awakened (in his eyes 6)

Start from the beginning


"So what'd you say?" Jay and Gill asks at the same time.

"I told him live a good life, and take care of himself,"

Jay blinks at Ollie. "There's more isn't there?"

Ollie cracks a grin. "I may, or may not have also given him permission to avenge us."

"Ollie!" Jay scolds him lightheartedly.

Ollie raises his hands up. "Hey, I can't stop him. I'm dead! Be happy I just got him to take care of himself."

Jay sighs. "I guess that's the best we're going to get."


"Say how did you two die?" Ollie freezes for a second, regretting what he asked. "You two don't have to answer of course. Just forget what I said." He brushes his previous question away.

"It's okay Ollie, I don't mind." Gill speaks up. "I died because I refused to complete a deal."

"A deal? From Niklaus?"

"Yes, he wanted me to slaughter you guys. I refused so he took it out on me..." Gill falters. "Sometimes I can still feel the ooze in my lungs." He whispers quietly. "I couldn't see anything once I reached Jay and Chip, everything was black. I remember someone holding me until I died... But hey!" Gill goes back into his loud self again. "At least you guys are still alive! That's all that matters to me!"

"...Gill, I think you forgot something." Ollie deadpans.

"I am?" Ollie watches as Gill turns around and looks for something. "I don't know what I'm forgetting dear Ollie." Gill says with a frown.

Ollie sighs. "Just watch Gill." Ollie starts to float in the air.

"Oh...Oh...OH." Ollie watches Gill's eyes widen with realization.



It's been another week and the crew learns how to interact with objects.

Gill spends his time helping Chip. How? He usually cleans the deck at night when Chip's sleeping. Sometimes Chip wakes up to a shiny floor wondering if it rained or not. Gill does all the cleaning tasks that Chip usually does now. Chip is questioning it, but his mind isn't really set on clean floors.

Jay keeps track on the Albatross's course, making sure Chip wasn't drifting away when sleeping. Every so often, Chip turns around to see the sail raised.

Chip still overworks himself, however, it's an improvement. Before he could barely walk without passing out, now, he just walks groggily.

Ollie really doesn't know what to do, now knowing that he could interact with objects. Everyone seems to have a thing to do, and Ollie didn't know what to do. Gill is on cleaning duty, and Jay's on watch. So what could Ollie do? Well, he just helps Gill and Jay most days until he thinks of something to do.

"Do you even know where he's going?" Ollie squints at the never ending ocean.

"I have a basic idea. He has a map down deck, basically we're heading north." Jay sits on the edge of the Albatross.

"Oh, I see." Ollie says, sitting down with her. His shoulder starts to tingle with numbness until he starts to feel a slight spike of pain come from his right shoulder. Ollie whimpers as the pain grows increasingly faster. "Jay... it hurts." Ollie shakes with pain. "I... I thought I was away from it." He says, tears threatening to fall.

Jay looks at Ollie with a sympathetically pained expression. Jay hugs Ollie carefully, not wanting to hit his shoulder. "Shh, it's ok. I know it hurts, but you're not alone this time. Okay? Sadly this is a side effect of death, trust me, I figured it out the same way." Jay soothes Ollie by rubbing circles on his back.

"It hurts..."

"I know... I know Ollie. Just stay strong, it'll be over soon."

The two stay like this until Ollie's pain subsides. "It was so scary... I didn't know what to do. There was so much blood..."

"I know... and I'm sorry that you had to go through that. It was my fault for heading towards the navy. It was my fault that Chip's now alone. It's my fault for not being able to save you." Jay's eyes tearing up.

Ollie goes to hug Jay tighter. "It's ok, it's not your fault. You thought you were doing the right thing... Hey, at least my shoulder doesn't hurt anymore." Ollie grins and moves his arm, now feeling like nothing ever happened. However for a split second he could see the bloody wound on his shoulder. He blinks again and none was there, only his ghostly shoulder. Ollie stands in shock, questioning if that actually happened.

"Ollie? You still there? Hello?" Jay waves her hand in Ollie's field of vision.

"Huh... oh yeah. Say, let's go see what Chip's currently doing."


It turns out Chip does know where he's going, and he's heading straight to his death. It takes a few days to make it to the location but they make it there.

Personally, Ollie doesn't want to watch Chip go down fighting, so he tells Jay and Gill to watch for him. He doesn't know what to do if he watches his friend die in front of his face.

"Are you sure Ollie?" Gill asks Ollie again for the fourth time. "I'm sure he'll die an honorable death if he does die."

Ollie smiles lightly at the triton's consistency. "Yes Gill, I'm a hundred percent sure."

Jay comes up behind Gill and puts a hand in his shoulder. "C'mon Gill, you heard him. Let's go see the bastard march to his death."


It hasn't even been 5 minutes yet and Ollie was already pacing. He couldn't stop think about the possibilities. What if Chip never turns into a ghost? What if he strikes a deal? What if he doesn't want to stay with the crew forever?

So many possibilities flew through Ollie's head. He tries to calm himself by keeping track of the time. One second... Two seconds...

Ollie continues counting. He soon reaches 20 minutes. Nobody was there yet, so he continued counting some more, trying to avoid the anxiety filled questions.

29 minutes. Then the big number, 30 minutes. Ollie hears faint yelling. The yelling gets louder and louder. It's Jay and Gill!!

Ollie runs towards them. "So what happened?" He asks eagerly, wanting his questions answered.

Jay grins. "He fucking got him!" She exclaims. "Chip had this trap, and he fell right into it!"

"It truly was a sight to see." Agreed Gill. "You should've Chip fight, I've never seen him fight like that." Gill says, still astonished.

"Wait, wait, wait. Back up. Just answer this question." Ollie waves his hand to quiet them. He didn't see Chip in ghost form. "Did he make it?"

Ollie watches as the two's eyes soften. Just that was enough to convince Ollie that Chip didn't make it. "Oh..." Ollie feels hot wet tears running down his face. "A-At least he got the guy." Ollie turns around and walks back to the ship.

"Hey kid, where ya going? You aren't going to say hi to your favorite crew mate." A familiar voice says behind him.

Ollie turns around, checking if the voice was real. There he was, Chip, the absolute bastard that everyone loves. He was there!

Ollie sprints toward the brown-haired pirate and tackles him into a hug. Tears began flowing more and more. He couldn't get any sentences out, he couldn't believe this was real.  He feels the rest of the crew tackle Chip into a hug as well, making it a group hug.

"We missed you."

"I missed you guys too."

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