Getting Hitched !!

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It was a sunny afternoon,the temperatures were soaring high. Mark and Vincent were standing outside the residence of Mrs. Zing."It is the last place left  if we don't make it here ,then I think we have to sleep on the roads like vagrants" Mark said , he was tired as hell as since 7:00 in the morning they were looking for a place to stay.
"Don't say like this .."Vincent said I still have some cash left we can reside at a hotel for 4-5 days."
" If we 'll spent all of our money in a hotel, then even if we get a house,who is gonna pay for food and other stuff?  We have already used my share of money. Agh! Why the fuck is life is like this ??" Mark yelled .
"Before coming here, what did you think that people of Aishjong would  have prepared a palace for you, that there will be hundreds of people serving you over here.  I think all of this is quite expected.  We already knew how difficult it is for singles to get a room in the city. If we'd have been a girl then maybe they'd have given us rooms but looking at our faces,it seems like we'd have to first struggle to get a roof over our heads then do anything else ."Vincent replied even he was running out of patience..
"Woah! Whose face are you talking about? I don't know about you but you won't find  someone more handsome than me in whole Aishjong." Mark said in a lordly voice.
Vincent nodded his head in chagrin and said "Stop arguing with me. And let's go inside. As they were about to enter the residence, Vincent got a call . "You proceed first, it's my agent's call ..I'll follow you shortly ." Vincent said
So Mark went alone and rang the doorbell, Mrs Zing opened the door.
Mark had already heard some words on the street about Mrs Zing. Her  earlier  tenants were a gay couple. There were rumours that she didn't even  take rent from them. People say she is diehard BL lover. Mark had previously thought that he'd somehow start the topic  himself and will pose as a bl lover and hence will try to get close to her so as to get a place they can call home. With this plan in his mind , he spoke "Good afternoon Mrs. Zing. It's nice to meet you. It's quite hot  today. Actually, we came here as we wanted to rent this place ." As Mark was going to speak further ,he  saw a couple who were  standing behind Mrs. Zing looking at him .Mark had got this idea that the couple was also there to get this place and thought that  as compared to that couple the chances of 2 single guys getting this place is negligible. It suddenly striked him. What if he told Mrs Zing that he and Vincent are a couple then there is a chance that he may be able to turn the tables.
"So, me and my partner over there ,we are newly weds as well as new in this city and  we're looking for a place to stay .."Mark said with face as innocent as a child thus putting his acting skills to best use. The facial expressions of Mrs Zing changed as soon as she heard Mark say those lines.Of course, earlier she was in favour of that couple  being the tenants but now her mind has changed."
She invited Mark inside to discuss the issue further. Just then ,Vincent came. Mark  wrapped his arm around Vin's waist and asked him "What took you so long ,honey?"Mark's this sentence evoked fully contrasting emotions in the two people standing there.Whereas Mrs. Zing had butterflies in her stomach seeing such a handsome gay couple. Their chemistry was something else. She was bound by its magic.Vin ,on the other hand could not understand what the hell was happening. Although he was flustered, the emotion of shock overpowered him. As he was going to ask Mark about the situation while trying hard to loosen Mark's grip around his waist unsuccessfully.."When did he get so much strong ?"Vin thought to himself. 'Hey, Is there any problem?the couple asked.. To which ,Mrs-zing replied excitedly pointing towards Mark and Vin "Oh, they are a newly-wed couple and they came to the city for first time and also they want accommodation over here.."
It was bolt from the blue for vin.
He looked at Mark with his eyes full of surprise whereas Mark was looking at Mrs Zing & couple with a confident smile on his face. Looking at the face of Vin,''Landlady asked why do you look so surprised?"

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