjin.




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