Start from the beginning

Their levels can go from 1 to 5. So just like I explained earlier, the easiest type will be the robots with one attribute at the level 1.
Each level and attribute will add one more point to your overall score once you destroy one of them.

So you can understand the point system better, I'll give some examples.

If you meet and destroy a robot that has the attribute Strength 1 and Agility 1, you'll earn two points from it.
With a robot that has Speed 2, you'll also earn two points.
Following the same logic, a robot that has Resistance 3, Speed 1 and Brains 2 will make you earn six points.

There is another rule to this system, an attribute at the level 5 will make you earn ten points, not five as you might think.

At last, the single exception. If you end up destroying a robot that has all the attributes at level 5, you'll not earn 50 points but 100 points.

You'll have 40 minutes once you're in your designated Area to make the best out of this time.

That's it for the biggest part but I still have some indications to give you before ending this call.

Please avoid destroying anything in the area if you can since it will cost a lot to repair everything but it's not forbidden and we know that the robots will not hesitate to do it once they take all of you as their target.

The way we choose to counter this a bit is to cancel the target operation of all the robots that have at least 3 attributes with at least three of them at level 2 if another one or more are already fighting you.

If it's going too far for you and you can't take it anymore, just tear apart your ticket and the test will end for you. All the points you earned before that will not be counted anymore if you decide to make this decision. After that, just go back toward the entrance of the Area and someone will take care of you.

You can help each other but only the one who destroyed the core who's constantly moving inside of them will get the points.

I'll say it just in case but you can't cheat of course since a certain amount of people will watch you and the robots themselves will send a signal before the total destruction of their core based on the signature of the magic responsible for that. Since we can recognize that signature with the ticket we gave you, we'll know for sure who did what.

Of course, you're against robots this time so I don't want anyone to bother the other participants voluntarily. You can't fight each other, attack other people, use your power on them, hurt them or even try to slow them down.

I hope that's clear for everyone listening to me at the moment even if it's allowed to "steal" someone else's robot if you take care of them first. Even if you were not the initial target, it will change for sure once you're detected as someone dangerous. It could be considered as slowing down the others but we'll call it "helping" too just like potential alliances.

One last piece of information, we're not sharing with you the number of points you'll need to get a perfect score in this battle between robots and humans.

I forgot one thing, we're sponsored by TVIIIX, the company making the robots you're going to face. I should have said it sooner maybe but I guess it's never too late, they're called WarX.

With that said, good luck everyone and I hope that I'll see many of you joining our university next month.

Do your best to stay in one piece !

(She's finally done, it was a long talk for sure... To be honest, I was expecting something like that since we were not able to go all out yet facing people like us. I mean, they were not able to do so since I don't have any magic flowing in me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2021 ⏰

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