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POV Hyunjin
''You're boyfriend was asking for you over there.'' one of the guys said to Y/n. ''Weird cause my boyfriend is right here.'' she said. I couldn't help but smile. ''Look girl it's easy. You either leave and nothing happens to you or we're going to have a problem with the both of you.'' one of the guys said. ''I guess I'll become the bigger problem then.'' she said.

She let go of me and dodged the punch of one of the guy. I guess it's time to fight. I kicked one of the guys. Threw some punched at them. I knocked two of them out. Only one was still conscious and hit Y/n on her face. ''YAH YOU BASTARD!'' I yelled and jumped on top of him. I choked him.

''Hyunjin that's enough.'' Y/n said as she tried to stop me. She hit the guy's neck which made him unconscious. I let go of him. ''You really got mad over that?'' she asked as she checked all the pockets of the guys. ''He slapped your face.'' I answered. ''You know how many people have already done that? It's really nothing to get mad over.'' she replied. ''Check his pockets.'' she then said and pointing to the guy that was close to me.

''This symbol was on the suitcase as well.'' I said and showed her a business card. ''So they worked for them. Get their phones. We need to check them.'' she said and gave me gadget. ''What do I do with this?'' I asked. ''Put it in the phone and it will duplicated onto the gadget.'' she said and started to do it herself as well.

''So what are you going to do with it?'' Hyunjin asked as you guys walked towards the computer room. ''I'm going to check the information.'' you replied.

You inserted the gadget into the computer and clicked on the files. ''I've got a question.'' Hyunjin said. ''Well go ahead.'' you said as you looked through all the files. ''Since when am I your boyfriend? Not that would mind to be your boyfriend.'' he said. ''Oh my gosh. We need to go to the base right now. Look at it Hyunjin. They plan to launch the nuclear bomb in two days.'' you said to him, totally ignoring his question. ''But they didn't have the suitcase.'' Hyunjin said and read the information as well. ''They must've had a backup.'' you said.

We rushed to Hyunjin's car. ''I hope they're ready with their plan cause I really don't want to go yolo it if it involves a bomb that'll destory the world.'' Hyunjin said and got into the car. I also got into the car. ''We're not going to yolo it. If they don't have a plan then I'll have one.'' you said as Hyunjin started to drive.



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