Crossover Idea (SPN X Hatchetfield)

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Well this isn't actually a crossover but like I love watching the movie or watching the show fanfics so I was like:

"What if the characters from Supernatural reacted to the Hatchetfield universe?"

And that's how this idea happened.

So, in my mind this little watching endeavor will start with them watching TGWDLM. Them would of course include Dean, Sam, Castiel, Crowley, Bobby, Benny, Charlie, Garth, Ellen, Jo, Donna, and probably a few others I can't think of right now.

You know what let's throw in Lucifer and Michael for the hell of it.

And Gabriel too while we're at it.

Anyway so the forces of the fandom universe conspire to get all of our beloved characters in a room together where they watch TGWDLM.

Some of them, (mostly Dean), are utterly repulsed at watching a musical.

Sam's inner tech theater kid is slowly coming out.

They're all having fun (except Lucifer and Michael lol) when "What Do You Want Paul?" comes on.

Now they're all starting to feel like something's off...

The "Cup of Poisoned Coffee" happens.

This is when they find out the musical is a horror comedy.

Anyway so the hunters start going into hunter mode and comment on how the characters in TGWDLM handle the situation with the musical zombies.

Needless to say they all cheer when Hidgens shoots infected Charlotte in the head.

Emotions happen during "Not Your Seed," except to Lucifer and Michael who are just hating life right now. So they get yeeted into the void and the show continues.

"Show Stopping Number" exists and I'm not sure who yet but someone appreciates its true majesty.

Moving forward a bunch, the SPN gang is saddened that almost all the characters die, but are happy to see that both Paul and Emma made it out of Hatchetfield.

And then Paul starts singing.

"Inevitable" happens and there are tears.

And then it all ends, leading into them watching Black Friday.

I don't have as many ideas for this but they all are creeped out by Wiggly. And the implications.


Yeah that's all I got for ya.

Maybe I'll actually write this one day who knows.

Probably not anytime soon though because homework.

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